
Homelander is in DC

Wonder Woman: Why Are You Superman’s Brother? Eric said: "On my first day after traveling through time, I crawled into Superman's baby spaceship as a baby myself, pushed him out, and took his place. That's how I became the 'Son of Krypton.'" Superman asked: "Why don't you go save the plane?" Eric replied: "I can't lift things while standing on air." Batman asked: "Why doesn't kryptonite affect you this time?" Eric replied: "I originally wanted to fit in with you all as a Kryptonian, but all I got in return was alienation. Fine, I won't pretend anymore. I'll come clean. I am actually Homelander." ...... This is the story of a guy who pretends to be a Kryptonian but is actually a cunning and sinister Villian, causing trouble in the world of superheroes. --------------------------------------- 2 Chapters a Day

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64 Chs

Nietzsche and the Superman

Within a short period, he had received too much impactful information, and even though he differed in rationality from ordinary people, he couldn't help but feel emotionally overwhelmed.

Clark Kent's seemingly superhuman strength and endurance, along with Eric Kent's eerie and indescribable painting that seemed to glimpse into one's fate, left him with a multitude of complex emotions echoing in his mind, making him feel utterly drained.

Parking the car by the roadside, he placed his hands on the steering wheel, bowed his head, and took deep breaths, allowing rationality to regain the upper hand in his emotions.

Taking out his phone, he found the number labeled "Reporter K" in his contacts and dialed.

"Hey, Lex, I thought you'd escaped from the hospital because you couldn't stand the nurses harassing you? After all, the playboy reputation of the Luthor Group's young master attracts many women's desires," joked Reporter K.

"I'm a selfish person. I not only want to love alone but also want to be loved alone, so ordinary women can't catch my eye," Lex replied directly. "I need you to help me investigate two people."

"So, does this mean you want to stop investigating the Smallville High School dance incident?"

"No, I don't think it conflicts."

Lex absentmindedly tapped his fingers on the steering wheel. "Clark Kent and Eric Kent, students at Smallville High School. I need you to help me gather some information about them."

After hesitating for a moment, he added, "Do it as discreetly as possible, without anyone noticing. If there's a risk of exposure, abandon it, especially if they notice."

Though he didn't admit it to himself, Lex couldn't fully prioritize his interests like his father did, abandoning his emotions completely. He was somewhat apprehensive, even afraid, of losing Clark's friendship.

After all, the latter had saved his life, even giving him a second chance at life.

"Got it, I'll get on it."

Reporter K, the middle-aged man who had just shared coffee with him, replied.

"Okay, I'll transfer the money to your account later, Chris."

After hanging up, Lex lowered his head in thought for a moment, then put on his sunglasses and drove away.

"Gratitude from the Luthor family?"

Jonathan showed no interest in the check left by the Luthors. "The Luthor family will betray anyone they have relations with. Untrustworthy and ruthless is their ingrained family trait."

"This is Lex's gratitude to Clark, and Lex is Lex, the Luthor family is the Luthor family. You can't confuse them," Martha told her stubborn husband.

"I don't believe someone with a despicable father can be good. Where does his character stand? Generous, magnanimous? Or grateful? Sorry, I only see malice!" Jonathan had a very negative impression of the people from the Luthor family. "And Clark rescued Lex publicly. If he exposes his abilities and is discovered by Lex, it's hard not to think of worse outcomes."

"Are you going to blame Clark again? Weren't you trying to mend your relationship with him before? If you blame him again, you'll push him further away."

Martha held her husband's hand, trying to reconcile their relationship with their eldest son.

"I'm just..."

Jonathan's tone slowed, somewhat helpless. "I'm just afraid of those government agencies. If they find Clark, we'll lose him."

"If you can't trust him, then don't use those people, we'll lose him."

Martha softly advised her husband, "I'll go talk to Clark and ask him to return the check. Tomorrow is Clark's first football game at school. If you go to the game, he'll surely be happy."

Martha tried her best to mediate the relationship between her husband and their eldest son.


Jonathan nodded. "I'll go to the game tomorrow, but not to see him, but to make sure he hasn't hurt anyone."

Faced with her husband's conflicting emotions, Martha didn't expose them, but smiled and tightened her grip on his hand.

Meanwhile, Eric was having a conversation with Clark at the "Fortress of Solitude."

"Lex Luthor?"

Upon hearing his older brother mention the name of the person he had rescued as "Lex Luthor," Eric frowned.

The arch-nemesis of this superman?

The smartest and most selfish advocate of human supremacy?

Why were these two entangled in everything now?

Many thoughts flashed through Eric's mind.

"Eric, do you know Lex Luthor?"

Clark asked, noticing Eric's unusual expression.

"I've heard of him."

Eric walked to the edge of the barn, gazing at the reddening sunset in the sky.

"Clark, have you read Nietzsche before?"


Faced with Eric's sudden question, Clark was taken aback.

"I... just read it when I joined the extracurricular group, Chloe recommended it to me."

Clark felt a bit hesitant to mention that he had read Nietzsche to others, feeling a bit like showing off and pretending when answering.

"Nietzsche once described the Übermensch: high will to power, new moral concepts, not to be judged by human morality, nor bound by existing concepts. Clark, if you were given the choice, would you choose to become this Übermensch?"


Clark was stunned, thinking for a few seconds before shaking his head solemnly. "I wouldn't become that person."

"If Lex Luthor were given the choice, he would undoubtedly become the Übermensch described by Nietzsche."


Clark didn't know if his younger brother was belittling Lex or praising him.

"Maybe, I think he's not a bad person, at least different from what father says about the Luthor family in rumors."

Clark shrugged, expressing his impression of this future archenemy.

"Whatever you say. Cheer up for tomorrow's football game, Dad might go to school to watch you play."

Eric turned around and walked towards the wooden stairs, casually saying to him.

Watching his younger brother's back disappear into the entrance of the secret base, Clark rubbed his nose.

Dad going to watch his game?

How is that possible?

Wasn't he always against him joining the football team?

He didn't believe his brother's words, shook his head, and walked to the telescope to observe Lana, one mile away.

Should he use his X-ray vision to look at Lana instead of the telescope?

Clark was momentarily caught in indecision.


10 Advance Chapters: patreon.com/ReadingOasis

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