
Hope has a warrior

When demons arises and men are blind only a few sees through the blind nature of man kind but who will take up the cross and fight against all odds for the salvation of humanity from its worst threat !!! Please note that this piece of art is purely fictitious !!!

SunnyMinds · Fantasie
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17 Chs

Nowhere to be found

l woke up the next day feeling less pains. My mother had already wrapped my wounds properly with bandages and put a blanket over me to protect me from cold. What a nice woman she was.

I looked through the window and saw that everywhere feeling unusually rowdy and noisy; I immediately jumped off the bed and threw my clothes over me and rushed out to see what was happening. I reached the door and before I could open it my brother flung it open from outside and shifted so it won't hit me.

"What's happening?" l asked him when he rushed in.

"The gargoyle is gone!" He told me with a panic.

"What!"l exclaimed.

"And we all were told to assemble at the temple."

I stood still and did not move because this latest development hit was the least news expected to hear. I tried to but I could not see reasons why the gargoyle left. I had no choice than to prepare and go into the temple with the rest.

On my way into the temple I noticed that for the first time since I was initiated into the, Priesthood a good level of importance and respect was attached to the gaze given to me by people. For the first time my greetings were reciprocated with a good greetings and a wide smile and this development pleased me a lot.

Just like the day I left to find the gargoyle no one in the temple bore a smile on the face.

The gargoyle is gone! Our hope is

Things are not too bad since we can still trace it with the 'gargoloid' map it but this is the problem. He left even when we had informed him that we needed it to fight against the powers of hell there's no guarantee he will come with us if we go after him so we called you here to know what will be your view. As you all know know majority carries the vote." The assistant head priest


While the assistant head priest spoke the head priest who sat on his well decorated seat still gave me exactly the same gaze which he gave me the previous day and kept wondering why because he did not look remorseful for sending an assassin against me.

He looked confident and his gaze looked more like what have you done than I'm sorry.

I wished everyone would know the beast he truly was.

Everyone kept mute as though they were ruminating over what they have just heard and knowing fully that their contributions were merely suggestions to the head priest for this was our system of government The head priest is both the spiritual head and the head of government; his decisions can only be ruled out if everyone was totally against his decision.

The second in command is the assistant head priest. Though before a decision is made he is duly consulted though like everybother person his views on issues are merely suggestions to the head priest.

When the head priest dies, any male is eligible to replace him but the most eligible ones are the assistant head priest and his first son.

The head priest had thought ahead of his assistant and had sent his son to the deep thinking white monks to give him an upper hand