

'No me despedere, te amare hasta el final. Hastague nos volvamos e encontrar mi amor.' We can't complete the puzzle if we lost a piece. But what if that piece will be the reason to destroy the whole puzzle? A dead person can't comeback to life but he can hunt you while you re living your life. Elise is an author who lost her memory due to an accident with her fiancé who lost his life while protecting her.  But years after the accident, their fate collided for the second time around. Same face, but different person.

AestheticChaos · Teenager
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14 Chs

Chapter 11

Midnight held my hand while we are walking inside Kunstmuseum, waiting for Seb.

"I have a gift for you" he said and stopped walking. "I don't know if you'll like it but I pour my love and my time making these" he added and handed me a box with a ribbon on top.

When I opened it, I got surprised when I saw a sketch of myself in a piece of paper inside of a photo frame. And on the other photo frame is our picture together and the last one is our picture with Seb.

With tears in my eyes I put it back in the box and hugged him tight. "I don't like it, I super loved it love" I said and kissed his cheeks repeatedly that made him chuckle.

"anything for my baby" he said and kissed my forehead. "let me carry this for you" he said and put it back inside of his bag.

"hey love birds, stop that. The ants are surrounding you already" I heard seb said from a far and walked towards us.

"I thought you're going to bring your date today?" I asked him.

"well i broke up with her yesterday" he said and shrugged his shoulder that made me smack the back of his head.

"that's your 5th girlfriend this month. What's wrong with you?" I said and pinched his ear.

"ouch, El! Stop it" he said trying to push me away from him but I just slapped his hand.

"when are you going to take your relationships seriously?!" I furiously asked him.

"Night, help" he said trying to grab Midnight's hand but the latter just stepped back and raised both of his arms because I glared at him.

"you, stop fooling and messing around. You will really face your karma sooner than we expected." I said and shook my head. "why did you broke up with her?"

"because we didn't clicked" he said while groaning. I let him go when Midnight grabbed me separated me from Seb.

"just let him love, we already know that he is just doing that because he is still heartbroken because Michaela busted him" Midnight whispered in my ears trying to calm me down.

"but that doesn't mean that he can use that as a ticket to break other girls' hearts" I said, still glaring at Seb who's pouting at me.

"promise me that that's the last girl you'll hurt" I said and offered me him my pinky finger..

At first he's hesitant but gave up and sighed and just accepted it.

"that's locked so don't you dare break you promise or else I'll broke your bones. Understood?" I asked and raised my eyebrows at him.

"yes ma'am" he said and jokingly saluted at me.

I put my arms around Seb and Midnight's shoulder with a smile on my lips.

"let's go buddies, let's tour Vaduz"

Midnight and I are building a fire while Seb is serving our food at the table. After touring Vaduz we decided to hike and camp at Mt. Nospitz.

"I told you I can handle this you don't have to help me" Midnight said and grab some woods and throw it into the fire.

"love, I can help you. I have hands you know" I said and put more twigs and leaves while fanning the fire.

"just do the fanning, I'll take care of the twigs, you'll just hurt you hand" he said while shaking his head.

"hey love birds, that's enough. The dinner's ready" We heard Seb said. Midnight offered me his hands and helped me stand up.

"you are my baby so please bear with me spoiling you and get used to it" he said and winked at me that made me chuckled.

"I'm you're baby but you act like a baby often" I teased him.

"stop it you two, I'm third wheeling here and I'm really envy." Seb said and rolled his eyes on us.

" you should stop playing girl's hearts so you can finally find the love of your life. if you will not stop fooling around you will never find someone who can understand your weird antics and you will spend the rest of your life full of what ifs and alone." I said and encircled my arms on Midnight's waist and stuck my tongue out at Seb who just pouted and rolled his eyes.

"I cooked this, try it" he said and put some pasta on my plate that put a smile on my face. Even thought I'm bullying him, scolding him, he will always take good care of me. I looked at Midnight and signalled him that I'll sit beside Seb who's quiet while eating and he just nodded at me and smiled.

I moved beside Seb and put my head on his shoulder.

"can we talk?" I said and looked at him. He smiled at me and messed my hair.

"sure" he said.

We walked towards the campfire and sat infront of it. I put my head on his shoulder while he encircled his arm on mine. I know that Midnight understands that Seb and I are like siblings and he's okay with this, but I'll still explain it to him later.

"you know that I love you right? And I'm just worried about you and about those innocent girls you hurt. I just want what's best for you and I don't want you to hurt anyone because it's hard Seb. Don't let yourself becomes like that person who hurt and broke you into pieces, I know you don't want that" I said because I feel like I kinda went over the line.

"I know, and don't worry about it. I missed you, you don't have time for me when Midnight came along. You will just hang out with me when he's there that's why I'm trying to find someone but i will just end up hurting them. Sometimes the two of you will forget about me and left me behind but i understand. As long as you are happy, I'll support you, the two of you. You guys are my best buds and I want what's best for your relationship. Don't worry about me. I'll stop being a playboy, I promise you that" he said and smiled a me.

"I'm sorry I didn't know that you had that thoughts" I said and hugged him.

"I'll hang out with you often, I promise" I said while sniffing that made him chuckled.

"don't cry El, I just missed you. I'm not mad at your nor Night. You two are important to me, that's why I missed you guys so much"

"we are sorry about that dude. You should've told us sooner" Midnight said behind us. When I looked at him he's holding his guitar and he sat on the other side of Seb.

"you already know how to play that?" Seb asked, amused.

"yes. You bought this guitar for me so thought that I might as well study how to play it" Midnight said and started strumming his guitar. I smiled at him when our eyes met, I felt like I fell for him again when I saw how he valued my bestfriend.

I woke up feeling the pain in my head. It feels like my head is splitting into two. When I opened my eyes it took me awhile to adjust to the lights. I saw a white ceiling above me. I looked around and I saw mom sleeping at the sofa.

Later on, I saw dad going out of the bathroom.

"d-dad, w-water" I weakly said. He immediately went towards me handed me a bottled water he opened.

"are you okay sweety? What do you feel?" he asked and held my arms to check on me.

"I'm fine dad, just a little bit tired and my head hurts. What happened?" I asked and handed him back the bottle.

"you passed out. Someone brought you to the clinic but you didn't woke up so they contacted me and transferred you to this hospital. Let me call Dra. Ana to check on you. Just wait here okay? Don't wake your mom up, she haven't slept for 2 nights looking after you" he said and left me to call Dra. Ana. I saw my phone at the table near me and I saw that it still 2 in the morning. I looked at my mom who's sleeping at the sofa, her forehead is crumpled even though she is sound asleep.

I looked at the messages on my phone and I saw Black's messages.

'I'm sorry if I left you at the clinic. I don't want to creep your parents out. I'm worried about you and I know that you don't want your parents to think that there's something between us and I don't know how to explain myself to them so I just left without waiting for you to wake up.

Are you okay? Where are you? I haven't seen you at the café and your condo.

I'm worried. Where have you been?

Reply asap if you read my message.

Please call me'

I immediately replied to his messages.

'I'm fine, don't worry about me. I'm thankful that you didn't show yourself to my parents 'cause I know that they're worried about me and seeing you will just add up to their confusion and they willc ask nonstop about you. Anyways, thank you for bringing me to the clinic and I'm sorry to ruin our tour.' I typed and sent it right away.

I lay down and closed my eyes 'cause the lights worsen my headache. I felt my tears in my eyes, I remembered that night. where I feel like I'm the most blessed person on Earth because I have a family who got my back, a boy best friend who cares for me, and a boyfriend who loves me for who I am and loves me more than I love him.

I can't still remember his face but I can feel the love we have for each other. I really want to know where he is right now, how is he? Can he remember me? Is he okay? Does he still love me after all these year? Is he still waiting for me?

'Cause I'm still here, waiting for him even though I can't remember him fully. I feel like I really loved him because of the memories of him that I have, but I don't know if I still love him though.