
Hot Doctor Uncle To My Hot Hubby

Veer is the last son of Sharma's Family,He is a Doctor,He is soon going to be 35 but he is not married till now because his bride ran away in his marriage,so he decided not to marry anyone forever and ever. But he doesn't know his own elder sister's daughter Tanya who has a crush on him from childhood is going to marry him and become his sexy wifey and Tanya is studying in 1st year art major and her age is only 19. Will age be an obstacle between them? Will they have a happy marry life? Will they two love eachother? To know answers for this question read this story lovelies.

Shivpriya777 · Urban
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16 Chs

11.A Whore(⁠ب⁠_⁠ب⁠)

Author's pov:

Veer slowly opened his eyes,

As soon as he opened his eyes a little wide,his head started to pound,he groaned sitting up, gripping his head,which is paining so much.

Veer blinked eyes and looked down when he felt cold,his eyes widened when he saw he was shirtless,he took his bedsheet and saw he was just in his boxers,the bed was so messy and he found an earring of Tanya,he started to panic and started to think gripping his head,trying to remember what all happened yesterday,he regained a fade memory of Tanya getting him to bed,while he was blabbering

Veer's eyes became glossy at thinking about what would have happened and his blood boiled in anger.

He got up from the bed furiously, wore his pants and walked out of the room angrily.

His fiery eyes landed on Tanya who is cleaning the house with broom stick.

"Tanya"Veer called Tanya, Tanya flinched hearing Veer's loud voice, dropped the broom stick on his hand and snapped his head towards Veer's side.

Veer stomped towards her angrily

"How fucking dare you to take advantage of me while I was drunk"

Veer shouted and slapped her hard on his cheek,before Tanya can even open his mouth.

Tanya fell on the floor, keeping a hand on her cheeks,her hair covered her face fully because of the force.

"Well what did I expect from a whore like you,a fucking whore who is so desperate for dicks"

Veer shouted angrily.

Tanya tugged her hair behind her ear which is falling on her face.

Her bottom lips is bleeding and her cheek is covered with Veer's hand print,because of the slap.

Tears are flowing nonstop from Tanya's eyes, she got up with her wobbly legs and removed her saree and showed the bruises to Veer

Veer's lips parted in shock looking at the hickies, little bite marks on Tanya's neck, collarbones and the upper curve of Tanya's boobs,her waist is covered with bruises of his hand prints.

Tanya tugged her saree back,

Veer saw the bruises on Tanya's wrists and hands also.

"A whore like me can also make bruises like this by myself right Mr.Veer?"

Tanya asked in a broken mono tone voice,his eyes are nothing but blood red and lifeless

"A whore desperate for dicks,

That's me,A whore,whore"

Tanya repeated the word again and again,slowly her voice dying as a whisper.

"I let my husband touch me,even though he forced me,I let him,

Because I am a whore right Mr.Veer"Tanya asked looking up at Veer's eyes with his lifeless almond eyes and his bottom lips are still bleeding,blood dribbled from his lips to his chin

Veer's throat went dry,he can't utter even a word,he just stood there froze and his heart fully filled with guilt.

"whore,just a whore desperate for dicks"

Tanya muttered whimpering, wiping the blood in her chin with her shaky hand, looking down and walked with her wobbly legs,her vision is fully blurry because of the tears.

walked towards the room,took her purse and walked out of the room with his wobbly and paining


walked past Veer towards the front door, opened it and walked out.

Veer just stood there with tears flowing from his eyes,with guilt ripping his heart out.

Afternoon 3.30pm

Tanya came back home, walked inside the house, Veer stood up from the couch,waiting to apologise to Tanya

Tanya walked past him to the room and locked the door behind her.

10 mins later

Tanya came back wearing a top and Jeans with a scarf around her neck and her trolley suitcase in his hand,

stopped before Veer and placed a cover on the coffee table

before Veer.

"This is my virginity test"

Tanya said to Veer.

Veer looked at Tanya with wide shocked eyes,

"I took this test on Mrs.Meena's

Hospital our family doctor and the result is positive,a proof that I am still a virgin and I am not a whore

If you have any doubts on that,you can contact her and confirm yourself,

She said it will take time to know the result,but I stayed from the morning and got the result just for

You Mr.Veer"Tanya said to Veer with no emotions on her face or in her voice.

"yesterday nothing happened between us Mr.Veer,

My Veer,my baby,who I loved so dearly just

touched me and caressed me with his hands and lips,I didn't mind what he did and just let him do whatever he wants,which led me to get a whore certificate

It's ok I will not blame my baby Mr.Veer"Tanya said with a faint painful smile on her lips, remembering how cute her Veer was, whining and pouting to her.

She sighed deeply with tears flowing from her eyes,

Tanya placed a second cover on the coffee table before Veer.

"This is the divorce papers Mr.Veer,I signed it,

Finally I gave what you wished for Mr.Veer

In this one month of marriage no,

In this one month of working as your maid,I was so happy and I didn't have any problem on my three meals I had here working as a maid"Tanya said with a fake smile plastered on her face.

"So I think that's it Mr.Veer,

I loved my Veer and thought i

Married him as my husband,but

I married you mistakenly Mr.Veer and you gave me a perfect title for me Mr.Veer "A Whore Desperate for Dicks" and what you said is 100% correct Mr.Veer, because I am a whore for myself and if my Veer,my baby,asked me I would have been a whore for him also,not only a whore,wife,lover, friend, mother

I am terribly sorry for my mistake

And have a nice and peaceful life Mr.Veer, thanks for letting me stay here and let's meet in court for our Divorce Case Mr.Veer,

Goodbye"Tanya said and walked with her trolley bag and another bag slung on her shoulder.

Veer's heart is getting pierced again and again with Tanya's words still ringing in his ears.

Veer like always stood silent crying,while Tanya left the house with little tears flowing from her eyes,she would have been with Veer even after the slap but she will not live with Veer

With a whore Certificate,the self respect and dignity which she have on her own self will not let her and that's what made her take virginity test and sign the divorce papers.

2 Days Later

Like expected Veer felt so lost

With every seconds passing without

Tanya in his house.

He is leaning on the same couch and looking at the ceiling with his teary eyes.

He closed his eyes gripping his head and he suddenly got a little memory of that day, how he pulled Tanya's saree,pinning her hands on the bed and mouthed on her clothed boobs.

He groaned gripping his head and hit the coffee table with his leg crying which slid to the wall because of the force.

What a fucking fool he is,I called my tanyababy as whore, Veer thought crying.

My angel,my petal,my baby, Veer thought crying.

The moments how he insulted and hurted Tanya swirled in his head,which made him sob.

And how Tanya endured everything and took care of him.

'no,no,I want her,I can't live without my baby,I want her,I want her'Veer thought crying and ran out of the house taking his car key.

.....To Be Continued