
Homelander is in DC

Wonder Woman: Why Are You Superman’s Brother? Eric said: "On my first day after traveling through time, I crawled into Superman's baby spaceship as a baby myself, pushed him out, and took his place. That's how I became the 'Son of Krypton.'" Superman asked: "Why don't you go save the plane?" Eric replied: "I can't lift things while standing on air." Batman asked: "Why doesn't kryptonite affect you this time?" Eric replied: "I originally wanted to fit in with you all as a Kryptonian, but all I got in return was alienation. Fine, I won't pretend anymore. I'll come clean. I am actually Homelander." ...... This is the story of a guy who pretends to be a Kryptonian but is actually a cunning and sinister Villian, causing trouble in the world of superheroes. --------------------------------------- 2 Chapters a Day

OasisTL · Anime und Comics
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62 Chs

No One Can Control Me

In the biological laboratory, Eric picked up a test tube filled with pink gas, carefully observing the slow-moving gas inside.

The morning sunlight poured in, casting a light golden hue over the laboratory.

Eric now had the key to this biology lab in his hand.

The person who played a crucial role in obtaining the key was Atkins, who was leaning against the lab table in front of the laboratory.

Bathed in the early morning sunlight, Atkins, in a green dress, supported herself on the lab table with one hand while gently stroking her neck with the other.

Tiny beads of sweat rolled down the exposed skin.

Her long legs stretched out, highlighting her distinctive S-shaped figure.

Atkins cast a seductive glance at Eric, intentionally or unintentionally exuding her hormones.

However, to her disappointment, Eric kept his attention focused on the test tube in front of him.

With Eric's knowledge of chemistry and biology, he couldn't determine how something primarily composed of human secreted hormones could influence someone's mind.

"Atkins," Eric said after setting down the test tube, looking at Atkins.

"You said you developed this ability after being affected by a falling meteorite?"


"This pink mist, once inhaled by men, makes them obey your every command. But does it have the same effect on women?" Eric asked her.

"I haven't tried it, so I don't know," Atkins replied, stepping toward Eric in high heels. "Or do you want me to find someone to test it on?"

Aikins, eyes filled with teasing intent, grabbed Eric's collar with one hand, lightly caressing his chest.

"You marked my body, didn't you want me to belong to you alone? Or do you not mind me getting intimate with other women?" Aikins's actions became increasingly bold as her tone grew more flirtatious. "You know what I want to do right now? I want your eyes to leave more marks on my body. The warm, tingling, stinging sensation is so intoxicating; it's absolutely crazy!"

She grasped Eric's hand, panting slightly, "I'm insanely addicted to this feeling, Eric. Now, where on my body do you want to burn me?"

Faced with her provocative words, Eric frowned.

He grabbed Aikins's chin, "I think you've misunderstood our relationship and have a wrong impression of your position."

His eyes instantly turned red, and a laser beam shot out from them.

Aikins, frozen in fear, had no time to react as the middle section of a metal stand in the corner of the lab melted.

The metal stand, losing its support, clattered to the ground.

"Or do you want me to leave marks like this on you?"

Terrified, Aikins glanced back at the melted metal, her eyelids twitching.

If he did that to her, she figured her fate would be worse than that of the melted metal.

Realizing the destructive power of Eric's heat vision, the female teacher quickly calmed down.

After dealing with Aikins, Eric set down the test tube, falling into deep thought.

Studying the effects of the meteorite on the human body was indeed beyond his capabilities alone.

Should he enlist the help of others?

Outside the lab, Chloe and her group watched Aikins emerge from the biology lab and exchanged looks.

"Wow, Eric is now the enemy of every boy in school," Chloe shrugged.

"He's been getting close to Aikins lately. Seems you were wrong, Chloe," Little Black Pete said to Chloe. "Eric isn't indifferent to women; he likes mature ones like her."

"Mature women?" Chloe shook her head, disagreeing with Pete's opinion. "In Georgia, there was a girl named Skyla Jones, or something like that. I forget the exact details, but the name doesn't matter much. She had the characteristics of a mature woman at the age of five."

"Although it's rare, African American girls generally start developing before the age of eight, while the rate for white girls is 15%. So, Pete, high school girls are more mature than you think."

Speaking as a meticulous journalist, Chloe cited detailed evidence to counter Pete's argument.

"Although what you say is correct, Chloe, I was referring to maturity in demeanor, not physical development."

Pete retorted, unwilling to back down, and pulled Clark into the debate. "What do you think, Clark?"

"Me?" Clark shook his head, bewildered. "I'm not sure, but I feel Aikins is a bit odd."

"That's why we're investigating her. The information I asked a friend to find about Aikins will arrive today. Let's go to the newsroom first."

After coming out of the school newspaper office, Clark was in utter shock.

The information about Aikins he had seen completely changed his impression of her.


Thinking about Eric, who had been getting close to Aikins recently, he felt a strong sense of foreboding.

"Eric, I saw Aikins's file."

After school, Clark stopped Eric.

"So, what do you want to tell me?"

Eric asked calmly.

"Ms. Aikins, she's very strange. She was very popular during her teenage years. But later, her first boyfriend killed her stepfather, and she inherited all the assets. After becoming a teacher, she married a wealthy CEO, but soon her CEO husband was killed by a crazed high school student. It all seems very suspicious."

Clark revealed Aikins's hidden past to Eric.

"The typical black widow scenario."

Eric nodded. "You suspect she seduced those poor guys into killing, right?"

"Seems like it."

Clark said worriedly, "Although there's no evidence, she gained wealth and benefits from it. It's hard not to be suspicious."

"So, Clark, do you now think I'm one of those unfortunate guys seduced by her? That I'll kill someone because of her?"

Eric asked calmly.

Clark nodded, "I think Ms. Aikins might be like Coach Walter, awakened with special abilities by the meteorite, like making people obey her commands. Eric, it's dangerous for you to stay with her."

Facing Clark's advice, Eric shook his head.

"I know what I'm doing. I don't think anyone can control me, even the so-called black widow. So, Clark, don't worry about me losing my mind and doing something crazy. My rationality is more resilient than you think."

"Besides, I'm also investigating everything in my own way. Clark, instead of worrying about me, you should worry about passing your English paper this week."

After speaking, Eric turned and left.

Clark stood there, watching Eric's receding figure, rubbing his nose in frustration.

Could it be that he was overthinking it?


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