
Chapter 1

Jaune do you believe in destiny?" "It's too late..." "I love you Jaune."

I can not lose her. Not now... no...

Jaune Arc, the leader of team JNRP, a friend and a brother figure to many people... Was running as fast as he could towards the Beacon tower, not even caring about his bruised legs, about his dehydrated body and heart which was just about to shatter. Jaune's eyesight became blurry, but he did not stop running, only when he noticed Ruby and Weiss at the bottom of the tower. The two young girls looked his way as if they demanded an answer to why he wasn't resting.

"I need to save Pyrrha!" Jaune shouted as his knee refused to obey his brain and nearly collapsed to the ground, but the young Rose managed to catch him beforehand. Ruby looked into the blond boy's eyes deeply.

"Jaune please, you're hurt! You need to stay here," Ruby begged Jaune, but he still refused, no matter what.

"Ruby I love Pyrrha. If something happens to her I will never forgive myself, understand?!" even if the male's voice came out weak, he still would stay confident and ready to fight. Ruby just sighed and she agreed to let him come with her. She put her hand around his torso to banace him as he put his around her neck and run up the tower, whilst Weiss's semblance was there to help them. She looked up to the two and only hoped for the best... if it was still possible.

As the pair landed on top of the damaged tower, their eyes fixed on an image they would never forget. Pyrrha changed into ash, and disappeared leaving behind only her crown. Jaune suddenly felt like a burn and a sting aimed straight into his heart and took control of his body. Gripping onto his sword tightly, he ran to Cinder, the woman which killed the young Amazon, screamed and sliced straight through her throat. Her eyes were still focusing on him, even after they have gone greyand her lifeless head dropped onto the floor, followed by the rest of her body.

Jaune then felt an unknown feeling in his chest and head, it made him feel dizzy. Almost something like burning, a hot fire... But quite comforting... and soon he collapsed on the floor, not even noticing the white light coming from Ruby's direction.

Time skip

Jaune woke up to a sound that he would recognise, no matter where he was. The annoying but smoothing and caressing voice that he would hear often. Saphron... His elder sister which was always by his side, no matter what. His eyes slowly opened as the image before him was still blurred... White room, some colours which reminded him of home...

"Jaune!" someone's voice suddenly shouted as hints of Pink, silver and black came across his view. When his eyes finally began noticing details in his surroundings, he then saw his sister crouching down by his hospital bed crying her eyes out, and both of his team mates which seemed like they haven't slept in good few days. They eyes were red, their bodies pale and the bags under their eyes seemed to be so dark that even they could hurt Nora and Ren. "You're awake!" Nora's voice sounded releifed, but broken at the same time.

Jaune sat up, looking around for one more person which he hoped to see.

"Where's Ruby?" were his first words. Ren and Nora looked at each other and then back at the male with worried expressions on their faces. His thought ran through his head like a non-stopping train. "What happened to her? Is she-" all of sudden, the boy began coughing violently, causing him to stop in his tracks and put a hand on his chest. Saphron stood up and patted his back, as Nora held the boy's hand lightly and Ren just stood there in unsettled.

"There, there Jaune. It's alright. Just rest for now," his sister reassured him, and tried to keep her brother out of trouble this time... However deep inside she knew that this was impossible.

"About Ruby," Ren suddenly began, "She is resting at home with Yang. Apparently, Yang gave up, she doesn't want to do anything anymore. And Ruby... well," Ren could did not know how to finish that off. He knew that the young Rose was just like a little sister to his leader, and he didn't want Jaune to feel bad and over do himself like he did few times in Beacon...

"What about Ruby?" but Jaune just kept on pulling on their tongues, demanding for an answer. But everyone just looked at the floor, fearing not of Jaune's reaction to her behaviour, but something else... "Guys just tell me!" Jaune suddenly raised his voice, that everyone in the room flinched a bit.

"Ruby is alright. It's just that she is planning on going to Atlas and... she asked us if we want to join her..." Nora then spoke up. Jaune's eyes widen and he immediately attempted to stand up, ignoring the sudden warmth his body was emmiting, however Saphron laid her hands on his shoulder and his chest and attempted to sit him back down.

"Jaune, you're weak. Also, we don't know what's happening to you, you need to rest for now!" the elder sister begged her brother to rest and leave it all behind. But the male just looked at his sister confused, and then at his team with bewilderment written all over his face. What was happening to him? If they meant rage and worry about Ruby then they need to calm down!!

"Jaune, when we found you at the top of the tower, out of your eyes was coming out this strange fiery glow. We thought that it may be your semblance, but we are still not sure," Nora answered.

"But never mind that," Ren interrupted, "You need to rest, Jaune." Jaune just shook his head in disagreement and looked at the rest of his team.

"No, Ruby will need our help. And I am not hesitating in helping her,"

"But Jaune-"

"Ren if something was happening to Nora, you won't even vacillate to help her, would you?" the blond boy was too stubborn to leave his best friend behind. His team mates just sighed and agreed to go and join Ruby.

Sometime later, Jaune was sighed out of the Vale hospital and packed his stuff in his backpack.

"Jaune," his sister's voice echoed through the room, and only reminded him of how much time passed since they were kids and there were screams, squeels and girlish screeches that were almost unbearable. His sapphire eyes fixed on her as she figgeted with her hands, and looked down at the floor, holding back her tears.

The boy let go of his bag and came up to his elder sister, hugging her tightly, and hearing her cracked voice.

"Just remember, no matter what, I'm here for you," she sobbed out, as her hands gripped onto the boy's shirt tightly, not letting go just yet. She needed to hold him just for few more minutes, seconds even...

"Saphron, I want you to promise me something," the boy suddenly announced, looking at his sister once letting go.

"What is it?" she asked wiping her tears away.

"Take care of mom and dad if something happens to me. Please, I know that you have a family, but I need somebody to take care of our parents whilst we are gone. Can you do that for me?" Jaune's words struck at Saphron, right into her heart as her younger brother asked her for the favour. But she knew that he was right. She just quickly shook her head, but felt suddenly warmth coming from his hands, that even felt a bit unnatural. However the female just ignored it.

And there they were. Now team RNJR going on their own to save the world, head to Heaven and discover what was happening to the young protagonist. After all,

Cinder was killed...

The Fall Maiden was killed.