
HOTD: What A Pain

Ever wonder what comes after death? Well, apparently, people with natural, multi colored hair. Jiggle physics are on overload and logic is out of the window. I just hope that there aren't any magical beings that just go on war paths for the fun of it, because, this world looks like straight out of an anime and it slightly disturbs me. ___ I don't own anything.

Zeckan · Anime und Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter Four

There are times when I get confused.

It's only natural, things happen that are hard to explain, and sometimes things are not explained at all, forever remaining a mystery.

But this... I would really like an explanation.

No, seriously, what the fuck was happening?

I looked outside the window of my classroom as the other idiots rushed out of the room, followed by the teacher.

The announcement that was delivered made it would like people were attacking the school, but that last part was not the sound of someone being shot, stabbed or even being held, hostage.

It sounded like someone was being eaten.

... Don't tell me some secret cult of cannibals was attacking because that would seriously piss me off.

Taking a deep breath and letting it out through my nose, I turned around and started walking to the classroom door.

There was nothing outside the window, yet.

Standing in the open door, I first looked to the left where no one was present, however, I could still hear the sound of students running to my right.

Pursing my lips, I walked out of the classroom, head in to my right where the stairs were located. I needed to get to the second floor, at the nurse's office since Shizuka was there.

If only I had a knife right now...

Wait, there was a knife here somewhere, wasn't there? What was the class called again? Uhh... Fuck it, Bob the builder class.

Yes, there should be something interesting there. There was a Bob the builder class on each floor, so I should get there first.

Stopping in my tracks, I listened for a moment. It was quiet, no, it wasn't quiet, it was slowly getting quieter.

The screams I heard were slightly worrying. Not because of what was happening to the students, but because of what might be causing them.

My eyes narrowed as I turned to the side and walked inside a classroom, grabbing a random bag and dumping everything on the floor.

Space. I needed enough space to carry things, and I also needed something long-ranged, and I had just the right idea.

Kohta and I talked about the nail guns weighing about the same as an old assault rifle, even if they weren't as large, and as silent as one with a suppressor.

A good long ranged option.

If the guy remembered our conversation, I hope he managed to grab a nail gun.

Looking down at the floor, I glanced at the supplies.

A notebook, a book, another book, a pencil, an eraser, tape...

Crouching down, I grabbed the eraser, the pencil, and the tape.

Dumping them inside the bag, I walked out of the room and continued my way toward my destination.

I couldn't protect anyone if I couldn't protect myself.

Speeding up my stride I tried to remember where the classroom I was looking for was before spotting it at the end of the hall.

Now I felt stupid, but whatever.

Rushing inside, I close the door behind me and turn the lock, not wanting anyone to sneak up on me.

Because that would be a dumb way to die.

Looking around, I spot the nail gun on a table, laying on a few wooden planks and I walked over, grabbing it by the handle.

Weighing it in my hands, I narrowed my eyes at the nonexistent balance.

These things were made to be pressed into the surface, not held in the air.

Looking around, I spotted a saw and quickly grabbed it, getting to work on the wood immediately.

Shizuka was in danger and the chances of her being dead were getting higher each second I remain here.

Sawing the planks to a desirable size, I held them to the sides of the nail gun and looked at the ends of the wood pillars...

I needed something to hold them in place.

Reaching inside the bag, I grabbed the tape and secured the two wood planks to the sides of the nail gun temporarily.

Tilting the construction tool up, I stressed the two wood plans to one another and used the pencil to Mark the places where I needed to cut and proceeded to do just that.

Ripping off the tape, I used the nail gun to secure the three pieces of wood together and finally reattached the makeshift stock to the nail gun, tightly securing it with a good amount of tape.

Ammo, I need more ammo.

Looking at the door that was at the back of the classroom, being used as a small storage area I walked over and opened it.

Walking inside, I rose an eyebrow at the sheer amount of wood that was just... Lying around before dismissing the thought and looking for more nails.

Going through the small drawers, I ignored the screwdrivers and opened the next one. There were a few Box cutters inside and I grabbed three of them.

They might not be effective but could be used as throwing knives.

The next one he's the items that I wanted.

Nails. A ton of them.

Taking out the drawer, I walked out of the room and dumped the extra nails inside the bag while keeping each box cutter in separate pockets.

Taking out one of them, I picked up the eraser and cut it in half, taping the two at the sides of the nail gun.

Snapping the pencil in half, I taped it at the front of the makeshift SMG and looked down at the sights.

That seems about right.

Grabbing the bag, I picked up two "Mags" of nails and shoved them in my free pocket, leaving the rest inside the bag and slipping it around my arms, wearing it as a backpack.

Now, with my new hand-crafted SMG, I went to peek outside the door when I heard it.

A groan.

I felt my eyes narrow and my grip tighten on the trigger.

Looking outside, I spotted a figure shuffling outside the room...

Now, if only someone could explain why a student that had half of their neck ripped out was walking, he would be golden.