

Three days went by in an instant; Samuel and Adele spent most of that time together, either going out around the city or enjoying each other's company. He would travel a lot, so they wanted to make the most of the time left.

It was not without problems, though; First, Penny, although surprised, was more worried for her daughter. Not seeing her for a few days, she complained much to Samuel when he dropped her off. Ultimately, she couldn't be angry seeing the blissful atmosphere around the young couple.

Adele was also persuaded, which made her calm down.

"I will call you when I reach the states." Samuel said.

"Right, I will also keep sending you the updates regarding the album." Samuel nodded; auntAunt Penny was waiting on the porch looking at them like a hawk. He decided it would be best not to do it as he started walking back to his car.