

What use was it having a knowledge that was useless to you? That was what Myra thought when she found out the truth about the world she lived in. Werewolves, Lycans and Paranormal creatures existed and she was one of them... Yet not one of them. She was born without a wolf side. So more or less she was human except for the slight difference. Little abilities that showed she was not a part of the human race, still... A werewolf without a pack and without a Wolf side? surely Fate has had her Hoodwinked. And that is not the end... Being Chased by bullies she seeks solitude in an abandoned mansion. Abandoned is what it's called but it surely wasn't unoccupied. Therein lies a stranger. Bounded in chains and kept in darkness, he makes a plea and in compassion she frees him from his chain but in return is bound in chains. Hoodwinked by fate she becomes his mate. What fate awaits her here on? More misfortune? How much worse could everything go? *** "A visitor? How delightful" A clear voice rang in from the darkness. Myra shivered and turned. The house was too dark that she couldn't see who has spoken. "who's there? What do you want?" "I should be one asking. You are trespassing" "I didn't mean to. i_i'm just seeking solitude. I'm sorry I'll leave" "Not so fast darling. You are here already, so you can as well help me" She raises a brow "Help you?" Only silence answered. What was she thinking? Talking with the darkness. Perhaps being chased by a few bullies sounded better than this, she should leave. She takes a step backwards but halts again. So much for being weakhearted. "First step into the light" She requested wanting to see who she was talking to. In a world were beasts exist, it wouldn't be so surprising if it ended up being a troll. Sounds of metal rattling echoed in the empty room then followed was the sound of footsteps. It wasn't a troll. it_it's a man. A very Handsome Man!

unique2bliss · Fantasie
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10 Chs

This is just the beginning.

"You deceived me" The young man stared at the people standing in front of him. His eyes cold and ridden with resentment. A hint of self-criticism also laced on his lips.

"You have yourself to blame. You became a monster and your mere existence frightens the Town." A voice replied from the back. A young man began walking to the front, He folded his hands and walked to the front. The crowd gathered paved way and bowed as he walked by. The respect they had for him glaring to see on their faces.

A Handsome face and a domineering aura. He was one to be truly respected, the Noble air he gave off left you reverencing him on your own accord. Still he was no better than the young man wrapped in chains dangling from the ceiling and the floor. That side of the room was dim with only a torch to shoo the darkness, yet his handsome face could not be shrouded by the darkness, his dark eyes blended with the dark and his fine figures stood out nonetheless. An ethereal beauty he was. No doubt finer than skins that had gone under the knife.

"Theo." He called out and snickered "How am I not Surprised?"

The man called Theo smiled mockingly and waved his hand. Men rushed to the corner and the chain were pulled out even further. Pulling the chained young man to a standing position. The Young Man groaned in pain. pattering sounds of his blood dripping on the plastered ground filled the open air. He rose his eyes and glared at Theo. A gaze more hostile that what he had given those people before. It was obvious he hated this man more than he did the rest of these pawn.

On that there was more than hatred in his eyes. Regret. Contempt and Disbelief. If only these chains were taken away, he would rip his neck without a constraint.

"Brother_" Theo started

"I don't remember having a wh*rish mother" The young man interjected. He spat to the floor and showed a disgusted face. Pure contempt and mockery displayed on his face.

A deep frown appeared on Theo's face. He stepped forward and grabbed on the young man's chin.

"You should be grateful I still want to show kindness for our past relationships. If I didn't have to, you would be dead by now you monster!"

"Monster?" The Young Man laughed in derision "It was all your idea yet you call me a monster? Do you even remember our past relationship? I treated you no less than my blood brother yet all you ever had your eyes on was my thrown and title. Doesn't your conscience prick you?"

Theo said. "It is still because of my conscience that I decide to keep you alive. The Pack actually wants you dead and gone for good but I can't bear to take your life. I was most considerate sticking my hand for your benefit. Do you really think I didn't know? you had no care for my existence. You treated me nicely so I would always remember my place, I was at your mercy to breath and survive. My father was a rogue, being your understudy reminded everyone of that and I hated that. Why should I be your shadow? not even worthy to be bestowed the title of Omega but imprisoned under the honorifics of the Alpha's sworn brother. Breathing you air and taking only those things you do not want anymore, it made me loathe you and the very existence of your being"

The Young Man snorted and stared away. He closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep.

"You and your brethrens have the blood of many on your hands. It is only wise we do away with all of you. Roman you all truly have yourselves to blame. Your very existence is the reason you are in this situation. The rest of your group were quick to flee but don't worry..." He bent down and whispered in Roman's ear "I'll personally hunt them down and kill every single one of them."

Roman opened his eyes and hurt flashed through it. Images of those faces flashed in his memories one after the other. With every smiling face that appeared, it felt like his heart was being torn to pieces. The thought of their impending death caused him heart ache. He moved to clench his chest but the chain held his hand back.

"I will kill you!" He bellowed angrily and tried to move. His eyes turned red and his fingers began morphing into sharp claws. He was changing to a beast but then his transformation came to an abrupt halt.

"ahhh!" He yelped and began quivering. Blood sipping from his ears and nose. An unfathomable pain coursing through his body, leaving the feeling of have his soul torn out of him.

"Tsk tsk How naive Roman" Theo tutted "To think you would try to transform while being bound in these chains. Not only are they made from the finest Silver but also a steady amount of silver nitrates flows within them directly into your bloodstream. Not only do they weaken you greatly but could also kill you if you try again to transform. Those old hags had been really efficient in their duties of making it. You owe the honours of your apprehension to them."

Romam slumped, not reaching the ground at the mercy of the chains.

Theo continued "Actually your death did not seem so satisfactory to me. Staying here for the rest of your very long life is a more better punishment than I can think of"

A snort rang out and Roman rose his head "You should kill me now that you have the chance. I wouldn't be lenient when I get out of here"

Theo laughed like he had heard the most funniest joke of his life. "get out of here? I'll love to see you try. Those chains can and could only be opened by domeone like Us. But what excruciating pain they would feel if only they touch it. Even I am not so confident about opening it. Besides that, you are the terror to all your kind, your history would go down in time. The maddened King that killed his kind, do you still think anyone alive or yet born would love to set you free?"

"Don't sleep on it, cause when I eventually do get free, you would be the first I come to see." Roman said. His eyes resonating confidence and determination. This would not be his end, This is just the beginning. Surely he would find a way to get out of here and when he does. Killing this betrayer will be the first thing he does, even if it ends up taking his life.

Theo could see the determination to kill him in his opponents eyes. For a slight second he wavered in his confidence. Who didn't know how far the sheer will of Roman Amedeo could take him. The adage where there is a will, there is a way was surely made for him. Even Fate would bend to his advantage once he wills it.

He frowned then turned around and began strolling away. A malicious look dominating his eyes.

"See your next time Theo"

"There would be no next time" Theo said as he left the room.