
Chapter 183: Containment


Capitalists conceded, and the strike at the Dacol Textile Factory was successfully resolved.

This was an inevitable outcome; workers nowadays don't ask for much, they strike simply to be able to provide for their families. When capitalists are willing to compromise, strikes naturally come to an end.

Yet the impact was just beginning. The victory of the workers at the Dacol Textile Factory undoubtedly stimulated other workers across the region, strengthening everyone's determination to fight for better benefits and treatment.

This was no longer an isolated issue in Austria; within just one short month, the wave of strikes spread across the whole European Continent, with no industrial nation able to remain unaffected.

Facing the escalating labor movement, Franz too contemplated countermeasures. How to devise an effective system that could protect the interests of both employers and employees became the Vienna Government's biggest challenge at present.