
Rejected by earth

The Shock that the flood dragon had was nothing compared to what Yang Chen was feeling now. First of all he melted and lost consciousness, then in the state of unconsciousness he entered into an ethereal state where he comprehended the will of life. He somehow understood how to use laws of heaven and earth to reconstruct his physical body and by so doing he came back to life.

" So that's how it is, as long as I still have a thread of flesh or body fluid or hair I can still reconstruct my physical body. " Yang Chen was so excited that he unconsciously released his will of life that suppressed the flood dragon in front of him.

Unknowingly he no longer felt fear as he looked at the creature in front of him. He felt that he only needed to release his will and he could kill this oversized snake in front of him.

Just as he was about to wave his hand to kill the snake, he felt it. An overwhelming feeling of rejection from the heaven and earth. " What the hell is this? Why am I suddenly being rejected by the world" Yang Chen was so shocked that he could not help but cry out and this voice immediately made the snake that was about to escape when it lost its bindings to stop in its tracks. The desire for transcends into a holy beast made it immediately make its decision, it uttered an ancient spell from its blood line memories and turned into a flash of light that merged into the still stunned Jiang Chen and became a tattoo on his chest.

The burning pain on his chest brought out the handsome youth out of his daze and scrunching his face he opened his t-shirt and saw the tattoo of a flood dragon. He unhappily said "hey, why did you print yourself on my body, come out and I swear I will not beat you into a pig head. "

" I will not come out even if you beat me to a pulp. We have signed an equal agreement now, we can only separate when one of us die now. That rejection you felt is the heavenly Dao, rejecting your realm. We are going to a higher world, HA Ha Ha, who would have thought that after a long time I finally broke through to the Holy realm. I LONG YI I am now a holy beast. A dragon, a real dragon ha ha ha."

Hearing the maniac laughter of the illegal squatter on his chest, Yang Chen was so angry that he didn't take the other words of the dragon seriously until he felt himself being tossed and turned and the spacial turbulent around him, When he next opened his eyes he found himself in a cave.

As he looked around he found that there was a pool with crystal clear water, on the walls of the cave were all kinds of stones of different sizes but the stones where translucent with white gas in them.

" Hahaha hahaha we are rich this time. Spirit stones and a spirit pool of this quality. We are rich" while he was still checking the cave he heard the greedy laughter of the dragon in his head. He emediately understood that they ascended to a new world and have conveniently entered a cave with a Spirit pool and Spirit stones.

Dragons were known for their greed and hording of treasures, that's why Long Yi was the first to understand that they entered into a treasure land. Yang Chen was speechless, what if the cave belonged to somebody else. This greedy guy already concluded that they were rich.

" The cave is ownerless, so is the area a thousand miles of this cave. Close your eyes and imagine that you can see a thousand miles of this cave. Gee, to think that you are a holy warrior." Long Yi made an exaggerated expression on his face as he mocked Yang Chen.

Yang Chen looked at the snake face that was asking for a beating and could not help but grit his teeth, but still did as he was told and was immediately amazed.

" wow I can really see with just my mind, what an encredible thing, is this what the novels call Devine sense? Amazing" Yang Chen was so excited that he started experimenting with his divine sense.