
The unknown disease

As you all know I was indirectly chased, so I went back to manyika . I stayed there started going to do peace work's in farms and gardens. In December Mr Mundemba called Harriet and told her that she should divorce because he wants to take her to school . Imagin I was staying with him and I was not married and everytime I used to tell him about taking me go school and I was still waiting for someone to help me by taking me to school but he decided to tell my sister who was married that she should divorce so that he takes her to school. Harriet refused the offer she told him that " my younger sister (meaning me) was staying with you but u failed to take her to school and u are here telling me who is married that I should go back to school" then he said its his money he choses who to sponsor and who not too. The most pain thing was I had relatives who where well doing but non of them wanted to help me. In 2017 January My pastor and the church members organised some money to take me to school , luckily that year I started going to school again I continued with my 10th grade at Chongwe secondary school. Since the church only managed to organise the school fees and for the books and uniforms it was upto myself to look for accommodation and foods and I never had enough money for all that so I decided to look for help at school and fortunately I find out that there was an organisation which was helping girl children, so I went there and they accepted me and took me to the dormitories and there they where keeping girls only it was a world vision organisation, I found there was 12 girls 4 where in 12th grade,5 11th, 2 10th and 1 9th grade and the matron was also stay there and we had two house captains that was Emma who was in 9th grade and Chibesa who was in 12th grade. First day I thought everything was on a silver plate because it was a nice place every one with there own bed,mattress and blanket for free instead it was opposite, in the evening Emma came on bed and said its dinner time how many lamps of nshima do you take and I was like wow 3 lamps are okey ,then she went to the kitchen, I was sitting on my bed then I heard the people who where cooking shouting food is ready ,it was crazy how everyone came out of there beds raning to the kitchen and I was surprised why they did that . Then I went to the kitchen like a princess only to find that it's 1 lamp each person and 1 spoon of relish each , I was shocked so after eating i asked the girl who was sleeping next to me her name Paxina Banda why they run when they heard food was ready, she told me it's because there is shortage of food and that world vision wasn't giving enough food so when u heard food is ready is to run so that u chose atleast the food that's a bit big . So I joined the system off running when ever I heard food is ready. We became bestfriends with Paxina and started sharing everything and she started helping me when ever am down, she used to stay with her grandparents her father and mother passed away when she was little . We used to go at her place since it was near to get some food and some times Harriet sends me money we buy some lotion just like that , In December 2017 holiday Dubani decided to stop schooling where he was and went to another school because nobody was there to pay for him, so he decided to go at village of hope secondary school it was a free school no paying fees and he was in grade 11 then. So he used to do brake laying every holiday and when he opens schools he goes back to school . In 2018 Natasha had passed her 7th grade and was supposed to go to grade 8 but because my parents where drinking too much they failed to take her to school just like they did with me so she when to the city and became a maid though other people and some of my fathers family at the village started saying that she got married.

When I was in grade 11 Dubani bough me all the groceries using the money he worked for during the December holidays. And they brought other 5 girls in the house since others had completed there secondary school. In March I met a Rachel my childhood friend ,I was so happy she invited me to her house where she was retenting and she was working for her aunt by nursing her kids ,so I used to go there most of the time to visit her untill one day in June I decided to go and see her and it was late I wasn't able to go back to the dormitories, and so she opened up to me that she hasn't been sleeping well since the time she started staying with her aunts kids every night they get seriously sick and that I shouldn't sleep there cause the same thing can happen to me but I insisted in sleep with her .

When it was around 12am I heard a strong wild in the bed room my head started to hurt I couldn't talk or move I tried to shake Rachel who was sleeping beside me but I failed and she was crying in her sleep and the children where talking to in there sleep then i started praying in my heart I prayer for about 30min then I felt relieved and I wake up while feeling dizzy and tried to wake Rachel up and luckily she wake up , then we started praying ,so we didn't sleep from that time untill in early in the morning . In the morning I went back at the domintories I explained everything to the matron and she understood then I started feeling dizzy again and felt like something was inside my body and I started shivering and crying Paxina came and helped me dress up and called Dubani he came and we went to the clinic that was around 9am we reached the clinic . The nurses where all busy and there was alot of patients so we where on the queue . Then my legs started hurting and I was losing my breath so I collapse from 9am till 8pm the nurses tried every thing but they couldn't find the problem ,ghen the doctor came and said I was lucking blood so Dubani decided to donate blood since he has been a blood donar from primary school. I wake up and I had lost my memory the only person I was able to recognise was paxina and Dubani the least I was able to remember then . So they took me back to the village at my sister Harriets place ,mom came to see me but I wasn't able to know who she was but she pretended to be okey with it and started telling me stories by then my father was at the city he had gone to push for his money for the paysion. He heard I was sick but he never came , I stayed with my sister though it was difficult for her cause I was choose when it comes to eating and I used to eat alot I could cry if she gives me little food. Then they invited prayer warriors they started coming to pray for me ,everyday and slowly I was gaining my memory until three months passed when I regained my memory and went back to school but it was unlucky coz world vision leaders had said that I shouldn't go back to the dormitories so my sister asked her brother in low who was staying at chongwe Town that I should be staying with them and he didn't refuse and he had a wife and they where staying with the wife's two siblings Michael and Barbara. Micheal and I became close friend and we used to share every thing and Barbara didn't like the idea of me nd Micheal being close . We closed the schools and that was in November and I went back to the village for December holiday.