
Honkai: Kiana happiness, Become the stigma of the Kaslana family

A time traveler who lost her name wakes up from her long sleep, and she has somehow become the will of the stigmata of the Kaslana family attached to Kiana's back! Remembering the honkai stories full of tragedy and smiles, she decides to turn things everything! Time can't be turned back, but I can! Kiana: Papa! Mama! Big sister started acting weird again! She will sacrifice to the sky for me, please help!" Cecilia: "My daughter, listen to mommy! Your last name is Schariac not Kaslana! Please don't pick up your sword again! Siegfried please help!!!" Siegfried: “I-I can't! She's stronger than me! I can't beat her!” Kevin: "Kid, stop messing around. When are you going to resurrect Mei?" Otto: "Move aside! I ordered it a long time ago! She has to revive my kallen first!" Meanwhile, while the two great powers were arguing with each other, a little girl was shivering in the corner, very miserably. "Please, I don't want to join the stigma project! Let me go! Mama, papa, help me!!!"

KayokoDaaa · Videospiele
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304 Chs

Chapter 5: "Fight with another me"

If the reason he was always dizzy was because his stigmata were unstable, then that could explain everything.

Why does he always feel dizzy like the Titanic being split into ice?

How could he suddenly pass out without notice?

The stigma is unstable!

K-423 should be given credit because he has been doing sit-ups in the coffin many times without even realizing it. Maybe he could study with Welt Yang, and become good friends with him.

This life is indeed a miracle.

Because he had found the point of the problem. Now, he could focus on repairing it.

Like a human being trapped in a computer body. That human thought he was a computer, but somehow he didn't understand the functions of his body's processing limbs at all. Now, because K-423 thought of himself as a Stigmata, a feeling of overwhelming familiarity enveloped his consciousness in an instant.

"Looks like it took some time to repair the stigmata. Things are fine now. Without drastic plot changes, accidents causing bodily harm are almost non-existent."

Making sure everything will be safe before he sleeps long. K-423 doesn't want when he sleeps this time, it will be sleep forever.

"[Kian-... Meh! I mean the other me, I'll go to sleep first. This might be a rather long sleep. If you're lonely, talk to Baba Homu. I had his right arm sewn up last night.]"

"Wait a minute... When did you sew it up? No wonder my fingers hurt so much when I woke up!" She complained.

As close friends who can talk from heart to heart and understand each other. Both she and his other self, didn't really keep things a secret.

Just like the moment he caught Siegfried in the kitchen, and why her stomach always bloated at night. K-423 has no intention of hiding it at all. Instead, he was actually proud.

"[....I think I've said everything. Good night, we'll meet again after I wake up.]"

"Another me?" The girl raised her eyebrows.

She asked what his other self really meant about a long sleep. But no matter how much she asked… the voice didn't respond at all.

Everything is just like an illusion.

"Another me..."

She called once more. But, no one responded.

"Do not leave me alone..."

"I'm scare..."

The little girl's eyes glistened.


Six months passed just like that.

For some, this is quite a long time in their lives. Lots of memories, and moments made. But for K-423 who is repairing the stigmata, this is a very short but also a long time.

Like sleeping in summer, and having endless nightmares. Short, long, and forgettable like a soap bubble.

"It's done, the dizziness has finally stopped! This is what it feels like to be carefree... So comfortable...~!"

K-423 felt like he was going to melt.

In this short but long time. K-423 has repaired the condition of his stigmata, and has officially become the stigmata on Kiana's body.

He felt like he had gained new knowledge again. Just like how the stigmata were the embodiment of the previous civilization's crystallization knowledge. It comes as naturally as how to breathe.

"Then space!"

By his will, an empty space appeared within his consciousness.

K-423 imitates how Veliona creates her own room when she wants to be alone, and doesn't want Seele to disturb her. Veliona who was the will of the stigmata could do it, so why couldn't he do it too?

Designing this empty space exactly matched the room he lived in in the real world. Seeing familiar things appear around him, K-423 feels nostalgic for some reason.

"Wait a minute, I'm a girl? I thought I was a man!"

K-423 heard the beautiful sound of milk coming from her throat, and she glanced at her current spiritual body dumbfoundedly.

A white-haired girl with faint purple tips, double braids, and a pair of beautiful purple eyes. Viewed from anywhere, except for her purple eyes and a few tips of purple hair, her figure is almost identical to little Kiana.

"Somehow this figure is very familiar... Forget it, it doesn't really matter. By the way I haven't seen that girl in quite a while. It just so happens that she's also sleeping now, I'll call her."

Flicked her finger lightly. K-423 saw the girl's figure appear on the bed with a wink, and she smiled.

"Ara~? It turns out that our baby is really cute when she sleeps. I really didn't realize that my face is so cute like this." K-423 melted.

In the past, because there were no mirrors in the house, and plus a very disturbing feeling of dizziness. K-423 has absolutely no intention of paying any extra attention to her's surroundings.

Now that the dizziness was gone, K-423's heart was as light as a butterfly, and scattered like a blooming flower.

This is pure bliss.

It was like taking some strange medicine, and made the person a completely different person.

This taste... It's amazing!

"Wake up Kian-meh! I mean the other me. How long did you sleep?"

The girl's eyelashes fluttered: "Hmm... Who... Who called me...?"

Rubbing her tired eyes. The girl opened her eyes slowly, and she saw a little girl who looked almost like her, with a confused look.

The girl blinked a few times.

"... Who are you?"

K-423 also smiled: "Who am I? Were we apart long enough that you don't remember me anymore... The other me?"

Hearing familiar keywords. The girl thought for a bit using her half-awakened brain, and after that, she opened her eyes wide.

"Another me!"

"Yes! It's me!"

Seeing that this girl before her recognized her immediately. K-423 also smiled happily.

"How, miss me--ugaah!?!"

"You! Why did you suddenly disappear like that! Feel this!"

The girl threw her fist at K-423's face. Not having time to understand the situation, K-423 fell helplessly to the floor.

It hasn't stopped there. The girl immediately got off the bed, and she threw her fists repeatedly at K-423's face!

"Dad said if anyone pisses you off, then just hit it! You leave me alone all of a sudden, I'll beat you black and blue!"

"SIEGFRIED!!!" K-423 shouted angrily.

She thought the reunion would be heartwarming plus a warm hug. She didn't expect this reunion will become the stage of a domestic violence tragedy!

"Stop! Stop! Don't hit anymore! It hurts!"

"No way!! You left me suddenly, and you pissed me off! I'll punch you until you can't leave me anymore!"

"YOU, YOU MADE ME ANGRY KID!!!" K-423 also screamed vengefully.

The most troublesome thing about raising young children is arguing with them.

Just like this time.

K-423 intends to make peace, but the girl in front of her firmly refuses.

So, in that case....

"Take this punch!!"


The girl clutched her stomach in pain. Tears almost came out of her eyes.

"Don't think that I will be merciful to a child! If I pity you, who will pity me!?"

"BASS... Take my counterattack!!!"

"Don't pulling my hair!!!"



Just like a child's fight.

Very brutal and no restraint at all. But if any adults were to see them, their hearts would probably melt at their adorable actions.

....although it was very brutal for the party concerned.

In the end, the battle that was filled with screams of rage and vengeance, stopped after the two of them were exhausted.


...It's time to cry.

"Wuuuu!!! You hit me! You hit me! I will never forget this!!!"

"You started it! I'm the one who should be angry! Uwahhh... That hurts.... hiks..."

They both cried like children on the floor.