
Homelander is in DC

Wonder Woman: Why Are You Superman’s Brother? Eric said: "On my first day after traveling through time, I crawled into Superman's baby spaceship as a baby myself, pushed him out, and took his place. That's how I became the 'Son of Krypton.'" Superman asked: "Why don't you go save the plane?" Eric replied: "I can't lift things while standing on air." Batman asked: "Why doesn't kryptonite affect you this time?" Eric replied: "I originally wanted to fit in with you all as a Kryptonian, but all I got in return was alienation. Fine, I won't pretend anymore. I'll come clean. I am actually Homelander." ...... This is the story of a guy who pretends to be a Kryptonian but is actually a cunning and sinister Villian, causing trouble in the world of superheroes. --------------------------------------- 2 Chapters a Day

OasisTL · Anime und Comics
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64 Chs

Clark's Roar

The chairman of the Owl Council stroked his chin in satisfaction after seeing Mr. Sarcasm's magic instantly send Eric flying.

"So, it turns out that our David Copperfield's tricks aren't just for show after all."

After a bit of sarcasm, he turned his gaze to Mr. Sarcasm, who had just cast blue lightning.

Mr. Sarcasm was a powerful ally found through his connections in the magical world. This grand magician, Mr. John Zalata of the Zalata Magic Theater on Crime Alley (Old Park Street) in the New District, was his trump card.

It's said that Mr. John Zalata is proficient in sarcasm magic and is the most powerful magician in recent decades.

His daughter is even more talented, having awakened her magical powers at the age of three, and their entire family is renowned in the magical world.

Despite his doubts about a so-called master magician being able to perform real magic, all his skepticism vanished upon seeing the powerful lightning spell cast by Mr. Sarcasm.

"Even with superhuman strength and speed, facing unknown magic, they'll be rendered helpless!"

The chairman looked coldly at Eric, who had been struck down by the lightning, and snorted.

However, what happened next completely exceeded his expectations.

The moment Eric fell, a figure burst through the maze's wall, accompanied by a shout, and struck Mr. Sarcasm, who was standing in the shadows, like a bolt of lightning.


With a loud crash, Mr. Sarcasm, who had been floating in mid-air using magic, was smashed into the ground, dirt and rubble scattering everywhere.

It was Clark who had delivered the blow!

Clark hadn't returned to Smallville but had continued to follow Eric, being more cautious and maintaining a greater distance to avoid detection.

Upon entering the maze, he saw Eric being struck down by lightning.

His rationality instantly disappeared, and anger erupted like a volcano.

Though Clark had many issues with his younger brother Eric, such as being frequently taunted, acting as a riddle solver behind his back, and playing an annoying parental role, deep down, he considered Eric an indispensable family member.

In middle school, when he broke the gym equipment, it was Eric who secretly paid for the damages; whether it was Coach Watts or when they were attacked by the "Owl People" at Lex's residence, it was Eric who came to his rescue at critical moments.

Despite their disagreements and conflicts, Eric was someone he could always rely on.

Seeing Eric being attacked now, Clark's uncontrollable anger exploded.

"How dare you hurt my family!"

Clark, his face red with anger, unleashed the full power hidden within his body.

Mr. Sarcasm, who had just stood up awkwardly and healed his injuries by chanting "Restore," saw Clark's fist coming at him like lightning.

Before Clark's punch landed, Mr. Sarcasm hastily conjured a complex-patterned elemental shield in front of himself.

The hastily constructed semi-transparent shield was shattered by Clark's punch.

Mr. Sarcasm took a heavy hit to his chest and was sent flying again.

Luckily, the elemental shield absorbed most of the damage; otherwise, this punch would have taken him out of the fight.

Even so, Mr. Sarcasm felt intense pain in his chest.

Steadying himself and suppressing his shock, Mr. Sarcasm continued his spellcasting.

He had never seen anyone punch through his elemental shield; such power was unheard of!

Despite his shock, he didn't stop his actions, and with a quick chant, he summoned a massive wave from the depths of the maze.

The surging flood, carrying immense power, rushed towards the enraged Clark.

Clark gritted his teeth, stood his ground, and let the flood wash over him without budging an inch.

When the flood's impact failed to move Clark, it instantly froze, forming an ice cabinet around him.

The crystal-clear ice cabinet sealed Clark within.


Just as Mr. Sarcasm exhaled in relief, the ice cabinet encasing Clark shattered with a crack.


With a roar, Clark burst out of the ice and rushed towards the stunned Mr. Sarcasm.

Luckily, Mr. Sarcasm managed to construct an even stronger defense just in time.

A larger, semi-transparent shield formed a wall in front of Clark.


With a powerful impact, Clark's fist collided with the shield, creating a massive shockwave.

"How dare you!!!"




"My brother!!!"


Each punch grew stronger, and with the final punch, the shield shattered like glass.

Seeing the dire situation, Mr. Sarcasm abandoned his restrictions, drew his wand, and began chanting a dark, forbidden spell.

As the arcane words flowed from his lips, a whirlwind gathered around him, lifting everything in its path.

Blue lightning surrounded his body, exuding a destructive aura, absorbing and shattering the stones around him.

Simultaneously, his hair stood on end, and white beams of light emanated from his eyes as he began to levitate.

An ominous and eerie dark energy radiated from his body, causing the entire space to tremble slightly.


A beam of intense light shot from his body into the sky.

Boom! Clark was instantly blasted away by the irresistible beam.

Before he hit the ground, a giant hand made of stone caught him.

Paralyzed and powerless from the light beam, Clark struggled in vain, trapped in immense pain.


At the critical moment, Eric rushed in, his fist smashing the stone hand and freeing Clark.

Using the barely unlocked ability to fly from the "Homelander template," Eric didn't stop and flew straight towards Mr. Sarcasm, who was surrounded by the beam of light.

Since the opponent was a magician, and he and Clark couldn't resist his magic, the only option was to engage in close combat.

Just as he reached his target, a giant sword several meters long slashed towards him.

Eric dodged just in time.

As he narrowly avoided the attack, Mr. Sarcasm, his eyes glowing with white light, charged at Eric with a speed matching his own, his wand transforming into a rope that ensnared him.

At the same time, the tip of the wand aimed at Eric's head, attempting to penetrate his mind and control him.


10 Advance Chapters: patreon.com/ReadingOasis

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