

What use was it having a knowledge that was useless to you? That was what Myra thought when she found out the truth about the world she lived in. Werewolves, Lycans and Paranormal creatures existed and she was one of them... Yet not one of them. She was born without a wolf side. So more or less she was human except for the slight difference. Little abilities that showed she was not a part of the human race, still... A werewolf without a pack and without a Wolf side? surely Fate has had her Hoodwinked. And that is not the end... Being Chased by bullies she seeks solitude in an abandoned mansion. Abandoned is what it's called but it surely wasn't unoccupied. Therein lies a stranger. Bounded in chains and kept in darkness, he makes a plea and in compassion she frees him from his chain but in return is bound in chains. Hoodwinked by fate she becomes his mate. What fate awaits her here on? More misfortune? How much worse could everything go? *** "A visitor? How delightful" A clear voice rang in from the darkness. Myra shivered and turned. The house was too dark that she couldn't see who has spoken. "who's there? What do you want?" "I should be one asking. You are trespassing" "I didn't mean to. i_i'm just seeking solitude. I'm sorry I'll leave" "Not so fast darling. You are here already, so you can as well help me" She raises a brow "Help you?" Only silence answered. What was she thinking? Talking with the darkness. Perhaps being chased by a few bullies sounded better than this, she should leave. She takes a step backwards but halts again. So much for being weakhearted. "First step into the light" She requested wanting to see who she was talking to. In a world were beasts exist, it wouldn't be so surprising if it ended up being a troll. Sounds of metal rattling echoed in the empty room then followed was the sound of footsteps. It wasn't a troll. it_it's a man. A very Handsome Man!

unique2bliss · Fantasie
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10 Chs

a means to an end

In the paranormal space.

A herd of old women dressed in what seemed no different from rags were huddled up like bees to the hornet. Grubbling on themselves as they scampered forward. The darkness in the air gave no light to fully illuminate their being except from the moon light and the bolts of thunders occasionally bringing light to the decrepit building without an obvious roof. Pillars laced with Vines and dried twigs crawling on the wall. This building looked older than it's current inhabitants. Only a tad bit less uglier than them.

Choppy fingers, wrinkled flesh, hunched figures and molten teeth on a disfigured face. A missing eye or perhaps both. They were wretched to look at. Not just look at but also listen to. Their shrill voices dampened ones sense or hearing as they went in with their incoherent chattering.

Seated before them on a high pedestal was a beautiful lady. A rare crown made from twigs and what seemed to be emerald gems adorn her head, a silk like cloth patterned to look like a gigantic leaf was wrapped around her slim body obscuring a part of her pale skin, no doubt paler then paper. She was young and gorgeous much younger than the women at her feet and obviously more humanely looking except for her distinctive features, symmetrical eyes like that of an owl, and clawing fingers, Nevertheless she was beautiful in her own way.


The Cover door was pushed open. One by one the crowd of old women turned to the door. The place went quiet for a few seconds and then the whispering began. Amidst their baffling mumblings, sounds of heavy footsteps marched into the grand room. They gave way for the new visitor. Their hands gliding against his body.

Theo was not in the slightest bit perturbed by the hands exploring his body as he walked. He paid them no attention and with a dark face he kept walking forward till he got to the feet of the pedestal.

"Ahh what a bountiful surprise" The lady on the throne purred in a sweet voice. Her cryptic eyes glancing at the young man glowering at her in pure amusement.

"You said never to speak again. How ironical that's it's you walking into my humble abode now. Did you feeling of our companionship?" She asked in a good mood.

Theo growled under his breath. "Speak!"

The lady showed a surprised expression then later turned to look confused. She bit on the corner of her lips, whilst coquettishly tapping on her jaws with her long nails.

"I can't quite understand what you mean by that? is there something you want me to say? Something you want to hear?"

"What we did!" He said almost yelling at the top of his voice. "There was something you didn't tell me!"

"I did?" she chuckled slyly.

Just looking at her mischievous smile. Theo knew he was right. This witch had lied to him. There was more to the curse than meets the eyes. He gritted his teeth in anger. At first he felt it was just his paranoia but it's seems it was not just baseless fears. He had been deceived!

"What is it?!" He roared.

The smile on the lady's face became unsightly. It was like she was grinning at him yet mocking him win her gaze. "I did what you wanted. You got your wish and I got mine. It's a win-win, you shouldn't be so selfish"

Theo lept into the air and landed softly before the lady, his hand finding a rest on her neck. With his grip tightening every second he yelled in her face "Win-win situation? You deceived me!"

The horde of Women on the grounds let out shrill surly sounds and whipped their fingers up. Like small electric bulbs, the tip of their fingers began to glow under the dark skies. What a sight it would have been to behold if they didn't have their crooked canine teeth barred at him.

"Easy on the temper. My sisters have a thing for having accidents." The lady said in a discernable tone. Her threat was simple enough for the young warlock to understand. There might be rules to stop her kind from killing other beings but rules or no rules she would kill him if he oversteped his boundaries. He released his grip and straightened his posture.

"Can he be freed?"

The lady laughed "Can or will, it depends which you want to know about"

'so it was a matter of both?' Theo thought discomfort. Roman must have known these ladies better than he did. They said something but meant an entirely different thing. She promised him that his greatest adversary would be gone from his eyes, locked away never to be seen again yet now she was hinting that he could be freed and will be eventually.

Does that mean he lost?

All his plans just went down the drain in the hand of these unpredictable witches!

"Tell me how!" He ordered harshly.

"I'm not sure either." She shrugged nonchalantly "I already told you. That chain can not be touched by any of your kind. It's especially made for even his kind. The Sisters of Fate have also signed an agreement with you. None of us would have anything to do with his release"

"What about human?" He asked wearily.

"Sorry I've never known Humans to have the strength to break such strong bars. Let's be exact here, those chains can only be broken by your kind but can't also be broken your kind. Do you understand?" She splurged out of her throne and walked towards him.

"only the strength of a werewolf can brake it but we can't touch it or our wolf would die" He mumbled to himself. He knew this already but why does it seem like the key was also hidden in this statement.

"That's right. unless_" She commented and paused, circling around him with a cunning grin.

There air was filled with a bad premonition. The suspense in her words dancing on her lips like the winds on the dried leaves.

"unless what?"

"what if there's that someone whose a werewolf yet neither a werewolf?" She whispered in his ears then took back her words the next second. "Ah what am I saying. It's impossible right? those things are just in the childhood myths"

Oblivious of her refute. Her initial words were stuck in his head. Resonating like the sounds from a vibrating tong. Gradually, his eyes grew wider in realisation of what she had said.

The in-betweens!

How could he have forgotten them. They were rarer than the strand of hair on his knuckles, still they existed like anyother paranormal being did. They are the key?

What a tragedy indeed.

Like a bolt of lightening he turned and rushed out of the building. In a haste to go right what is been wronged. Fate would not take a toll on him. He has started down this path already, neck deep in so much Vileness, so no matter what he would complete it.

What's a little more bloodshed?

It is just a means to an end.

Watching the fleeting figure, the lady walked back to her throne, plopped her butt on the seat and intertwined her hands in the twigs crawling on it. "Fair is foul, and foul is fair, I've done my part so there nothing to fear. Let History rewrite itself with this grand fare" She said and giggled. Her soft giggles turning into boisterous laughter, cracking like the thunders in the sky.