

Richard, a 49 year old widower with two daughters. Richard had spent his life devoting his time to his girls and to his work. Ava, a 23 year old girl from a countryside with little or no knowledge on how to survive in Bellamy- city of bright lights and dreams and fortunes. These two crossing paths could only be coincidental as they lead different lives with a huge age gap between. But, maybe they were waiting for each other all their lives to fill the gaps. It would take a lot to be together. But how much can one take? An angry girlfriend. A selfish daughter. They'll find out that love is never enough!

Writeenfingers · Urban
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24 Chs

Chapter Nineteen


One of the wonders of the world should be this moment. At this point. In this heat.

Ava couldn't believe that she was pressed against the counter, with Richard's fingers in her hair and his mouth taking hers in a heated kiss.

Totally one of the wonders of the world!

She'd almost kicked herself when the moan escaped her throat, but she was too immersed in the moment to do anything. Rather, she moaned some more.

Stupid! Maybe at her funeral, the priest will say; here lies the body of the girl who went from the kitchen into the boss's arms.

She found herself leaning in for more of him. Their lips collided and meshed together with a hunger she'd never felt before.

The wheels in her head was running on their own accord. She just couldn't control or hold herself from wanting more.

Her hands slid up his arms and spanned his lean, strong muscles. This was bound to happen. It was in the air around them, it just took a while to realize it.

She groaned when he suddenly released her from the kiss. Her heart sank and she felt something shift in her belly by the sudden wave of emptiness that enveloped.

Even though he'd broken the kiss, he still had his hand in her hair and the other on her cheek.

"I've always wanted to do that." His voice so husky and his eyes roaming her face.

Ava's cheeks were now flaming and burning up. He still stood so close and she knew he was aware if whatever she was feeling right at that moment.

"Sir Richard_"

"I'm sorry. I should've known that this might be too much for you." He said. His eyes growing dark and fierce. He lifted his hand from her cheek and let it trail a pattern down her neck to her shoulder.

The simple act was sending ripples to Ava's stomach. It wasn't only her face that was now burning up, she felt her whole body picking up the heat.

"You're making me feel like a teenager and I..." He paused and sighed breathlessly. His eyes held hers. "I know this is complicated right now. The age gap and all... What if there's a chance that we could make this work?"

Ava's eyes roamed over his face and she saw he was dead serious. "I don't know. I'm totally out of your league."

He nodded good naturedly. "That too."

He suddenly smiled at after a brief silence. "What do you say? We can take it slow and see where it leads us."

Her eyes shifted from his, trying to look at something else and not only at his handsome face.

When it returned to his face, his smile was still there but his eyes were now piercing hers.

"I don't know. I can't think straight right now."

Swiftly and in the blink of an eye, he hauled her up and she found herself sitting on the kitchen island with Richard between her thighs.

"I can give you time to think Ava," he picked up a strand and twirled it in his index.

"Simone." She hadn't meant to say that but her mind suddenly went back to her. She'd seen her storm out earlier.

He took a deep breath and backed up the counter, still facing her, he folded his hands against his chest. "I asked her for a break this morning."

"A break." She whispered, but Richard caught it.

"I'm sorry but I couldn't dump quitting at her like that. A break was what I could come up with."

She simply nodded and ran her tongue over her lips.

"Do you?" She asked.

"Do I what?" He asked in reply.

"Do you really want to break up with her?"

He held her gaze.

Ava tried not to shy away.

He smiled and stepped between her thighs again. He took her hands in his and pressed soft kisses on them.

"What I really want to do is work things out with you. I have two grown daughters and for once in over twenty years, I need to think for myself and decide what I really want."

An abrupt silence.


"And I want you Ava. I know this is crazy but I want you."

"Sir Richard..."

"Ava... You can call me Richard."

"I can't."

"Well, you can. When we're alone... That is."

They relapsed back into silence. Ava fought within herself. There was a lot to consider.

First, she knew that for the mean time, that whatever they'll have would be a secret.

Second being that if eventually things gets out in the open that it might get messy.

Would it be worth it?

Wouldn't she be getting over herself?

Letting her eyes settle on his, trying to read him, the fine lines on his face.

The dip, the curve and every pore.

"You shouldn't look at me that way."

Flickering her eyes to his. "Why?"

"It drives me crazy." He whispered.

"This isn't right."

She told him. It was more like she was telling herself than for his ears. It wasn't right, but it also felt right at the same time.

"I need time."

"I'll give you time."

For the first time since she got into that mansion that morning, she gave him a big smile then shook her head. "I need to get to work. I need to make breakfast... Or coffee. I need..."

He chuckled. "It's fine. You don't need to do all that."

Her smile brightened. "I'm getting paid. It's only right I still get to do my job."

He chuckled then nodded in agreement. "It's fine. Whatever you want."

Ava wasn't expecting it but he drew her into a tight hug, letting his hands slide down her back and finally buried his fingers in her hair.

"I love your hair. I still can't believe it's natural." He murmured into her hair and Ava found herself giggling at that.

He released her to look at her face. "What's funny."

"Your daughter loves it too."

He smiled and seemed so elated and really pleased with her.

"You should really leave me alone to get some work done."

He nodded and put some space between them as he let her down from the island.

"I actually have an online meeting to attend to right now. So, I'll leave you alone."

Even when he exited the kitchen alone, a wave of emptiness wrapped around Ava and she stood there and tried to make sense about everything that's just transpired.

Was that what she really wanted?

Though he'd told her to think about it, she already knew what her answer will be.

Nicole would definitely bite her head off and say she has daddy issues. Maybe she does, because she certainly don't have any business with a forty-nine year old single father of two.

Damn! He'd even kissed her.

Picking up the cheque, she stared at it and smiled warily. At least, a heavy weight had lifted off her shoulders. There were other bills but the hospital bills outweighed others so, she could easily pay them off when she got paid.

Ava pocketed the cheque and turned to the counter, thinking of what to get right to. Taylor was obviously not home, it was just the two of them.

Thinking quickly she got to work and started making his breakfast.

She'd never been more confused about anything as she was at that point.

Would he really end things with Simone?

Could she really believe him?

She knew it too. From that moment they knew that there was something. Something they should've avoided for their own sakes.

But now...

There was no point in denying what she felt for him. She could try and pretend but it wouldn't be for long.

She busied her mind by getting right to work, he had come down later for a cup of coffee when she was cleaning the pool, he'd also made sandwiches for himself.

Till the rest of the day, she didn't set her eyes on him but he'd set the dining with his dinner, even set a plate for Taylor for when she got back.

Nicole was sleeping when she got home, but had awakened minutes later when she was getting ready for bed.

"You're home."

Ava just nodded and wore her nightwear which was still we worn and not faded.

"How's your boss?"

Ava stopped for a second and turned to Nicole. "What about him?"

She shrugged. "Seeing you there yesterday and dragging you out like that. What happened?"

"I didn't get fired. That's something." She answered simply. She was trying not to say more than what she was asked.

"Yea, that's something. Anyway, I might be getting another job. I can't stay home all day."

Ava brushed her hair down and wore a bonnet to keep it from getting all tangled when she woke up.

"Have you found any?"

"No, I haven't. I'll still talk to some friends."

Lying down on her side, she replied. "You should."

Nicole noticed her off handed replies. "Are you alright? You seem quiet."

"I'm fine Nicole. It's just been a long day."

Even when Nicole relapsed into another sleep, Ava stayed awake.

It's going to be another long night. Longer maybe.