
Homophobic (I hate gays but I don't hate you)

After being sexually assaulted by gay guys at a young age, Alberto Rodriguez developed a huge phobia for gays.. He depises them and doesn't want anything to do with them... he has a best friend, Fernando Sanchez, whom he cares for so much... What will happen when Alberto finds out that his best friend was actually gay?... Will Alberto end their 5 years friendship just because he's homophobic?... stay tuned to find out P.S. This is a BL novel; boyxboy .. if you don't like this kind of novel, I'd advise you to not read it..

Anthonia_Charles · Fantasie
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13 Chs

Chapter ten


Fernando could feel his head slightly spinning 'is this real? or I'm just dreaming' . Alberto's lips was soft and it tasted like strawberry. Fernando could feel his heart beating fast.

They maintained that position for like 1 minute before Alberto regained himself and pushed Fernando of him. He slowly lifted his hand and touched his slightly moist lips.. it still felt warm from the kiss "What.. just.. happened" Alberto muttered, blush slightly creeping up his face..

Fernando felt the atmosphere too awkward and quickly stood up "C'mon, we don't have to think about what just happened.. we gotta leave before we get locked in school building" he said, stretching out a hand to Alberto. Alberto, face still quite flushed, quietly refused fernan's hand and stood up on his own. Fernando embarrassedly withdraw his hand and scratch the back of his head.

"Let's go"

The two of them got out of the school building and walked on the street in total silence; still feeling awkward about what happened 10 minutes ago. They got to a particular place and Alberto suddenly stopped . Fernando turned and stared at Alberto confusedly "why'd you stop?"

"You can head back home now fernan.. I've got work to head to" Alberto replied, clutching onto his backpack. Fernando nodded "hmm okay.. see you tomorrow"

Alberto nodded and turned, heading to his work place as Fernando watched his retrieving figure. His lips slowly curved up into a gentle satisfied smile. He touched his lips, recalling what happened at school. Those soft lips, tasted just like strawberry, he'd wish the kiss never ended "one day.. I hope you can realise how I really feel about you Alberto" Fernando sighed and turned, heading home.

Alberto arrived at his workplace. ★SATISFACTION C EATERY★ boldly written, designed on a huge sign board on top of the restaurant. Alberto sighed and opened the door and entered inside.

"hola alberto como estás mi amigo (hey alberto how are you my friend)" David greeted and shook hands with Alberto, also giving him a bro hug.

"estoy muy bien gracias (I'm very fine thanks)" Alberto smiled.

"¿Cómo está tu salud? (how is your health?) David asked.

"Salud?... ¡oh ¡mi salud! sí! Estoy mucho mejor ahora .. gracias por su preocupación (health?.. oh my health! yeah! I'm very fine now.. thanks for your concern)" Alberto chuckled and scratched the back of his head nervously.

David shook his head and gently patted Alberto's back "well.. I better get to work.. and you should too" He said and left to attend to customers.

Alberto nodded and grabbed an apron on the counter. Putting it on, he left to attend to the customers. Alberto works as a waiter in ★SATISFACTION C EATERY★. Alberto takes his work very seriously, always serving the customers with a charming smile.

Most of the customers (mostly ladies) don't just come for the food alone, they mostly come to watch Alberto's charming figure and captivating smile. They just sometimes buy food not to raise suspicion. And they always leave "generous" tips for Alberto each time they leave. Alberto long noticed their motives and just ignored them all.

Madam Camilla, A very beautiful, brown skinned woman and also the owner of ★SATISFACTION C EATERY★, long noticed that ever since she hired Alberto, She has been having more customers than she had before. Sales has been going up to the roof, all thanks to Alberto. She didn't mind adding a little somethin' somethin' in Alberto's salary every month. It isn't compared to what she's earning every week. Madam Camilla finger drummed on her desk, smiling at her thoughts until her cellphone rang, jolting her out of her thoughts.

She picked up the phone and checked the caller ID. Suddenly a huge smile appeared on her face as she hurriedly picked the call.

"Yes sir?" . "I'd like to book the entire restaurant for the evening" a husky masculine voice was heard on the other line. "Right away sir" Madam Camilla nodded and grinned. "I've already sent the money to your account.. I'll be there by 5" The guy hung up the call before madam Camilla could even reply. But she didn't mind at all. She stood up and left the office..

"Alright everyone listen up! .. I'm sorry but y'all gotta leave this minute.. the entire restaurant has been booked for the evening.. so I'm gonna kindly ask y'all to leave this instance" Madam Camilla announced. The customers all muttered, some grumbled, stood up and left the restaurant one by one. Soon the entire restaurant was empty.

Madam Camilla turned to her workers "Alright y'all ! chop chop! I need this place to be well arranged and sparkling clean before 5.. We have a very important guest coming over.. So I need y'all to make a good impression and try not to mess things up"

A female worker, Gema, raised her hand "Ma'am if I may ask, who exactly is the important guest coming over?"

"Don't worry you'll found out soon" Madam Camilla winked while smiling cheekily "Alright y'all Get to work!" The workers nodded and got to work..

10 minutes later, A black shiny Bugatti pulled up in front of the restaurant and a guy came down for the car. The guy was wearing a facemask and a face cap. The black shirt he was wearing outlined his sexy muscular body. Accompanied with the black rugged trouser and shiny white Snickers, he gave off that bad boy vibes.

The guy walked in the restaurant and madam Camilla rushed to great him "Welcome Mr. .. the entire restaurant is cleaned, peaceful and private ; just the way you like it" She grinned widely.

The workers were still struck in awe at the guy's appearance and concluded that this guy must be fucking rich.

The guy took off his facemask and cap, revealing his face. The workers gasped.

"Oh my guardian angel it's Rodrigo Torillo!! ahh!!" Gema shrieked in happiness and clapped her hands in excitement.

Rodrigo Torillo Is a very famous singer in Mexico City, who have won many awards over the past few years. He has so many fans around the country. With his extreme good looks and charming voice, fans are going gaga over him, especially female fans. Some says he's a Playboy but some don't give a damn.

"So Mr Torillo, which of them do you want to serve you for the evening?" Madam Camilla smiled and gestured towards the workers.

Rodrigo's gaze swept across the faces of the workers faces one by one until it landed on a certain person just sitting on a chair, seemingly minding his own business. However, that person seemed to pick Rodrigo's interest.

"I pick that one" Rodrigo pointed out and all gazes turned to Alberto, whose eyes widened alittle.

"m..me?" Alberto stuttered, pointing to himself.

Madam Camilla just smirked "Excellent choice Mr Torillo" ..

Sorry for taking so long in updating a chapter.. I've been going through a lot.. I hope you forgive your depressed authoress..

Anyways, tell me what you think of the story so far.. drop your thoughts on the comments section.. Love y'all muah (*^3^)/~♡

Anthonia_Charlescreators' thoughts