
Hot Nerd

nerds rock

yudi_jay · Teenager
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51 Chs

Mama duck


I curled on my bed, falling in and out of sleep. I hate this. It always happened when I had somewhere to go. I won't be able to sleep or be at peace.

I ended up rolling out of the bed. I wondered if Becca and Lincoln were still at loggerheads with each other or maybe they smoothed things over like couples do. Or was it iron things out?

I checked the time using my trusty ol' alarm clock sitting on my nightstand. Six twenty four. I decided to get my medicine.


I wasn't going to eat too much...in case my mouth gets filled with...this and that later with Seth at the grill on the beach.

[A/N: What are you thinking? Please wash away your bad thoughts, this author is a saint...and legally underaged to be thinking of what you were thinking]

I looked at myself. I was only in the lingerie that Becca suggested I wear. I went to the bathroom and got my black robe that was hanging on a nail on the door.

I slipped into it and loved the way it drowned me. I felt like I was swimming in it. Literally....it was two times my size. It was dad's.

After he... well ya know...died. I kept most of his things and started wearing them. Which is why my wardrobe was filled with baggy clothes.

I'm naturally a shy person but wearing his clothes made me feel like he was there with me. Before long it became a habit and mom didn't mind so I kept to it...until Seth came around and Sharon's theme song for me became Demi Lovato's Heart Attack.

But on a serious note. That guy made me want to wear high heels. Which is exactly what I'm going to do.

Walking into my closet I picked a pair of black heels that had some design at the back. Like a silver flower made of stones.

I didn't need anyone to tell me that it cost a lot. The way the shoe shone screamed: "expensive". Mom really went all out in this makeover.

I don't think this is suitable for a date on the beach. I should probably find something simple like flats or a pair of stylish sandals.

I returned the heels back to its place and searched for something simpler. A casual looking pair of black sandals caught my eye.

It was a little furry where my toes where going to be. While the strap part had a few rhinestones. Did I say this looked casual?

Pardon me. I meant casually nouveau riche looking. I am not proficient in this things so pardon my lack of knowledge of the shoe and fashion world. I have an idea... let's blame it on the author.

[ A/N: please do not push your complete lack of interest on me. I am trying to give a make over now aren't I? (ง'-̀̀'́)ง ]

Hehehe...author you take things too seriously. I was merely kidding...hehe. (҂⌣̀_⌣́)

Anyways.... I needed to make sure that when I came back up I was super ready to go. I placed the sandals on the floor and went to the door.

Now all that was left was my hair and make up. Should I leave my hair straight or should I curl it? I think I will curl it.

I opened the door and stepped out. I heard only my breathing in the corridor. Maybe Lincoln has gone home?

Ah. Who cares? They certainly didn't when they hid such a juicy secret from me. I wonder if mom knows.

[Of course she knows. She is the chief Casanova in this house]

Huh? Who said that? I have another inner voice? I don't know why...but to me she sounded super judgy and not like the cool me that you are reading about.

[Pfft! Even Lis is cooler than you]

Another voice? What's going on? This one sounds flirty...just like the one I used when I kissed Seth's cheeks the other night.

I think I'm getting dizzy. I held the railings to stabilize myself. I quickly did the deep breathing in and out thing. But my senses flew away when I heard:

[Okay guys let's go. We're freaking her out]

[Yes you are right. Later Beth]

[Bye sis]

Sis? Who ya calling sis? I didn't have time for this. Time has never been a friend of any man. Skipping down the stairs I nearly entered the kitchen when I saw them.

Becca and Lincoln sitting on one of the two seater sofas. They haven't noticed me yet so I decided to slip past them and go get my cereal.

I turned my back to them and took long strides to the kitchen.

"Beth?" guess my strides weren't long enough. I stopped when I heard Becca's voice but I did not turn around.

My heart though strong wasn't numb to the pain of my own sister hurting me. Maybe she was right I didn't need to know everything that went on in her life.

It's just that the twin bond thing kept poking me whenever I tried to stay out of her way. "Aren't you going for your date?" it was Linc who asked this time.

"I will go. I just need to get something real quick"

[Yeah quickies]

I heard the flirty voice say in a whisper followed by crazy fits of giggles. I shook my head so I would get the voices out of my head.

It always worked when I heard someone telling me to burn the school down or strip naked.

"Har...." I sighed. I had to something about my wild imaginations.

Not giving a damn about the two behind me, my legs moved towards the kitchen while my hands prepared the cereal.

"Never eat before a date" I heard Becca say when I held the spoon to my open mouth. I decided to ignore her presence and put the spoon in my mouth.

"We need to talk" she said quietly. She must've figured out by now that I'm giving her the silent treatment.

I scraped the last piece of cereal into my mouth and stood up to wash the plate. I did my business and felt very satisfied with the light meal in ma belly.

I walked to the door but Becca stood firm blocking my way. "What?!" I almost screamed at her face but I was the mama duck and I was going to act as such.

"Rebecca. Lesley. Millers" I said dragging out each word. "You do not want to be in the way of a moving train do you?"

Shock registered on her face and she moved back. But her shock turned to anger soon enough. I could see her flushed cheeks that looked like they would burst from all the heat Becca was probably feeling right now.

I knew my limits and wasn't cruel enough to mention that she looked like an overripe tomato.

[ A/N: what happened to being the mama duck? *smirk*]

I rolled my eyes inwardly. Nova could you not interrupt right now? I'm trying to be suave and cool. But still retain that don't-fuck-with-me face.

[A/N: I think I can manage that *...bad ass hottie with an aloof and cold expression loading...*]

Wow I like this.

[Me too.]

[Me three.]

[Me four.]

Four? Wtf? Nova what did you do?


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love nova

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