
HOPE ONLINE: The obelisk

In a fantasy world a world war started among all the races . which made even gods take it seriously. enable to do anything with there power , they were forced to summon a hero from another world. with the help of the hero the long lasting war finally came to an end but in doing so the hero made the world upside down. where mages , archers , warriors used to roam. now after 100s of years only tecnology could be seen. To give this world a fighting chance against an upcoming crises gods had to use an unusual thing. our protagonist dastan who was cripple and blind since birth. spent most of his life on a bed, suddenly had a chance to play a game . which completely changed his life. or something else changed him. All the mysteries revolving around him , started to unfold in front of him one by one . the disappearance of his parents , the reason for his crippled body and the mysterious entity. if you want to know this answers pl follow dastan on his journey to the apex. ***** hello readers because of my writing, you can understand that , I am knew at this. but give my story a chance until 35 chapters. i believe you will be surprised. and there is no cliche in my book. even if there is , then it would be in a different way. (because of some reason, I have to pause this book for a while but if readers gives this book a couple of reviews then there is hope for it to come back.) (the book cover is not mine. )

UniverseM007 · Fantasie
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26 Chs

7. Getting A Class

Even though dastan was Disappointed but he put it aside for later worries. For now he had to get the coin." How about beast corpses would that work?"

The guards were surprised but still nodded " if you can bring us any level 2 beast corpse we can let you in. "

After the conformation dastan went back to forest to kill beast for entry and his expanses.

An hour later dastan was standing in front of 2 dumbfounded guards. As for why they were behaving like this because dastan didn't only brought 2 corpses but 10 . After handing over 2 corpses to the guards dastan finally went inside.

After the gate what greeted him is busy street and houses both sides of the street. It's like a new world inside the gate. Dastan has never experienced it before and just stood there and started enjoy the scenery.

A busy street filled with players and NPC, all of them are busy with there own things. People are coming and going in a hurry. All kind of shouts could be heard from vendors.

As dastan walked little further on the road, Streets also started to look a little cleaner. And all kind of big shops could be seen with their name plate hanging outside the shops.

The first thing dastan needed was a inn to logout. So started asking random stranger about the inn. " Hello sir could you pls tell me where can I find a inn."

The person dastan ask turned around to look at dastan and said." You should be new here otherwise you wouldn't ask this question."

" Ok you can go straight and ask moon light inn. It's very famous inn in this village so you wouldn't have a problem finding it." Saying that strenger just left without giving dastan any time to thank him."

" Weird guy." Dastan didn't think about it to much and left for the moonlight inn.

After walking for 10 min dastan reached his destination without any problem just like the guy said before. And along the way dastan also found the marchant shop. After selling all 8 of his beast corpses. Dastan got total of 40 copper coins. After knowing the price.' shit , those guards scamed me '

Going inside dastan found a beautiful female is standing on the counter. " Hello ma'am, i wanted to book a room for 24 hours."

" That wouldn't be any problem sir, it will cost 10 copper coin for 24 hours sir." Receptionist replied.

After handing over the coins dastan took the key and went on the second floor for 4th room.

Room was quite small but nice with a fresh flowers smell. There was a small window on the front. One bad and one bathroom and a small table . Dastan closed the door before lying on the bad and logged out.

After logging out Neo found Claire and Theodor talking to each other.

Seeing the movement of his eyes Claire and Theodor run up to him and started asking questions.

" Dastan did you find any villege yet." Claire asked.

" Sigh, it's a raven village. After entering the village and founding a inn , i directly logged out. I don't anything else about the village." Dastan replied in a sad voice. He really wanted to see them and play with them.

" Haha .Don't worry now that you are normal without any sickness, i believe we can find eachother very soon." Theodor replied with a loud laugh.

" Ok let's finish our lunch and then we can login again."Claire said.

After the lunch everyone went back to playing the game.

Opening his eye dastan found out he was still in the room without any mishap. And started thinking about what should he do today.

After thinking about it dastan decided to work on his class today.

According to Claire if you want to get your class in this game , you have to be ragistered with adventure guild which belongs to NCP not the player.

After that they will taste your attribute and give you a suitable class. If the player doesn't like the class given to them by adventure guild. They can just choose any class they want NPC doesn't care about this.

After making a decision dastan left for adventure guild which was not to far away from the inn where he is staying.

Walking a little to 10 minutes , dastan reached his destination .

Dastan was standing in front of 3 story building. And there was adventure guild was written in a big words.

Steping inside dastan found it quite crowded. After finding a short line he stood at the end of the line.

30 min later it was dastans turn who was almost bored to death.

" Hello adventure, how may I help you." Said a beautiful staff member from behind the counter.

" I want to apply for the class." Hearing dastan the staff member was quite surprised.looking at him from head to toe.

" Are you sure , if you want your class atleast you have to be level 20." The girl explain slowly not believing him to be a level 20 .

" Yes, I am sure I want to apply for the class. As for the what level I am. Can't we just find out during the test." Dastan said there is no anxiety could be seen on his face.

" As you wish, pls go straight and go inside the 3rd room. Next." Finished speaking she ignored him . She already warned him if he doesn't listen he would have to pay quite a price inside.

Dastan after knowing the way directly left for the room. After entering he only found a middle age woman with white hair sitting there. Her aura was other worldly but dastan didn't think to much about it and asked." Hello ma'am i wanted to get my class .

" Oh very young and already level 20. You are quite a talented young man aren't you." Lady said with a smile while inspecting him on her on way.

" Thank you ma'am for your compliment."

' i finally found you heheh... My leader will be very happy.' she thought. If dastan could hear it then he would be shocked by her words.