
Homelander is in DC

Wonder Woman: Why Are You Superman’s Brother? Eric said: "On my first day after traveling through time, I crawled into Superman's baby spaceship as a baby myself, pushed him out, and took his place. That's how I became the 'Son of Krypton.'" Superman asked: "Why don't you go save the plane?" Eric replied: "I can't lift things while standing on air." Batman asked: "Why doesn't kryptonite affect you this time?" Eric replied: "I originally wanted to fit in with you all as a Kryptonian, but all I got in return was alienation. Fine, I won't pretend anymore. I'll come clean. I am actually Homelander." ...... This is the story of a guy who pretends to be a Kryptonian but is actually a cunning and sinister Villian, causing trouble in the world of superheroes. --------------------------------------- 2 Chapters a Day

OasisTL · Anime und Comics
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64 Chs

Is there a god on earth or a scumbag on earth?

Smoville High School.

  As the prom day approaches, the restless hormones of high schoolers are stirring up their youthful spirits.

  The increasing number of couples at the school gates, as well as the parked private cars, are a clear indication of it.

  Clark Kent, also known as Superman, the future leader of the Justice League, is coming out of the school gate with a backpack, wearing a disheartened expression.

  He's quite upset about his defeat in the American football selection match.

  He could easily win if he used his powers.

  But his father always advised him to be cautious with his powers in front of ordinary people, which led to his defeat and becoming a laughingstock of the football team.

  With a sour mood, Clark takes a few steps out of the school gate and sees his crush standing there chatting with classmates.

  As a high schooler just beginning to experience love, Clark is immediately captivated.

  He stares blankly for a moment until Lana, the girl he likes, welcomes her boyfriend, and only then does Clark walk away disappointed.

  His frustrated gaze inadvertently falls on the book cover in his arms.

  It's a collection of Nietzsche's poems that he likes.

  A sentence on the cover makes him feel lost in thought.

  "People can restrain behavior, but they cannot restrain emotions, because emotions are unpredictable."

  Reading the words on the cover, he feels somewhat relieved.

  Yes, he can control his power, but he can't control his feelings when he meets Lana.

  Indeed, emotions are even more elusive and uncontrollable than behavior.

  "Hey, Clark! The bus is about to leave, aren't you getting on?"

  From the window of the bus, Clark's classmate leans out and shouts at him.

  "Sorry, coming right now!"

  Clark gestures an apology to the driver and quickly rushes towards the bus.

  Finally, just before the impatient bus driver starts the engine, he gets on.

  As he steps onto the bus, his mind wandering about Lana, he accidentally trips and falls, causing other high schoolers inside the bus to burst into laughter.

  "Sorry! Mr. Hanks."

  Clark apologizes to the driver while hurriedly getting up and walking towards the back of the bus.

  He finally sits down next to a high schooler with messy hair, sharp features, and a somewhat handsome look.

  "Hey, Eric, how's campus life today? I heard from my dad that you were busy with the English report until one in the morning."

  Clark asks the person beside him.

  "Sorry, Clark, I'm not in a good mood. Maybe you can go play nerd games with Pete and the others."

  With golden tousled hair and a hand supporting his head, Eric looks out the window with an expressionless face, speaking in a tone devoid of emotion.

  Eric, also known as Zeno, feels nothing but disdain for Clark, his nominal older brother.

  This guy... always comes to him for something just because he's his older brother.

  Clark Kent, don't you realize how unpopular you are as the campus "loser"?

  If Eric could go back to when he was a baby, he would definitely do everything to make the Kents acknowledge him as their brother.

  Yes, it's been sixteen years since the Kents adopted Zeno and Superman.

  Zeno, given the name Eric Kent by the Kents, unfortunately became Superman's younger brother.

  This year, Eric and Superman entered high school together.

  Clark's Kryptonian powers began to awaken.

  His strength gradually increased, and his speed became far beyond ordinary!

  In comparison, Eric's changes were even more astonishing to the Kents.

  Since the "Kryptonian template" within Eric's body had been unlocked to 70%, he inherited all the superpowers of the Kryptonians—super strength, heat vision, X-ray vision, and unparalleled speed, except for the ability to fly.

  Of course, his powers might not be as powerful as those of the peak Kryptonians.

  Nevertheless, it still amazed the Kents!

  Compared to Clark, who lacked talent and was honest and humble, they were more worried about their silent, taciturn, sarcastic, and gifted younger son.

  Yes, because Eric showed extraordinary strength and intelligence from a young age, he was discreet until recently, unlike Clark, who just started to awaken his powers, making him the epitome of untalented in their eyes.

  If they knew their older son was the "god among men" and the younger one was just a "worthless being" disguised as a Kryptonian, I wonder what their expression would be.

  But one thing that made Eric proud was that now he could beat up Superman, who hadn't fully awakened yet.

  And as his younger brother, Superman would never dare to fight back.


  Hearing Eric's sarcasm, Clark didn't say anything and started to pick up the scattered books from the ground.

  He didn't get angry because he understood his brother's temper.

  He just felt that his brother must have been criticized by the teacher today for staying up late.

  "Hey, Clark, can I ask you something?"

  Several malicious high schoolers sitting in front suddenly speak to Clark.


  Clark raises his head in surprise.

  "Could you please change your clothes next time? Not only are they dirty, but they also smell like cow dung."

  A freckled, stout high schooler holds up a paper bag containing cola, saying to Clark with a face full of malice.

  As soon as he finishes his words, the delinquent high schoolers around him burst into laughter.

  "Clark's clothes are so dirty and smell like cow dung because he's a bumpkin raised on a farm. Kent Farm, haha, it's definitely the home of cow dung! Clark's parents are the farmers who love cow dung the most!"

  The delinquent students around start taunting, and their words become increasingly offensive.

  Clark's face shows anger, but then it turns into shock as he looks towards his brother sitting on his left.

  He knows that the word "parents" is an absolute taboo in his brother's heart!

  Those guys are going to anger Eric!

  Sure enough, Eric, who has been expressionless like a statue, has eyes flashing with a red light.

  The next second!


  The paper bag in the stout high schooler's hand explodes violently.

  With a strong gust of wind, the cola in the bag bursts into pieces.

  The entire aisle is completely filled with flying scraps of paper and splashes of cola.

  The driver, who is driving the bus onto a bridge, is startled and jerks the steering wheel to the left.

  The bus immediately turns left and crashes into the railing of the bridge.

  The long-unmaintained railing is shattered by the high-speed bus!


  The car breaks through the railing and crashes into the water.


  The splashing water shoots up into the sky!


10 Advance Chapters: patreon.com/ReadingOasis