
Hollywood Lily Harem

This is the gender bent tale of an otaku who was reborn into a beauty and harmed Hollywood. Our slogan is: build the most evil lily garden in Hollywood history!

ryosnpobkyfvwkqihy · Urban
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17 Chs

Julia Roberts

"We are now going to the Palleg Hotel, where the crew of" Parent Trap"will start your first scene, which will take about three to four days, and then we will leave and go back to Mr. Spielberg's" Captain Hawk. "filming there for a week, then went to the vineyard in Napa Valley to continue filming" Parent Trap"until we followed them to London. Finally, we will be back to Los Angeles to go back to Captain Hawk, Well thus is the schedule from today to the end of next month. " Marcy Andrews flipped through the papers and looked at the beautiful woman sitting next to her, asking anxiously, "Are you listening, Julie?"

"Hmm? What? " The woman who had been looking out of the window looked back, stupefied for a moment, and then smiled slightly: "I see, Marcy."

At first glance, this very classy woman may be no different from any other beautiful women, but if you take a few more glances, you will find her distinctive charm, especially her sexy lips, which are not carried away by men when they are together. Although she is smiling at this time, there is always some gloom between her eyebrows.

"Listen, Julie, you don't have to worry about the cold words of Captain Hawk. Hollywood is like this. When you become famous, they will crowd around you, but when you fail, they will immediately give you the cold shoulder." at this point, Marcy sighed. "I've already talked to Mr. Spielberg, and he promised it wouldn't happen again."

"Well, Marcy, I'm fine. There's no problem at all. I don't care. I'm sure I can gag those people as long as I can come up with good work." At this point, the woman paused and said in an uncertain tone, "But, why would I take a movie like 'Parent trap'?"

"what's the matter?" Marcy asked inexplicably, "When Ms. Meyers sent out the invitation, you agreed-is there anything wrong?"

"No. But. " The woman shook her head. "I just thought, maybe a different type of role." It will be more helpful to me. "

Marcy sighed silently, and you can tell from this sentence that she actually cares about the words of those guys. Who would have thought that Julia Roberts, who won the Golden Globe Award for Best supporting Actress and the popular Award for favorite Film Actress only one year ago, was called box office poison just because of the failure of one film!.? Can it be said that the failure of a movie can obliterate so many years of hard work?

"Listen, Julie, don't have so much pressure, okay? I'm sure you'll prove it to everyone, but until then, we'd better. Pick some simple characters with box office guarantees. " Marcy spoke helplessly, but Julia smiled relieved.

"Well, I admit I'm thinking too much," she said with a smile. "I won't be knocked down so easily, and besides, this is the first time I've played a mother. Thank you for your concern, Marcy."

"It's so nice of you to adjust," Marcy said with an exaggerated expression of relief. "You know, if you do default, I'll get 15% less. I don't want to mess with the money."

In the laughter of the two men, the driver's voice came: "Miss Roberts, Miss Andrews, the Palleg Hotel has arrived."

The Palleg Hotel is located at the turn of Sunset Boulevard in Los Angeles, the whole building is about 30 degrees arc, the whole outside is very common, but the interior is very luxurious, and contains different styles, because it is close to Hollywood, so a lot of studios will come here to take pictures.

"Welcome, Miss Roberts and Miss Andrews." After the chauffeured car that picked them up stopped outside the hotel, a middle-aged woman was already waiting there.

"Hello, Ms. Meyers. Nice to meet you." The two women greeted the middle-aged woman with one voice, and then held out their hand almost at the same time.

"Oh, I wish I had two right hands," said Nancy, smiling, shaking hands with them in turn. "you can call me Nancy."

"You're right on time, Miss Roberts, and we can start shooting now so that the stingy lobby manager doesn't always complain that we occupy the driveway and don't move." Nancy smiled and made a gesture of invitation, then led the way.

"It's not surprising, Nancy, the person in charge of public places, like a director, always wants you to start shooting as fast as you can, and then finish it as fast as you can." Julia walked side by side with her, and before she saw the crew, she heard a careless voice in her ear: "No, Mr. Finnick, I'm sure you hid it here. I saw it. You can't cheat." Is it true that you want to talk to a little girl like me? "

Her voice was lively and lively, and Julia couldn't help looking for her attention. Then she saw a very beautiful little girl, a photographer with a camera hanging from her chest, talking relentlessly. The little girl had long blond hair, bright green eyes seemed to speak, and her beige coat and skirt made her look very temperamental. She's a little lady-though her movements don't look like a lady.

"Lovely girl, isn't she?" Nancy sensed the object of her attention and joked, "That's your daughter."

"My daughter?" Julia blinked, a little confused, but she reacted quickly and couldn't help laughing: "It's really cute. I like her very much."

Then she hesitated and asked, "Although this is rude, I would like to ask her integration into the environment."... "

"I'm sure she'll surprise you," a male voice cut in, and after Julia's eyes came over, the comer smiled and held out his hand. "Nice to see you again, Miss Roberts. I'm Alan Barker, and now I'm your housekeeper."

"Mr. Barker?! It's good to see you again, "Julia hugged each other in surprise." I remember the last time we worked together was the mysterious pie in 1988. "

"Yes, but at that time the young lady had become a big star, and I was still a small and insignificant character." Mr. Buck deliberately pretended to be pitiful, full of joy, coupled with the hippie costume needed by the plot, several ladies could not help but laugh.

"Well, Mr. Butler, what kind of surprise are you talking about?" Julia asked with a smile, but before Alan could answer, an exclamation came over: "Wow!" That's big mouth sister! "

Although it was neither the first time nor the last time she was called Sister Big mouth, the joy contained in the sound made her feel more happy for no reason, and before she could make a sound, a small figure had already run up in front of her. stare at yourself eagerly without blinking with her emerald eyes.?

"You-- well, I'm Julia Roberts, and you are?" Seeing the lovely little girl looking straight at herself, Julia, who was not laughing or crying, had to ask first.

The little girl seemed to wake up, her round face flushed, and suddenly she remembered something. She ran back into the crowd and screamed, "Jesse!" Jesse! Bring me what I have prepared! "

A few seconds later, she dragged another lovely little girl breathlessly in front of her again, and then handed over a beautiful notebook: "Big." Oh, Miss Roberts, my name is Angela, Angela Mason. I like your movie very much, so can I have your autograph? "

Looking at the tiny beads of sweat on her forehead, Julia was suddenly moved. She smiled and opened her notebook, took the pen handed over by Marcy, and quickly wrote on it: Angela, may you never be bothered by troubles in your life, your faithful Julia Roberts.

"All right." Julia returned the notebook to her, and another little girl handed over a notebook. She was a little shy, but she still blushed and said, "Miss Roberts, I'm Jessica Alba. Can I have your autograph, too?"

Since she had already signed it, she didn't care to sign another one, and she never refused to sign it, but this signature caused a little confusion. From just now, fans who recognized her gathered nearby in twos and threes at the door of the hotel. It was just that they saw the crew here and thought they were making a movie, so they didn't rush to ask for autographs, but when they saw two little girls get autographs respectively. Enthusiastic fans immediately followed suit, knowing that Julia was one of Julia's favorite movie actresses who won a popular award.

Fortunately, the little confusion was quickly brought under control by the crew, and after spending dozens of minutes signing autographs for the fans, Julia finally sat down in her chair and waited for the makeup artist to put on her makeup so that she could start filming. A voice came into her ear from the door.

"Miss Mason, you can't disturb Miss Roberts. She's wearing makeup now."

"I know. I'm just sneaking a peek. I'm not going in."

"You promise?"

"Yes, I promise!"

"Still no, your promises have never been reliable."

"Oh, come on, Mr. Rex, you're making me so sad."

"All right, but Miss Alba has to promise."

"I. Me? "

"Yes, I'd rather believe you than Miss Mason."

"Well, Jesse, just promise me that although he still hurts my young heart, I'm not going to pursue it until then!"

What a lovely girl. Julia wanted to look back, but the makeup artist had begun to powder her face, so she had to keep listening.

"it's a pity that I'm wearing the crew's clothes, otherwise I would have asked my big mouth sister to sign the clothes."

"Why sign the clothes, Angie?"

"in that case, this dress will have a high collection value, especially after Big mouth Sister won an Oscar for Best Actress. Well, maybe I should prepare two clothes and sign them before the day that Big mouth Sister wins the award. Sign again after winning the prize!"

"Are you so sure Sister Big mouth will win an Oscar for Best Actress?"

"Of course, Sister Big mouth is not as uncourting as you are, Jesse!"

"Come on, Angie, I'm much better than you don't want to do anything!"

Julia, who couldn't stop laughing and crying, was suddenly moved again that every actress would have an Oscar dream, and she was no exception, but after the fiasco of "the dying Young Man" and the cold words from the crew of "Captain Hawk", she even dared not think about it any more. now a childish girl vowed that she would succeed in getting the golden man, even if it was just a child's words. Unwittingly, it also gave her considerable comfort.

What an interesting little girl. Julia smiled at the corner of her mouth and suddenly remembered what Mr. Barker had just said. so, what kind of surprise can you give me, Angela?