
Hollywood Road

This is a dazzling circle, where every step up requires tremendous effort and stepping on countless competitors’ heads. Countless geniuses come to Hollywood with their dreams, but most of them fall on the road to progress and eventually become ordinary people. In the process of climbing upwards, talent often plays a greater role than effort, but opportunities are more important than talent and effort! This is a story of a small person who seizes every opportunity and embarks on the road to fame in Hollywood ----------------------- It's 1 chapter per day at 1 p.m. (Arizona) in every novel I upload. 3 daily chapters in each novel on patreon! p@treon.com/INNIT ----------------------- DISCLAIMER The story belongs entirely to the original author.

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Chapter 197: The Naive Sweetheart

The newsroom was bustling with activity, with over a hundred journalists gathered, their camera lenses pointed towards the signing table in front, constantly capturing every figure. Perhaps not all on stage were famous, but a project with an investment cost of $40 million naturally attracted attention.

Although Hollywood today sees films with investments of hundreds of millions, an independent film with a production cost of $40 million is still very rare.

This was the actor signing ceremony for "Sin City," also a media event specially held by Miramax for promotion.

Actors like Robert Downey Jr., James Franco, Jonah Hill, Seth Rogen, Sienna Miller, Jessica Simpson, and Ziyi Zhang, who had already signed contracts with the crew, came for a formal signing again.

Of course, Jessica Alba couldn't be missed.

After Murphy spent quite a bit of saliva, this Latina actress with an angelic face and devilish figure finally signed her name on the actor contract.

Although Hollywood's pretty faces aren't hard to find, someone with the conditions of Jessica Alba aren't many. Otherwise, with her poor acting skills, it would have been difficult to become a second-tier actress like before.

Sometimes, natural talent is also a scarce resource.

Another point, with a predominantly white cast, having a Latina actress with a significant role can also reduce some criticisms.

Murphy stayed in a lounge behind the newsroom, where Harvey Weinstein this time brought a heavyweight figure.

"Director Stanton," the man coming over was a typical Latino, around forty, "Your previous two films left a very deep impression on me, I believe you won't disappoint this time either."

"Just call me Murphy." Murphy shook hands with him, smiling, and the man said, "You can call me Avi."

Murphy nodded, confidently, "Avi, your investment will not be wasted!"

Avi Nivola laughed heartily, clearly appreciating him.

This was Ziyi Zhang's suitor, not only Jewish but also an Israeli-American, previously Murphy heard from Erika Stenberg about him. Avi Warren is well-connected, a representative figure among Israelis in the United States, with at least several billion dollars in assets, also a shareholder of Time Warner, and said to be one of Harvey Weinstein's backers, having invested in several of Miramax's projects.

Making friends with such a person had no downside, and Murphy also talked about the project with him. Avi Nivola was clearly not one of those investors who knew nothing about the film industry, a real insider.

In fact, Murphy had also heard some news that the Weinstein brothers and Walt Disney's management, especially Chairman Michael Eisner, had increasingly sharp conflicts, even considering leaving the Disney group. This wealthy Israeli was their potential investor for the future.

After the signing ceremony and press conference, the actors returned to the lounge, and Avi Nivola left Murphy and Weinstein to chase his own goals.

Different from other actors who were chatting and laughing, Jessica Alba came over to find Murphy.

"Welcome to the crew."

Since that time, Murphy hadn't interfered with Jessica Alba's negotiations with the crew. Jessica Alba gathered her hair that had fallen in front of her, "Thank you for giving me this opportunity."

Having decided to take on this role and sign an actress contract with *** clauses, she also let go of her concerns about her youthful idol status.

Jessica Alba walked away, then went to find Harvey Weinstein, while James Franco and a few others gathered around.

"Murphy, your second spring has arrived!" Jonah Hill winked at him.

James Franco, looking at Jessica Alba not far away, said, "She's pretty, but her skin isn't white enough."

"Uh, I don't like that type," Seth Rogen nodded, "I think Jessica Simpson is prettier!"

Robert Downey Jr., with his arms crossed, asked seriously, "Murphy, are you interested in her?"

"What interest?" Murphy didn't even think before shaking his head, "Don't you think she's too sweet? Not my type..."

Some things are hard to explain. Jessica Alba is indeed beautiful, the standard naive sweetheart, but like before, Murphy appreciated her appearance but that was all. And who would really consider Jessica Alba, of all people, a naive sweetheart?

After the press conference, the crew's preparation continued. Murphy, Phillipe Lasher, and Helena Espola toured several small towns near the outskirts of Los Angeles looking for suitable outdoor shooting locations. After returning to Los Angeles, they gathered all the actors together with Frank Miller for necessary character exchanges.

Meanwhile, with Avi Nivola's introduction, Miramax first reached a presale agreement with an Israeli film distribution company, and then more overseas distributors signed presale agreements. The subsequent funding arrived in succession, solving the funding problem and making the crew's preparation work smoother.

At the same time, the film's special effects production was underway, especially the background effects replacing the green screen, which had started production before filming. A studio under the digital domain and two other special effects studios collaborated to provide sufficient special effects technical support for the film.

From mid-October to the end of December, after more than two months of preparation, the crew's preparations gradually came to an end. As the dawn of 2003 approached, the preparations for "Sin City" were nearing completion.

"This is the set? Why does it look so rundown?"

Sitting in an electric car, a blonde little girl kept looking around. Many places in the Disney studio were in disrepair, indeed looking not so great, "Even our countryside farmhouse looks better."

Along the way, David Robbie heard too many complaints from his sister, "Maggie, are you here for a vacation or to complain?"

"Ah, I finally convinced mom and dad to let me come here for the holidays," Margaret Robbie pointed to the dirty studios around, "and you bring me to see these?"

"Aren't you here to see filming?" David Robbie was also quite helpless with his sister, "Have some patience, okay?"

"Right," Maggie asked curiously, "Is Carrie also in the crew?"

"That...," David Robbie thought for a moment, "she's not involved in this film, you probably won't see her."

Maggie scratched her cheek, "Isn't Murphy the director?"

"Yes." David Robbie nodded.

"Why didn't she join then?" Maggie looked puzzled, "I remember she said she would participate in every film Murphy makes."

"Don't ask so many questions, some things you'll understand in time," as the electric car approached Studio 2, David Robbie pointed there, "That's the studio where the crew is filming."

The electric car stopped, and Maggie lightly pressed on the seat to jump down, her small boots making a crisp sound on the ground.

After parking the electric car, David Robbie led Maggie into the studio, reminding her, "Filming will start soon, don't talk during it."

"Don't worry," Maggie waved her hand, "I'm not the talkative type."

Following David Robbie into the studio, Maggie immediately widened her eyes, as if entering a green world. The ceiling, ground, and surrounding walls were all covered in large swathes of green cloth, with people already busy in the green surroundings.

"Hey, David." Someone greeted him, "Who's this beautiful little lady with you?"

"My sister Maggie..."

Passing a room that seemed to belong to a makeup

artist, a man with strange items stuck on his face, making him look particularly rough and even a bit scary, came out.

"Hey, David, brought someone over? An extra?" the man asked.

"No," David Robbie introduced his sister, pulling Maggie forward, "This is my sister Maggie, here from Australia for the summer holidays. I brought her over to take a look."

He then introduced her to the man, "Maggie, this is Seth Rogen, one of the main actors of the crew."

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Rogen." Maggie, though naturally carrying a bit of a wild cowgirl spirit, was very polite, "I know you."

Seth Rogen looked at the pretty little girl, "You know me? I don't recall we've met."

Maggie looked at him, "Aren't you the fat guy who died in the escape room?"

"Yes! Yes! That's me," Seth Rogen realized, "That was me."

David Robbie turned to his sister, "You've been sneaking peeks at the tapes?"

"It was a movie you were involved in!" Maggie didn't avoid her brother's gaze and confidently said, "I had to see what kind of movies my brother was making, right?"

Seth Rogen laughed heartily.

"We won't bother you anymore," David Robbie checked the time, "You go back to your work, Seth."

After saying that, he took Maggie, ready to leave.

"David, wait," Seth Rogen called out to him, reminding, "If you're bringing someone over, you might want to say hi to Murphy."

Maggie spoke up before her brother could, "We already told Murphy yesterday, I know him."

Seth Rogen nodded and waved them off, returning to the makeup room.

After leaving the service area, David Robbie took Maggie into the shooting area surrounded by green screens, to the lighting crew's warehouse, instructing, "Stay here for now, don't wander off."

"David," Maggie didn't pick up on his point, instead pointing towards a person standing alone by the green screen, "Can I go say hi to Murphy?"


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