
I am your mother...

Two hours before Ailwin led everyone into his office…..

"Your mother?" Ailwin was taken a back.

"Yes." Mika nodded her head. She wouldn't go into anymore details than that.

Realizing that she is serious, he escorted her to makeshift his office on the ship. There, he logged into his monitor and opened the comms for her to use.

"There, everything is all set up…" 

Ailwin left his chair then stood behind it waiting for her to take a seat.

"Um...Ailwin, this needs to be a private conversation." Mika didn't want to tell him to get out, but he needed to leave.

"You want me to leave?...I thought you had something to tell me, isn't that why we are calling your mother?"

"Ha...Ailwin, do you really want the first time your meeting my mother to be through a screen... Where I have to explain why I'm on your ship, unsupervised, instead of at school?"

She has a point…