
Homelander is in DC

Wonder Woman: Why Are You Superman’s Brother? Eric said: "On my first day after traveling through time, I crawled into Superman's baby spaceship as a baby myself, pushed him out, and took his place. That's how I became the 'Son of Krypton.'" Superman asked: "Why don't you go save the plane?" Eric replied: "I can't lift things while standing on air." Batman asked: "Why doesn't kryptonite affect you this time?" Eric replied: "I originally wanted to fit in with you all as a Kryptonian, but all I got in return was alienation. Fine, I won't pretend anymore. I'll come clean. I am actually Homelander." ...... This is the story of a guy who pretends to be a Kryptonian but is actually a cunning and sinister Villian, causing trouble in the world of superheroes. --------------------------------------- 2 Chapters a Day

OasisTL · Anime und Comics
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64 Chs

The Crazy Luther Family

Hearing the explosion outside, Eric came out of the living room and looked outside.

Fireworks were blooming in the sky above Luther Manor.

The "bang bang" sound of the explosions could still be heard on the farm, even from several miles away.

Eric stood in the courtyard watching the fireworks for a while, then went back to his room to continue monitoring the movements at Luther Manor.

If the Court of Owls made a move on Lex tonight, he needed to be prepared in advance.

The dazzling fireworks left Eric wondering what fate awaited Luther Manor.

Back at Luther Manor.

"Hey, Clark."

In the bustling hall filled with dynamic music, Lex Luthor greeted Clark.

He introduced the woman next to him, "This is Victoria Harley, an old friend of mine."

"Hi, Clark!"

The charming Victoria greeted Clark, "Lex just said you are the star of this party."

"Thank you."

Clark, feeling a bit shy, smiled at her. He wasn't usually good at dealing with such charismatic women.

Lex took Victoria's hand and nodded behind Clark, then whispered to him, "Clark, your girl is here."

After saying that, he turned and left with Victoria, leaving the stage to Clark.

"Hey, Lana!"

Clark turned around and saw Lana, dressed elegantly. He awkwardly greeted her, "You look very pretty today."

"Really? Although it's a party, knowing it's at Luther Manor makes it feel different, so I subconsciously dressed up a bit. You saying that makes me feel more confident."

Lana replied with a smile.

"How's Whitney doing lately?"

Clark immediately regretted asking this question, realizing it was inappropriate for the occasion.

Sure enough, Lana's eyebrows furrowed. After hesitating for a moment, she said, "He's... he's doing well. The doctor said his recovery is going well."

"That's good."

After this brief conversation, they fell into silence again.

"Did Eric not come?"

After a few seconds of silence, Lana asked Clark.


Clark thought for a moment, then replied a bit awkwardly, "He doesn't like these kinds of occasions."

Lana nodded, looking slightly disappointed.

"Do you smell something strange?"

Clark suddenly frowned and asked Lana.


Lana looked puzzled, not understanding why he asked such a strange question.


Clark, with a strange look on his face, said "Excuse me for a moment" to Lana, then quickly walked towards the source of the odd smell.

After his talents awakened, he gained not only super sight and super hearing but also heightened sensory perception. He immediately noticed the strange and sinister smell in the air.

Just as he took a few steps, the glass in the hall shattered with a "crash."

Amid the sound of falling glass shards, several figures dressed in capes, like owls in the night, flew in through the broken windows.

Before Lex Luthor's bodyguards could react, blood spurted from their necks, and they fell to the ground with wide eyes.

The students at the party, seeing the blood-spraying security guards fall dead, finally reacted and started screaming and running away.

The originally lively party instantly turned into a panic-stricken escape.

"Clark! Over here!"

Chloe and Pete found Clark in the crowd and tried to pull him away.

"You guys go first. I'll stop them."

Clark pulled his wrist from Chloe's hand and looked at the "Owlkillers" who were slaughtering the Luther Manor guards with their blades.

The killers disguised as "owls" did not target the students but prioritized eliminating the manor's guards.

With their short blades and strange claw-like weapons, they struck like death's scythe, each blow piercing their opponents' bodies, blood spraying like fountains.

Their swift, fierce movements were too much for the ordinary guards to handle.

Chloe, worried about Clark's safety but knowing she couldn't persuade him, said "Be careful" before quickly leaving with the crowd.

"Where's Clark?"

Lex, who had evacuated earlier, asked Chloe and Pete.

"Clark wanted to stay inside."

Pete, helping an injured classmate, explained helplessly.

Lex's expression changed several times before he gritted his teeth and took a gun from a nearby guard, intending to enter the now-sealed hall.

"Mr. Luthor, we advise you to evacuate. The main target of the enemy is you. They will come out soon. We believe they won't waste time on an innocent person. If you leave, he will be safe."

The head of the mercenaries Lex had arranged earlier stopped him from his impulsive action.

Although reluctant, Lex could only get into the car and head to a prepared hiding place.

The entire manor was left with only the trapped guards, the "Owlmen" killers, and the mercenaries outside preparing to wipe out the enemy.

Clark moved forward quickly, punching one of the attackers in the jaw.

The Owlman, with superhuman reflexes and agility, couldn't resist, crashing into the wall with a loud bang.

Facing the sudden appearance of Clark, the Owlmen didn't panic and continued their assault.


Another punch sent one trying to sneak up on him flying. Clark stepped forward, grabbed the blade from one of the attackers, and snapped it with a "crack."

Seeing the shocked enemy, Clark, no longer holding back, struck with hatred, knocking the attacker unconscious with one punch.

Even without any fighting skills, his super speed and reflexes made him unbeatable.

Just as he was about to continue, a guard staggered up, his eyes filled with a crazed bloodlust. He accelerated and charged at Clark.

Clark froze, confused as to why a guard would attack him.

His brief hesitation allowed the guard to tackle him to the ground.

The Owlmen had released a potent hallucinogenic toxin, the "Black Light," which was the strange smell Clark had noticed earlier. The guards had inhaled more of it during the fight, their fear fully triggered, seeing only nightmarish monsters around them.

Some guards died from mental collapse, while others went mad and attacked those around them.

Clark, the most prominent figure in the scene, became the target of these crazed guards.

At the same time!


An RPG-7 rocket blasted through the mansion's doors, into the hall.

The explosion's roar filled the room, the shockwave tearing through the sturdy walls, engulfing the Owlmen and Clark in flames and debris.


10 Advance Chapters: patreon.com/ReadingOasis

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