
Homelander is in DC

Wonder Woman: Why Are You Superman’s Brother? Eric said: "On my first day after traveling through time, I crawled into Superman's baby spaceship as a baby myself, pushed him out, and took his place. That's how I became the 'Son of Krypton.'" Superman asked: "Why don't you go save the plane?" Eric replied: "I can't lift things while standing on air." Batman asked: "Why doesn't kryptonite affect you this time?" Eric replied: "I originally wanted to fit in with you all as a Kryptonian, but all I got in return was alienation. Fine, I won't pretend anymore. I'll come clean. I am actually Homelander." ...... This is the story of a guy who pretends to be a Kryptonian but is actually a cunning and sinister Villian, causing trouble in the world of superheroes. --------------------------------------- 2 Chapters a Day

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64 Chs

Who stole my lead box?

"Do you remember that you don't like coming here?"

Clark asked Eric, frowning. Because of what happened with the school bus during the day, he was still angry with Eric, so his tone was not very friendly.

"Isn't this your secret base? So I thought it's best not to disturb you. Even though I can see anything I want to, no matter where it is."

Eric said with a hint of implication.

Clark's frown deepened.

By saying this, Eric implied that he could see everything happening at Lana's house, even though it wasn't close.

Coupled with Eric's comment about Lana, an uneasy feeling arose in Clark's heart.

Could it be that Eric is also interested in Lana?!

While Clark was lost in thought, Eric looked away, shook his head, and said to his brother, "To be honest, Lana isn't right for you, Clark."

"You sound like Mr. Escalante, making comments about things you're not familiar with and then banning everything that doesn't fit your preferences."

Clark retorted immediately.

Escalante was the dean of discipline at Smallville High School, known for his strict management style and gaining notoriety on his first day by trying to cancel the school's sex education classes.

"Mr. Escalante wouldn't chat with you in the 'Fortress of Solitude,' Clark."

(Fortress of Solitude: Clark's name for his secret base.)

Eric nonchalantly walked to the telescope and fiddled with the lenses, "Lana's house is only a mile from here, but she's never visited us. I don't think it's because she doesn't like you, right?!"

Clark found Eric's sarcastic remarks increasingly annoying.

"Whatever. But Eric, remember to respect other people's privacy."

After saying this, Clark quickly walked down the stairs.

He didn't want to chat with Eric anymore.

Eric stood still, speechless.

You talk about respecting privacy while using a telescope to spy on someone.

Why does this feel like you're revealing your own secret?

The next morning.

When Clark arrived at school, he noticed many people pointing at him and whispering.

"Hey, our superhero has arrived!"

Clark turned around after feeling a pat on his shoulder and saw Chloe holding some books. Pete was standing beside her.

Chloe, with her short blonde hair, had the vibe of a "straight-A" student, aiming to become one of the four state university interns chosen by the Daily Planet.

"What do you mean? Is this the headline for your report today, Chloe?"

Clark asked, feigning ignorance.

"I think Pete's comment about your 'odd sense of humor' is spot on."

Chloe pointed to some girls in the distance, "Look at those girls. Everyone's saying it was you who pulled the school bus out of the water, which is why they're all staring at you."

Clark replied nervously, "You don't believe that, do you, Chloe?"

"I'm reserving judgment."


Clark turned to his friend.

Pete, thinking about the upcoming homecoming dance, didn't notice Clark's gaze until he was nudged.

"Ahem... Considering that Clark can miss the bus and still get to school before us by cutting through the 'black hole,' I don't think lifting a school bus is beyond his capabilities."

Pete teased, maintaining a serious tone.

He referred to the "black hole" as the shortcut Clark often mentioned taking whenever he missed the bus but arrived at school before them.

Chloe had once joked, "That shortcut must be a black hole."

"Alright, even if it's a misunderstanding, I still need to clarify that it wasn't me."

"Then who was it? Could it be that guy?"

Chloe pointed to Eric entering through the school gate, "Although you can be mysterious at times, your brother seems even more mysterious."


Clark didn't deny it.

"Clark, I need you to do me a favor—interview Eric. About the school bus incident. Since you're being evasive, maybe we can get some secrets out of him, especially about you."

Chloe's eyes remained fixed on Eric as she spoke.

"Hey, let's put the interview on hold. Clark and I have to take care of something before class."

Before Chloe could respond, Pete pulled Clark to a secluded corner.

"Clark, I have another idea to avoid becoming the scarecrow! Trust me, this is the most reliable method aside from joining the football team."

"What scarecrow?"

Chloe suddenly appeared, "Why are you whispering?"


Pete glanced around, then put an arm around Chloe's shoulder, "It's a team tradition. Before a game, they paint an 'S' on a freshman's chest and hang him up like a scarecrow."

Chloe made a disgusted face, "Sounds like the chosen freshman would need years of therapy."

"That's why Clark and I are trying to avoid becoming the scarecrow."

Pete spoke resolutely.

He believed that among the freshmen, he and Clark were the most likely candidates due to their "loser" status.

"I thought of a good way, and that's to ask Eric for help."


Clark's eyes widened, wondering why his brother was being dragged into this.

"Eric played on the football team in seventh grade, right? If he talks to the team, we might avoid this disaster."


Clark frowned, "That was in middle school. Eric might not know the high school team members."

"Just give it a try."

"Okay, looks like we all have a reason to approach Eric."

Chloe patted Clark on the shoulder, "See you at the school gate after class, and bring Eric along."

With that, she walked toward the school building.

"See you in the afternoon, Clark."

Pete checked his watch, noted it was almost class time, greeted Clark, and hurried after Chloe.


Watching his two friends' backs, Clark sighed.

He figured his objections would be ignored anyway.

He was used to the fact that he had no "veto power" in their group.

Meanwhile, Eric, who was on the trio's minds, encountered a bit of trouble.

He discovered his locker had been tampered with.

The lead box inside his locker was missing!

The box contained Kryptonite fragments he had recently gathered.

Since being reborn in this world, he had focused on two main things.

One was continuously training his body to unlock the powers of the "Homelander template."

The other was collecting fragments of Kryptonite scattered around the town after Clark's arrival.

"Who would steal something like this? Could it be those lurking in the shadows?"

Staring at his locker, Eric narrowed his eyes.

The wind is unusually noisy today!


10 Advance Chapters: patreon.com/ReadingOasis