
Homelander is in DC

Wonder Woman: Why Are You Superman’s Brother? Eric said: "On my first day after traveling through time, I crawled into Superman's baby spaceship as a baby myself, pushed him out, and took his place. That's how I became the 'Son of Krypton.'" Superman asked: "Why don't you go save the plane?" Eric replied: "I can't lift things while standing on air." Batman asked: "Why doesn't kryptonite affect you this time?" Eric replied: "I originally wanted to fit in with you all as a Kryptonian, but all I got in return was alienation. Fine, I won't pretend anymore. I'll come clean. I am actually Homelander." ...... This is the story of a guy who pretends to be a Kryptonian but is actually a cunning and sinister Villian, causing trouble in the world of superheroes. --------------------------------------- 2 Chapters a Day

OasisTL · Anime und Comics
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64 Chs

It’s not Eric who lost his mind, but you, right?

"What's that? You're going to Gotham?"

Mother Martha sounded surprised.

"It's just a four-day new book promotion. It will be over soon."

Eric explained to his parents, "Besides, Mr. Anthony from the publishing house will be going with me to Gotham. I think... you and Dad don't need to worry about my safety."

"You've never been so far from home before, and to a place like Gotham."

Mother Martha held Eric's hand. "I know the city's not very safe, even worse than Metropolis. Maybe, Eric, your father can go with you."

"Though I also worry about Eric's safety."

Jonathan was more open-minded, "But I believe he can take care of himself. If I went with Eric to Gotham, he'd definitely be very uncomfortable. People who don't take risks get nothing, but those who take too many risks lose everything. We worry about our children's safety, Martha, but we can't protect them too much."

Martha was unhappy with her husband's words. "Eric isn't an adult yet."

"For normal people, maybe not. But for Eric and Clark, they've already had their coming-of-age."


Martha looked puzzled.

"When they secretly tried whiskey."

Jonathan said with a smile.


Martha was full of questions, "Eric and Clark drank alcohol?"

"You see, sometimes things happen like this. Martha, we're afraid our sons will encounter bad things, afraid they'll get hurt. But sometimes things happen without us knowing. If we let them go, they grow faster than we think."

Jonathan patiently explained to his wife.

Next to them, Eric's expression changed slightly when he heard his father mention him drinking. Clark felt a bit wronged.

He just sniffed it out of curiosity and didn't actually drink. Back in middle school, he was tricked by Eric.

After dinner, the parents finally reached an agreement, allowing Eric to go to Gotham with the publishing house people for the new book promotion.

Clark, though a bit envious and wanting to visit Gotham, immediately gave up the idea considering his parents' attitude.

Eric sat at the table, looking at the dark night outside.

The so-called Gotham new book promotion wasn't made up; Metropolis University Press did invite him for a promotion. Only the location was Metropolis, not Gotham.

Eric himself proposed changing the location to Gotham, and he would cover the extra costs.

This move surprised the publishers, but they didn't refuse.

Thus, Eric had a legitimate reason to go to Gotham.

As for taking time off school, Teacher Jenkins would naturally handle that.

The next day.

On Eric's first day away from the farm, Clark felt oddly out of sorts.

Having breakfast without Eric sitting next to him made him feel a bit empty.

So much so that at school, he seemed a bit distracted.

"Clark, I remember you said Eric doesn't like being in the spotlight. I don't understand why he went to Gotham for a book promotion."

Chloe complained to Clark.

"Usually, that's the case."

Clark nodded, "Unless there's a reason that makes him willing to be in the spotlight. As for that reason, sorry, Chloe, I don't know."

"You mean Eric went to Gotham for something other than promoting his book?"


Clark replied, then looked at the bustling crowd in the hallway.

"Why is it so lively today?"

"You don't know?"

Pete pointed to the banners in the hallway, "Today is Graduation Ring Day. Although we're not graduating, we can pick a ring we like."

The three walked to the ring-selling booth. Chloe picked a ring with a ruby on it and put it on.

"Looks good. Nothing represents our school spirit better than a flashy ring."

Chloe admired the ring on her finger and said to Clark, "Clark, maybe you should pick one. But spending $350 on something you don't need might bother your dad."

Clark picked up a ring, "I earn my pocket money myself. I think... I can decide how to spend it."

As he put on the ruby ring, a stream of red energy flowed through his body.

His eyes turned dark red for a moment, then it vanished.

Primal desires rose from his heart.

Violence, selfishness, greed, manipulation, control... these traits opposite to his nature grew within him.

"Are you okay, Clark?"

Pete asked, noticing Clark's strange expression.

"I'm fine, never better."

Clark took a deep breath, shook his head, and walked towards Lana at the other end of the hallway.

Chloe and Pete thought he was going to greet Lana, but he walked straight to the punk girl next to Lana.

"Hi, I'm Clark. Are you new here? I must say, your outfit is the coolest I've ever seen!"

Clark's words shocked Lana.

Was this the shy Clark, or a dating expert?!

"Jessica, I'm a new transfer student."

The punk girl with smoky eye makeup reached out to Clark.

"Smallville High has strict dress codes. Maybe..."

Clark shook her hand, "Our uptight principal might make you change clothes."

"I won't change."

The girl said directly.

Clark looked approving, "Of course, the dress code is stupid. They tell us what to wear without thinking about the students."


Jessica smiled at Clark, "Nice to meet you, Clark. You made an impression."

She turned and left with a confused Lana.

Watching them leave, Clark smiled.

"This feels good."

After watching Lana and Jessica leave, he noticed Teacher Jenkins walking down the hallway with books.

Clark immediately focused on her, licking his lips.

At that moment, a student playing nearby accidentally bumped into him.

With super speed reflexes, Clark grabbed the student's collar, lifted his bulky body, and slammed him into a locker with a "bang."

"Looking for trouble, huh?!"

Clark's eyes were fierce, scaring the student and everyone nearby, including Chloe and Pete.

They exchanged bewildered looks.

Was this Clark? Why did he suddenly change?

Could it be that the one controlled by Teacher Jenkins wasn't Eric, but Clark?!


10 Advance Chapters: patreon.com/ReadingOasis

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