
Hourglass (mxmxm)

Felix is a normal twenty year old guy. Well as normal as you can be if you had spent most of your life locked up in a mental institute. Because Felix had visions about the future. A horrible apocalyptic world where humanity nolonger existed. But there was nothing he could do about it because nobody believed that it was real, not even he himself did. But when he meets two other patients that claim to have similar powers as him, he starts doubting himself and agrees to flee with them in order to find out the truth. What follows is a wild hunt for the truth about the end of the world and there place in it.

LunaWhatEver · Aktion
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15 Chs


I listened to the humming sound of the florescent light above me, wandering why they always had to install those instead of normal lamps.

They were noisy and painful to the eyes when you looked at them for to long but they still used them no matter the effects that they had.

Slowly I opened my eyes and looked around the white padded room, still a little bit dazed from my nap.

Why did it have to be white? Did they really think that this would calm anybody down? Why couldn't it be sky blue or a nice pastel green or hell even pink? Anything would have been better than this boring, sterile white. 

After having spend four days in this room I was definitely sick of it.

I sight and attempted to get up but because of the straight jacket binding my arms tightly to my chest, I failed and fell back onto the floor.

With an annoyed grunt I instead just set up and leaned my head against the wall.

I thought back to the strange events that had led me to get thrown in here.

When I had awoken, after fainting from the wound on my forearm, I had tried to explain to the doctors that contrary to there belief that I hadn't tried to harm myself.

But instead that the injury was caused by a glass shard that had been launched at me by an explosion.

Ofcourse they didn't believed even a single word.

Why would they?

It all just sounded competently insane.

I knew there hadn't been a real explosion or anything like that but there was still this piece of glass I had pulled out of my flesh.

How could it not have be at lest some sort of prove that there was more going on then me just being a lunatic...

I tried to recollect every little detail I remembered and even tried to come up with any rational explanation for it but it all just sounded completely stupid.

When I was done telling everything, a doctor I had never seen before told me that there was no record of me ever even being schizophrenic in the first place.

I requested from him to ask Eddy about it, thinking that he would be able to testify it.

But when the doctor did that Eddy denied having any memorie of me ever even having hallucinations or any other symptoms related to it.

I was baffled by it.

How could he not remember?

Was this some messed up joke?

I again demanded to speak to my actual doctor instead of him, thinking that she would at least listen to me.

He just shook his head and explained that there was no doctor with her name working in the hospital.

Before I had even time to process everything that was going on he accused me of making things up for attention.

He also said that I should just stop lying because that would make it easier for the both of us.

I wasn't sure if it was the trauma from my previous vision, my confusion over the glas shard or the fact that nobody believed a single word I was saying but something inside of me just snapped.

I took a shaky breath, sprung up from the plastic chair I was sitting on, lifted it up and then threw it as hard as I could against the window behind the doctor while screaming at the top of my lungs.

In that short moment where everyone in the room was frozen in shock by my sudden out burst, I lunged over the desk at the doctor and started to repeatedly hit him in his stupid face.

The first few blows just landed on his jaw and forehead but then I landed a really strong one and I heard a satisfying crack.

I took a second to look at it.

His face was already starting to swell up, while blood was oozing out of his nose and mouth.

I lifted my fist up to punch him again but before I could land the hit I was pulled away and pushed to the ground.

The last think I remember before I passed out again is how someone stabbed a needle into my neck, injecting something in to my vain.

When I awoke I found myself in this padded cell, bound by a straight jacket.

They told me that I had to stay in here for awhile for my own and others safety.

What a bunch of bullshit.

I never meant to hurt my self or anybody else.

Well expect that rude asshole of a doctor but that was more like a spur of the moment kinda situation.

If I had really thought it through I probably wouldn't have done it, specially considering the consequences.

Being locked up like this really messed with your head.

It was one thing to be alone for a while but being completely isolated with nothing to do for days seemed more like torture then a treatment.

I could only hope that it would be over soon.

Almost as if my had been heard, I noticed the sounds of footsteps and muffled voices in the corridor. I tried to listen but could only tell that it was two men quietly talking to each other.

A moment later the door was unlocked.

It was had to see who it was because of the darkness but when I did I was stunned.

"What the..." I mumbled, my voice sounding raspy from not being used in days.

Preston stepped into the room.

He then put his fists on his waist, seemingly in an attempt of a superman pose and yelled with a huge grin on his face