
How A Villain Builds A Kingdom

WARNING: COLD MAIN CHARACTER Amadeus Devereux was born into a rich and powerful household. But he did not pursue power like his brothers because of his love for art, flowers, and poetry. Until one day, a servant arrived in the garden to see Amadeus smiling as if he was looking at a flower. Only this time, Amadeus was looking at the mangled corpses of two gardeners. ————————— Set in a fantasy world where creatures and powers of all kinds abound, follow Amadeus as he sets out into the world on a journey of self-discovery. This is a novel that I wrote because I got tired of all the tropes that had transmigration, regression, deus-ex machina, etc. where everything that makes the main character reach the top is left to luck. ————————— I will try to keep a release schedule of one chapter per day. But it may vary to one per two days at times. Fifty Power Stones- One extra chapter.

ObstinateFalcon · Fantasie
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15 Chs



We decided to rest for the day as none of us felt like moving about for now, especially Gary, who woke up only after sleeping for an hour. Although we tried our best to cheer him up, he still looked visibly shaken.

Charlotte, on the other hand, dealt with it relatively better. An aura of such magnitude could effortlessly kill ordinary people, and it was not surprising for someone who had never come into contact with that immensity to fall into despair.

Both of them sat mutely, looking into the horizon. I could see Charlotte glancing at Gary every once in a while, probably wanting to help, but not knowing how to go about it.

I contemplated making them into art right now if they were going to be so disappointing but ultimately decided against it.

Seeing how this was going nowhere, I went towards my suitcases and opened the one I had not opened before. It contained an assortment of things that I decided to ignore, taking only one object.

It was a flute- made of silver, gold, and grenadilla. The intricate craftsmanship was apparent, deserving to be called a masterpiece.

Charlotte looked at me curiously as I sat down, glancing at the object in my hand. I nodded and smiled, putting the flute to my lips.

I closed my eyes and softly blew into the flute, creating a melodious timbre that seemed to resonate with my soul. I was certain that any person would have considered it to be heavenly.

I decided to play a song of my own. One I named 'The Weeping Flower', portraying the sufferings of a wildflower with no one to take care of it, and the genesis sounded wailingly dirgeful.

But as the melody progressed, it also rose in octane, illustrating the fact that flowers still ultimately bloomed in the end.

I lost myself in the music.

There was no stopping it as the warm melodies flowed into my ears. Sad, but welcoming and craving, inundating my judgments.

It felt like my head was soaring through the clouds, not wanting to come down. This gave me a reason to live, to explore a side of the world I believed was where everyone existed, one full of emotions and beauty in the mundane, along with sadness, grief, happiness, and love, all of it.

I wanted to feel them too. Those emotions, seemingly close, but always out of my reach.

As I reached the crescendo, I could feel myself letting go and shedding my mask. I took a deep breath to compose myself, and only then, did I open my eyes.

I found Charlotte staring at me in awe, mouth agape. Gary also had his sights fixed on me, his eyes no longer emotionless like before.

I smiled at him, "How are you?"

They broke out of their stupor and shook their heads. Charlotte seemed like she had something to say but refrained from it, turning her attention to Gary too.

Gary looked away to the horizon, losing the light in his eyes again, "How? How can someone be so strong? That feeling…"

He choked up and closed his eyes, and Charlotte patted his back slowly, "It's okay. We met someone who was not of our level, and the only thing we can do is strive forward and reach that level too."

Gary slowly opened his eyes and shook his head, "Reach that level? I don't think so. How was I so naive? To think I could ever reach the top, and here I am with my whole will to advance broken from just one instance of experiencing true power. Look at the two of you doing completely fine while I-"

A loud slap resounded as Gary's head turned sideways - Charlotte shouted, "You think I'm not afraid? Do you think I was capable of forming coherent thoughts at that time? I share your fear. I really do. It's just, just…"

Charlotte exhaled and continued, "We are young, okay? We don't even know how old that…that monster was. And actually, it doesn't matter whether we reach that level or not, so let's just make the best of our lives. Isn't that what you said?"

I also chipped in, "Charlotte is right. And Gary, wasn't your dream to have a harem of sworn brothers? You've already got two of us here. Not technically, but you know what I mean. And moreover, I would be seriously disappointed if this is all you amount to."

They both looked at me, and then Gary laughed out loud.

"What the hell is that look in your eyes? It seems like that disappointment would be as deep as the abyss. I didn't know you cared about me that much."

He continued, "But yeah, I get what the two of you are saying. It's just-"

Charlotte suddenly picked him up and threw him to the ground, "No more! And that's final. Speak about it or remain broody again, and I'll break your neck. Got it?"

Gary groaned and spoke out intelligibly, his back probably hurting like hell. Charlotte laughed and looked at me, "And Jason, that disappointed look was something else. It would be able to make anyone feel like a maggot. You should think about practising it to use on our enemies!"

Gary also broke out in a peal of laborious laughter. I shook my head in amusement, "Well, should we head out? Gary, I'll let you be the cook tonight."

Gary got up with difficulty and retorted, "As if I care!"


We reached the outskirts of Latvi the following evening, gaping at the magnificent sight. The high walls and even higher buildings were all visible from miles away.

Gary said in awe, "It's a commerce city for damn sure."

He had gotten better mentally. Although he might never be able to return to the same carefree Gary as before, what we experienced was a stepping stone.

I agreed, "That it is."

Gary looked at me, "Now that we'll have some free time in the city, you have to teach me how to play the flute. Seriously, that was the best thing I've ever heard. Imagine all the girls I can finesse with a skill like that."

He ended the sentence with a dreamy look on his face which was swiftly ended with a smack to the head by Charlotte, "Maybe we should have let you brood a little longer. I'm already getting tired of your antics."

They had profusely complimented my musical skills the whole trip, with Charlotte even showing curiosity and amazement akin to a child. So, I had to play the flute again two more times.

I sighed, "Your music skill is trash, Gary. Give it up."

Gary acted like he was shot in the heart, "You are making assumptions too soon. You are not supposed to give up on a sworn brother!"

He emphasised the sworn brother part, it evidently made him very happy that I said it during that time.

Charlotte stepped in, "Okay, kids. That's enough. Latvi is not like Narfolt, which we could easily sneak into. We'll have to go through the regular route. So, let's go and line up now."

We rode our horses towards the entrance gate, passing spacious open fields of farms and compact houses along the way.

We finally got in after waiting in line for around thirty minutes and paying the entrance fee.

The atmosphere of Latvi was wholly different, and the sheer amount of stores and people was mind-numbing.

Latvi was divided into three parts, or rings as the inhabitants called it.

The outer ring, where the common people lived; the middle ring where rich merchants and well-to-do families resided; and the inner ring, which was reserved strictly for nobles and rulers.

We warily waded through the intricate streets filled with people from all walks of life as we had already discovered two aura fluctuations.

We searched for a place to stay in the middle ring after passing through another gate, finding one that was quite extravagant. This was courtesy of Charlotte, who insisted to stay in the nicer ones.

It was not hard for Awakeneds to get gold coins, though I had evidently gotten mine from my family. We booked three different rooms and settled down for the night, leaving our horses in the stables adjacent to the inn.

We decided to rest first and explore the city the next day. After saying our goodbyes, we went to our respective rooms.

I set down my suitcase and took a nice long bath. I wore comfortable black clothes provided by the inn, but instead of sleeping, I decided to take a walk.

'To where the people are.'


Edited By: WorthyAdversary