

This is about 3 men in the the big city of Dallas Texas this story follows there love lives there house drama and there horrific past this comedy that not just boys but girls will enjoy

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Season 3 Chapter 1: One Way Or Another

Coral and Micheal was still sitting on the couch. "So did you ever love your wife" Coral said. "Well o didn't love her at first my parents said I need a wife now my other brothers had girlfriends I didn't so they wanted me too but and then I fell in love with her after I realize I really love this woman" Micheal said. "What made that love go away" Coral said. "Her cheating on me with 16 men. One of those men being my best friend" Micheal said. "Are you still friends with him" Coral said. "Yes" Micheal said. "Why I mean that's your bestfriend that slept with you wife and your still messing with him that's dumb" Coral said. "I know it is" Micheal said. "Why are you still friends with him" Coral said. "I don't know dude" Micheal said. "You did something that you don't want him to find out about what did you do" Coral said. "It's nothing" Micheal said. "Okay well okay listen I gotta go I have work early in the morning" Coral said. "Oh okay can I take you to lunch tomorrow" Micheal said. "Boy anyways I guess" Coral said. "Okay bet" Micheal said.

           Alex walked into his apartment. "Damn left my damn shoes at the bar 100 dollars down the drain" Alex said. Sedgrick called Alex. "Hey what" Alex said. "My mother" Sedgrick said. "Wait is she dead" Alex said. "I don't know I don't know the doctors will not tell me anything" Sedgrick said. "Okay I'm coming right now" Alex said. "Okay well don't bring Michel please" Sedgrick said. "Okay fine but I'm coming" Alex said. Alex hunged up. "Dang" Alex said.

           Marcus texted Alex a picture of him and Ray having sex. Alex was angry.

                 Alex went to the hospital.

"Hey" Alex said. "Hey they will not tell me anything they won't" Sedgrick said. "I think we should go come on calm down okay" Alex said. "But Alex" Sedgrick said. "CALM DOWN let's go" Alex said. "Okay okay" Sedgrick said.

        At Micheal house he went upstairs and he went on his phone and called Sedgrick mom. "Hey" Micheal said. "Hey I almost died you know" Sedgrick mom- Promise said. "I'm sorry do you think we should tell him what we did it's just on my shoulders like I have to tell Sedgrick" Micheal said. "It was only 1 time we had sex" Promise said. "Still betrayal" Micheal said. "If you tell him it will ruin me and my sons relationship" Promise said. "Your dying anyways" Micheal said and he hanged up.

"How your hard" Alex said.

"Shut up I was thinking about her" Sedgrick said.

"Whatever" Alex said.





"This is a sin" Alex said.

"We are more then homies we are brothers" Alex said.

They hugged.




"Your a liar" Alex said.

"We wasn't even together" Ray said.

Alex and Marcus started fighting.


"He loved me" Alex said.


"This is crazy"