
Hollywood Road

This is a dazzling circle, where every step up requires tremendous effort and stepping on countless competitors’ heads. Countless geniuses come to Hollywood with their dreams, but most of them fall on the road to progress and eventually become ordinary people. In the process of climbing upwards, talent often plays a greater role than effort, but opportunities are more important than talent and effort! This is a story of a small person who seizes every opportunity and embarks on the road to fame in Hollywood ----------------------- It's 1 chapter per day at 1 p.m. (Arizona) in every novel I upload. 3 daily chapters in each novel on patreon! p@treon.com/INNIT ----------------------- DISCLAIMER The story belongs entirely to the original author.

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Chapter 161: Hope and Disappointment

"Hi, Murphy, long time no see."

As Murphy walked into the warehouse in the suburbs of Venice, he saw Jessica Chastain, her red hair as striking as ever, but this time her face was filled with smiles.

"Long time no see, Jess," Murphy nodded at her, then turned to greet her companion, a CAA agent, "Hello, Mike."

Mike, the agent, quickly shook hands with Murphy, smiling, "I'm here with Jess."

Murphy understood the implied message, smiled back, and nodded at Jessica Chastain, "You can head to the makeup room, the audition starts in an hour and a half."

He glanced at his watch, "I have some things to take care of, see you later."

Jessica waved at Murphy, "Goodbye, Murphy."

After Murphy disappeared into an office door, Jessica seemed lost in thought, snapped back to reality by her agent's reminder, and followed a staff member into a makeshift resting room to wait for the makeup and costume designers.

Her new agent, Mike, stayed by her side.

"From what I've seen, Jess," Mike unscrewed a bottle of water and handed it to her, "Murphy has a good impression of you."

Jessica, however, smiled self-deprecatingly, "I didn't notice."

"Trust me, it's what I've observed." Agents are adept at reading people, and Mike hoped his client could secure the lead role. He encouraged her, "Bill told me Murphy might seem driven by interests, but he's actually very loyal to old acquaintances. Look at the cast list of this film, James Franco, Seth Rogen, all people he's worked with before. So Jess, your chances are pretty good."

"I know." Jessica nodded, her confidence not entirely there.

She had seen Murphy's ruthless side for success. If her audition didn't go well, she doubted he'd show any leniency.

After finishing her last semester and returning to Los Angeles, Jessica realized she was far behind her colleagues like Paul Wilson. Despite her Juilliard background, auditions were a struggle, leading her to reluctantly seek help from a mentor.

Her mentor, distanced from Hollywood, could offer limited help, likely this being the only time.

And frustratingly, after going full circle, she found herself back where she started: last time as an assistant, this time competing for a lead role.

Could she secure the role? Jessica looked at Mike, who had arranged for her to receive the script from Bill Roscius. Despite her preparation for the audition scenes, she felt a certain resistance.

Indeed, when the costume and makeup artists arrived, they presented an outfit that barely covered the essentials and the most vulgar makeup.

Standing in front of the mirror, Jessica saw herself dressed as a nightclub stripper, silent.

In school, she was admired as a prodigy and princess. In Hollywood, her talent found no outlet, forcing her to vie for such an absurd role.

Sometimes, she thought it was truly sad. Wasn't this supposed to be a place where dreams thrive? Is this tragic scene really what heaven looks like?

"What are you thinking about, Jess?" Agent Mike entered the makeup room, seeing Jessica staring blankly into the mirror, he hurriedly reminded her, "It's almost time, don't be late!"

Jessica nodded, managing a smile, "I'm going."

She put on her coat, slipped into four-inch high-heeled boots, and followed a staff member to the audition room.

Murphy was the last to arrive at the audition room, joined by Erica Stanberg, who was free that day.

After greeting the producer, Murphy positioned himself behind the camera, glanced at Jessica Chastain, who looked every part the seductive stripper with her dazzling red hair.

Seated, Murphy wasted no time, "Miss Chastain, I need you to perform a dance, one that could arouse a man's desire."

The dance was crucial for the opening scene. If Jessica couldn't even captivate those present, the audition would be over.

At Murphy's signal, the music started, and Jessica transformed from calm to wild, showcasing not just beauty but also charisma and sensuality. Especially after shedding her coat to reveal a skimpy outfit, her red hair and fair skin offered a unique allure.

Murphy looked around; everyone was mesmerized - Paul Wilson, Erica Stanberg, Philip Lasher, and even the union supervisor were visibly impressed.

"Stop!" Murphy raised his hand.

The room turned to him, some seemingly disappointed by the interruption of the dance. Jessica, breathless from the short performance, looked puzzled at Murphy.

She had practiced hard for this audition, even seeking advice from underground strip clubs, leading some to think she had fallen so low as to consider it a career.

Feeling a chill, she feared the worst.

"The dance was good," Murphy said plainly.

Jessica breathed a sigh of relief, smiling at Murphy, feeling suddenly warmer.

Murphy turned to Erica Stanberg, "Do you have any questions?"

Erica nodded, directly asking Jessica, "There will be a lot of **** in the shooting, are you okay with that?"

Jessica bit her lip, "I can..."

Erica raised her hand to stop her, "We'll discuss the specifics with your agent."

Such projects noted by the union always had a representative present to oversee auditions, ensuring compliance with regulations.

"I'm done," Erica told Murphy, "Anything else?"

Murphy shook his head, signaling Paul Wilson, who announced, "Miss Chastain, that concludes today's audition."

"Thank you!"

Jessica smiled at everyone, took her coat from a staff member, and left the audition room.

Murphy, reviewing the audition footage, asked, "Erica, what do you think?"

Erica, focused on the screen, "Aside from her average looks, everything else is good. I think she's suitable."

Murphy, seeking consensus, got nods from Paul Wilson and Philip Lasher.

"Let's see the other two auditions before deciding," he suggested, "If there's no better choice, we'll go with her."

That afternoon, after viewing two more auditions, Murphy instructed Paul Wilson to inform Jessica's agent of her selection and the others of their rejection.

Walking on Rodeo Drive, Kerry Mulligan affectionately linked arms with Elizabeth Banks, both in high spirits.

Stopping by an ice cream shop, Elizabeth suggested, "Shall we get something cold to drink?"

"Sure," Kerry led her inside.

Inside the polished marble floor and bright brass doors, they each ordered a juice, found a window table, and sat down.

Elizabeth, unlike the carefree Kerry, seemed distracted, sipping her juice.

"Worried about the audition?" Kerry patted her hand, "I didn't ask Murphy directly, but I called Paul Wilson right after your audition. He's the casting director. He said Murphy was very pleased with you."

"Really?" Hope filled Elizabeth's eyes.

"Of course!" Kerry assured her, "I recommended you to Murphy very seriously."

"Thank you, Kerry." Elizabeth's gratitude was evident, "I don't know how to thank you."

Her phone rang suddenly. Expecting good news, Elizabeth answered, only to pale at the response, "What? I didn't get the part? They chose someone else?"

"What do you mean you didn't get the part?" Kerry asked softly, then realizing the situation, her voice rose in disbelief, "You didn't get it? How is that possible?"


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