
Homelander is in DC

Wonder Woman: Why Are You Superman’s Brother? Eric said: "On my first day after traveling through time, I crawled into Superman's baby spaceship as a baby myself, pushed him out, and took his place. That's how I became the 'Son of Krypton.'" Superman asked: "Why don't you go save the plane?" Eric replied: "I can't lift things while standing on air." Batman asked: "Why doesn't kryptonite affect you this time?" Eric replied: "I originally wanted to fit in with you all as a Kryptonian, but all I got in return was alienation. Fine, I won't pretend anymore. I'll come clean. I am actually Homelander." ...... This is the story of a guy who pretends to be a Kryptonian but is actually a cunning and sinister Villian, causing trouble in the world of superheroes. --------------------------------------- 2 Chapters a Day

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64 Chs

Confrontation with the reporter

"Things are getting more interesting," Eric murmured to himself as he stood by the window, watching the night.

He had thought his clandestine activities were well-hidden, but it turned out Clark knew quite a bit.

Then again, that made sense.

He hadn't really tried to hide from Clark. With his brother's emerging extraordinary abilities, discovering Eric's actions wasn't difficult.

Late-night trips to Metropolis, returning with a faint scent of blood—these were things Eric often did.

As his powers grew stronger, Eric often went to Metropolis to blow off steam.

The unlucky targets of his power were usually criminals and gang members.

He had no intention of becoming a superhero; he just found these guys worth his time and effort.

And of course, while venting, he would help himself to some "Franklins."

That's why Clark said he had a stash of money.

As for Dan Brown's death... it was probably that "scarecrow" Jeremy, right?

Sitting at his desk, Eric pushed thoughts of Clark aside and pondered.

He had no sympathy or pity for the football team members who were being killed.

The idea of muscle-headed idiots being slain by a returning "revenge spirit" intrigued him.

As for stopping Jeremy? He wasn't interested.

The homecoming dance tomorrow...

Turning to the window, Eric's lips curled into a slight smile as he gazed into the night.

It could turn out to be a grand, spectacular show.

He was really looking forward to it!

The next morning, Smallville High School buzzed with the energy of youthful hormones.

The anticipation of the homecoming dance had everyone excited.

Girls, dreaming of the dance, sat in groups discussing their dates, while boys hurried to invite their partners.

A nervous yet exhilarating atmosphere enveloped the students.

"Hey, Eric!"

As Eric closed his locker, a girl's voice called from behind.

Turning, he saw Chloe, Clark's best friend and the reporter for The Torch.

With her short blonde hair, holding a book in one hand and a coffee in the other, Chloe greeted Eric, "Good morning, Eric."


"Chloe Sullivan, reporter and editor-in-chief of The Torch. This is the first time we're talking without Clark around, isn't it?"

Chloe smiled, looking cheerful.

"Do you need something?"

Eric wasn't very familiar with the curious reporter.

Clark had mentioned she had an insatiable curiosity.

Eric, who disliked trouble, was wary of people with strong curiosity, especially if they were reporters.

"Can we talk? It will only take a moment, and we'll be done before class."

Chloe asked hopefully.

"About Clark."

Perhaps fearing Eric would refuse, Chloe added.

After a moment's hesitation, Eric agreed to Chloe's request.

In The Torch's office, Chloe tidied up her desk, trying to make the cluttered room look presentable.

"Want some coffee?"

"No, thanks."


Chloe nodded, looking a bit uneasy.

She had a bit of a crush on Eric, finding him attractive despite his sometimes aloof demeanor.

Having never been confessed to or dated, Chloe felt insecure.

Eric glanced around the room, his eyes settling on the stack of newspapers on the shelves.

"These are recent issues of The Torch," Chloe explained.

"The Torch? Do you have any issues from three years ago, around homecoming?"

Eric asked.

Though surprised by his interest in old newspapers, Chloe nodded.

"Of course, I'll find them for you."

Efficient as always, Chloe quickly handed Eric a stack of newspapers.

"Homecoming is on April 21st. These are from April three years ago. If the layout looks different, don't be surprised. I wasn't the editor-in-chief back then."

Chloe added a playful comment.

Seeing Eric's stoic expression, she felt a bit deflated.

Eric, expressionless, took the newspapers from Chloe's hand and quickly found the article about Jeremy.

"Jeremy, a student who disappeared three years ago, was chosen as the 'scarecrow' and tied up in the cornfield overnight. He vanished the next day. I remember this caused a big stir at the time. Jeremy had participated in the APPT Physics Cup and was the only student from Smallville High to win an award."

Chloe shared what she knew when she saw Eric reading about Jeremy.

Nodding, Eric quickly read through the article and handed the newspaper back to Chloe.

The article mentioned Jeremy had been hospitalized for meteorite radiation and was a physics prodigy.

It seemed Jeremy's mutation was related to Kryptonite, and he might have found a way to harness its energy.


Chloe interrupted his thoughts.

"Clark thinks you're involved in Dan Brown's death. Is it true?"

Chloe asked directly.


Eric neither confirmed nor denied it.

"Usually, uncertain answers mean 'I don't want to answer.'"

Chloe said, blinking. "So, Eric, is it that you don't want to answer?"

"What do you think, Chloe?"

Eric countered.

"Me? My view differs from Clark's. Not because you helped me when Dan Brown tried to 'silence' me, so I'm not biased."

Chloe expertly put the newspaper back on the shelf. "I suspect Coach Watt. He's been acting strangely and showing signs of abusing students. Maybe Dan Brown was the informant, and that's why Coach Watt targeted him."

"Anyway, Clark thinks you'll make a move at the dance tonight, and he'll try to stop you. So... to clear your name, will you still go?"

Chloe asked Eric earnestly.

"Why not?"

Eric's succinct response conveyed his attitude.

"Why do I feel like you're baiting Clark into a confrontation?"

Chloe's eyebrows knitted as she voiced her intuition.


10 Advance Chapters: patreon.com/ReadingOasis