
Chapter 1 Hopes Belgrade

"Violet Come down here!" She said violet rushed downstairs she breathed heavily "what have I told you about leaving patron to wait remember girl this is a tavern!" She said violet nodded worried "I know miss Mary I promise to not do it again!" Violet said Mary pointed towards the paper on the floor "you see that clean it up for me will you dear?" Mary said violet nodded she walked over and bent over "ooh I would like some of that!" Someone said.

violet became flustered a bit she ignored it she continued to grab the paper she turned it around and noticed it was the announcement 'was this written by a 10 year old I can barely understand it?' Violet ignored it she focused as hard as she can 'come one come all those who think they are worthy for the throne of Regalia come to the tower of lost hope and sign up for the arena!' The letter said violet looked at it 'i know the royal family was assassinated but I didn't know they had no other family maybe this is my moment?' Violet smiled.

A hand appeared taking the paper she looked for the person who took the paper and found out it was Mary "don't even try girl no one would want you as their queen your not good at anything including what you claim to be so good at magic." Mary said violet looked down upset 'ever since I came to this world I've noticed that this place has some sexist people mainly the rulers I ignored them as I didn't know them but Mary she is so sexist saying I can't do anything I'm tired of her.' Violet looked up she ignored Mary and walked passed her, Mary looked at her shocked "and where do you think your going!?" Mary said.

violet turned around paper in hand she smiled "I'm going to regalia and I will become the next queen of regalia!" Violet said she immediately turned back and opened the door she left shutting the door close the light of the sun blinded her once the light settled she smiled and kept moving she checked for her purse she smiled as she found it she pulled out a map she opened it.

"Let's see here's me in the village of of Belgrade here is regalia it says I have to go straight into the forest then I will reach the kingdom in..... four weeks on food." Violet began to walk she looked around she groaned she stopped immediately when she saw a carriage she said walked towards it smiling "hey mister!" She said the carriage men jumped up a bit he looked behind him revealing a creepily old smile as if a predator finding his prey "oh it's just you young women how old are you?" He said violet smiled "I'm 19." Violet said the guy nodded "so where do you want to be?" He said "regalia tower please sir." Violet said he nodded "just for you I'll cut the price if you..." the guy said pointing towards her chest she blushed a bit.

She covered her chest with her arms "how much will it be without the discount?" Violet said he looked up sighing in disappointment "it will be 10 silver to get there another 10 silver to pay the pathway raiders and 8 silver for food supply's for you and me and 9 silver to get to that accursed land and 30 silver for my horses food and 100 silver to enter the forest." He said violet looked at him annoyed "t-that's 1 gold coin and 1 silver coin!" Violet said the driver smiled "take it or leave it I have more customers i can serve or you can just take the discount." He said.

violet became even anger she checked her purse and saw she had not enough 'ever since I was born into this new world of mine I have never once dishonored my body..... what do I do do I destroy my virtue or do I just walk away I can still apologize to Mary oh screw it i'm hardly able to do work without being flirted on this is my only chance to get a life of my own I.... I need to take it' violet sighed she held in her tears and looked over at him she nodded the creepily old man smiled widely gesturing for her to get in he turned around to the others.

A women with lovely dark raven hair and purple eyes "I'm sorry miss but it seems I already have a current customer once I get back I'll hope you accepted my offer." He said the carriage started to move violet and the women locked eyes violet stopped looking at her focusing on the moving carriage she was in into a few minutes of the adventure the carriage stopped violet grunted and exited the carriage the creepy guy followed gesturing for her to follow they entered into a part of the forest still able to see the carriage she looked down at a puddle of water she noticed her violet colored short hair that had reached to her thin neck and her brown eyes and her fair skin the puddle responded to her crying every second moving when a tear fell she removed her clothes crying still.

She was in her under garments still shaking on should she removed them hoping he would stop her saying it's going to far but nothing she removed her undergarments shivering as the cold winter breeze hit her neck he came closer to her biting her neck until a twinkle of blood flew down her body she cried harder the guy forced her down smiling wickedly he removed his clothes slipping his manhood into her she felt unable to fight she looked up crying as she felt the twinkle of fluid leave her body everything went black violet couldn't feel she couldn't taste or see anything a bright light appeared she hadn't remembered this moment until now it was her birth.

She could only hear screams as if someone was trying to release the pain on the final screams she was pushed out "a baby girl ma'am it's a girl!" Someone said the baby shifted her head towards the mom who had still been in pain the women had long red hair the color of blood and white silver eyes the person gave the baby to her she frowned in terror "my mom.... no the public can't know about this sir lance kill these people please and get rid of this baby!" A guard suddenly appeared next after the baby could only hear screams the baby was picked up and the next thing that happened everything turned black.

Violet returned to reality knowing full well her situation 'I can't believe that was my life how luck has fallen short on my soul and how ironic that someone with a somewhat same look had gave birth to me and done the same to me' violets vision returned she was in a carriage she looked both ways hoping it was a dream but realized soon it wasn't her clothes were still off her undergarments were put on messily she quickly fixed it and had put the rest of her clothes on she noticed a small bowl of fruits she looked at it suspiciously 'I know this world contains most if not all the known poisons and plants from my other world so I should be wary.' Violet picked up a small purple grape she smelt it after not noticing a strange smell she took a bite 'nothing bad is happening so it alright.' Violet continued to eat the fruits until all she can see is the bottom of the bowl she picked it up and threw it had the front of the carriage "bastard I'll kill him.... I'll kill him!" Said violet.

Violet shook her head she looked outside the window noticing she in at regalia's tower she smiled when the carriage stopped she exited the creepy old man followed she stopped when she saw him he licked his lips smiling "you were tasteful if you ever want to do that again I'll be back in Belgrade." "Well that's if you'll live through the tower!" He said smiling violet looked at him she crunched her fist and had hit him in his face leaving a red mark "you bastard I'll get you back once I do you'll wish you never met me!" Violet said.

the guy looked at her angrily he pulled out a sword ready to swing at her but was stopped when someone had knocked him out the sword dropped penetrating the floor violet looked over at her savior it had been the same girl from before "god damn pervert!" She said she looked over to violet noticing her she blushed a bit violet jumped at the sight the girl scanned violet "you don't have a sword?" She said violet blushed she shook her head "I didn't knew I needed one?" Violet said.

The girl looked down she took the sheath she bent over and sheathed the sword and gave it to violet "here take his sword a pervert like that doesn't deserve such a well crafted sword." She said violet took the sword trembling she hooked it to her waist she stopped trembling "h-hi I'm violet." She said the raven haired girl smiled she gestured for a hand shake "I'm Vivian." Said Vivian Violet shook her hand nodding Vivian felt violet trembling she smiled "don't worry violet I understand why you accepted the deal I saw what those men did to you back in the tavern you just want to change your life." She said violet stopped trembling.

Violet smiled "thanks for understanding-" said violet immediately a horn sounded they both looked up it had came from the tower "it looks like it's time according to the guide if you want to know there are only 5 floor each a different challenge but no puzzles it's all battle arenas." She said violet sighed she looked towards the tower a gaunt portal had opened Vivian grabbed her hand and rushed through pushing others aside they both jumped through the portal a bright light appeared then faded revealing a dark area violet shook in fear but she stood strong.