
He Did Exist

As she was exiting the building, suddenly a pot of flower dropped down. Luckily, she was saved by her roommate or her only friend who worked in same office as hers. Her name was Qu Ling.

Qu Ling scolded Eun Biol for not paying attention to the surrounding. When Eun Biol came back out of shock she ignored Qu Ling and thought about the man's words. Suddenly Qu Ling slapped Eun Biol. Ling's eyes were full of tears, and she said, "Eun, what if something had happened to you? You are the only loved one I have! I don't want you to leave me like my family." Till Ling could continue, Eun Biol said, "Don't worry! Nothing is going to happen to me until I find my sister."

After saying this Eun Biol left...

(Poor Ling, she was not able to say anything else. But she thought, "Anyhow she should have confronted me...😑😑)

On the other side when Eun Biol was crossing road she remembered the word of the man to not cross any road until a black car passes through it...

She Shaked her head and said, "What rubbish am I thinking about."

But when she stepped on road suddenly a bright light crossed her eyes and she turned to her left and saw a car coming towards her in full speed... She tried to move but unable to do so. Her legs were freezed she was unable to think anything else.

Suddenly a man in white dress stopped the car with his one hand and turned his head in Eun Biol's direction and said, "Don't worry master, I won't let you get hurt!"

Eun Biol after seeing it collapsed.

She opened her eyes and saw herself in a hospital room and Ling was sitting beside her with a worried face.

She woke up after 10 hours and right after waking up what she said was, " Where is that man? The one who saved me?"

Ling was totally confused and replied, " No one saved you! You were lucky that the car stopped itself due to some mechanical problem. Eun I am so glad that you are alright. Also the man you are thinking does not exist! I think you were dreaming."

All that she said was, "He did exist."