
Hollowed Out

['Good people die young.' That was an irrefutable fact. In her life, all she did was give everything she has to the people around her. Living in a world where man-eating creatures exist, she was more blessed than anyone, or is she? She shares all the things she possesses with the people she deemed as 'comrades.' She became selfless and ignores her desires because maybe, even if they live in a scary world, they could have joy in it even just a little bit. But she was soon proved wrong. Her 'comrades' left her to be eaten to save themselves. She thought that it was fine. But the 'monsters' she expects to eat her were more of 'devils' in the humans' clothing. She was tortured, experimented and she toyed mentally, physically, and spiritually. Her being was put in place worse than death. And finally, she came to rest.] "You wrote...this story?" she asks. The other person laughs crazily: "It's so sad, right? Haha!" Her face darkens. She looks into the sky and calms herself. The other person became puzzled: "Do you remember your—" Bam! She smashed her friend's face to the table and fanned herself. In her first life, she lived only to be tortured and became someone else's stepping stone. In her second life, she came to know that her first life was nothing but a fraudulent novel, that she's only damn cannon fodder. When she opened her eyes again, it's already her third life. She blinks her eyes. How come it resembles the settings of her first life? "Groans.." ...It's the same, but it seems like something changed in the gender department?

LIght_Novel_San · Horror
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8 Chs

She Was Harassed

Did she die? No, she didn't. She's just back in the dark space, floating. Remembering her previous decisions, Vayne felt hilarious and ironic. She never felt so fucking hopeless to the point of using her life just to save them. She does not like life, but she also doesn't hate it....just fucking tired of it; using it for an obnoxious situation just left a bad taste in her mouth!

If it was her previous body, those dipshits would never stand a single chance!

After venting all of her emotions, Vayne started to sort out her plans. She knew the future, but she doesn't' know her current present. And Lily, that suicidal maniac, she doesn't know whether she's 'that' Lily or she also transmigrated into another entity, because if the Lily she knows is the Lily that was with 'Vayne,' not even God can save her.


Vayne:"!!!" Your mom! Why?!

Vayne slowly looks at the owner of the voice. It was her---- No, to be more specific, it was the body she's occupying, the original soul of the body.

Holy! Is she going to be kicked out of the body? Will she disappear?

Damn, where can she celebrate?! Can she even celebrate?

Before she can even ask the intention of the other, the original owner dash to her and kissed her. Suddenly, the dark space twisted, and a white light speedily took over, it's as if it's devouring the space.

Before the lights consume her vision, she heard him say:"When the world ends, come and have me....xxxxx"


Please, use human language! This old lady can't take such suggestive thoughts!


When Vayne woke up, she thought her heart stopped.

"My precious nephew! You suffered so much injustice!"

"My dear grandson! How-how can those bastards dare do this to your innocent body?!"

"Wuwuwu![1] Our family's precious baby was assaulted by those heartless devils!"

Vayne now understands. This whole family has also suggestive tongues!

Vayne became stiffed. She just looks at them just like a stranger.

The wailing in the room became loud.

" Wuwuwuwu he became dumber. "

"Doctor! Doctor! What happened to my grandson's brain?! Why did he become so stupid!"

"Nephew! Dearest nephew! It's okay! It's okay if you become an idiot! We'll still be here!"


"Mesdames! Patriarch! This is so heartbreaking for all of us, it seems like due to the injuries he suffered, the precious young lord might have lost his memories temporarily. Alas! What a pitiful and cruel fate!"

"No!! My-My dearest child! Mommy-Mommy will always be here!"

"Do not grieve, my family! This injustice that our dearest one suffered, I will not let this slide!"

"Dear father, dear sister, this is our family-Villin faults! We did not care enough for our youngling! Those stupid men in our family!"

Vayne:"..." If she were actually the original soul, she'll also opt to change identity.

"Dear son!"

"My beloved grandson!"

"Ah, my precious nephew!"

"Young master!"

Vayne:"..." She must get her original identity back or this family will drive her insane.


After calming herself down for the umpteenth time, even Vayne is surprised by her own perseverance.

"Doctor, be honest with me. Will he gain his memories back?"

The doctor gave them a sad and painful expression:"We are not sure..."

The doctor and nurses left them to give some privacy.

Now that Vayne got a closer look, the mother, the aunt, and even the grandfather have extraordinary looks. Are they even human?

The mother has a very beautiful and soft nature, she even wore a white dress making her fragile. While grandfather has valiant and heroic features and as much as Vayne does not want to admit it, he aged like a fine wine. Last but not the least, the aunt inherited the grandfather's features, strong and brave.

No wonder, this body's face was also off the charts!

"Payne, my youngest son. I am your Mother! He is your grandfather, and she is your aunt! We are your family!"

Vayne remained unresponsive. Payne, huh.

Seeing the silence of his youngest son, Sophia Villin, Payne's mother was about to cry again yet she did not cry.

This is the first time she hated her husband and their eldest son. Their youngest child was hospitalized because of their so-called discipline when all he wants was their attention and affection!

Payne is still young and is a child, yet her husband and son dare to drive her precious Payne into this kind of misery. She is aware of her weak nature, but to touch her son to the point of losing his memories? She can even be crueler.

"Father, Sister Ava, please lend me your power! Please ban my husband and son from this hospital. They shall never see a strand of Payne for the time being!"

Clark Villin saw the rage in her daughter-in-law's eyes. He couldn't help but sigh. He warned his son and grandson not to do their so-called discipline. They never knew the capability of a woman, moreover a mother when their reverse scale[2] is touched.

"Dad, I agree with Sister Sophia. What brother and nephew did was too much. All of this will not happen to Payne if they just try to hear his side. They were never on his side, never even bothered to hear his side. Let this count as their punishment."

Ava then turned to comfort Sophia:" Sister you are still too soft on them. If it were my sons to suffer these injuries, may God forgive me for what I might do to them."

Clark prayed: May the men in their family learn not to enrage the women.

Vayne watched the scene like it was out of a drama. She will not admit that it was too entertaining that she forgot she was part of this.

Then she saw the grandfather walking to her. He was about to pat her but he probably remembers her current situation and put his hand away.

He smiled comfortingly like a kind grandfather next door, except that he's a handsome old man. Still, she kinda felt a familiarity, and it was ominous.

"Payne, you might not remember me but I am your grandfather. It seems that you lost your memories due to the accidents you've been through. However, we are your family. We will be here to assure you that no matter what happens, we are always here to help you."

Hearing the word family, tasted sweet and bitter.

Vayne did not respond for a few seconds and ask:" What happened to me? Who am I?"

Clark smiled woefully: "You are Payne Villin, my grandson. A month ago, you entered a boot camp, but we didn't know that boot camp is evil. You suffered major injuries because of them. You were in a coma for two months and three days ago, you woke up but then you suddenly run. We found you in a dark alleyway with two girls and we immediately arrested those men."

Vayne:" Hmm.. What happened to the two girls."

Clark:" They were fine. We treated their minor injuries and sent them to their houses. Payne, tell grandfather, why did you suddenly run the moment you woke up?"

Vayne answered him without batting an eye:"I don't know anyone, it was terrifying."

Clark's heart ached for hearing what he said but he was still suspicious:"Do you know those girls?"

Vayne saw right through his suspicions:"Remember."

He doesn't know them, but he remembers them. Clark understood.

Then he asked again:"Then why did you run and ask for their name and locations?"

Why is it as if you know what exactly will happen to them, yeah, it is unlikely for a person who lost her memories to act like this.

"Dad, please don't agitate him, okay?"

Clark nodded and asked for forgiveness. He was out of line just now. Payne is still recovering, although he is still quite suspicious, he should not have asked right away.

Vayne glances at Payne's mother, worried aunt, and guilty grandfather. Vayne felt sorry for Payne's family, but she needs to do it.

She said as a matter of fact:"I don't know you, I don't trust you."

It is such a single line yet it gave them unrepairable damage, especially to Sophia and Clark.

This is the consequence of their negligence.

Sophia swallowed her sobs while Clark clenched his fist. This time, that father-son duo created damage that broke Sophia's heart and one of the instances that made Clark and Ava hate their family origins.

Vayne broke the silence: "How long do I need to stay here?"

Ava answered her: "Although you woke up, your injuries are still healing and you need to undergo several tests to make sure that you are gonna be fine. Maybe one or two weeks."

Vayne thanked her but Ava became sadder. Her nephew... It feels like he became so distant and without an ounce of familial love.

"I'm famished."

"Mommy cooked your favorite dishes! Eat all of it, recover faster, and become stronger! Then-then you and Mommy will play and buy anything you want!"

The food being served was massive. There are about four dishes that she can name and five that she doesn't know. Vayne is still shocked about the lavishness at the expense of being hungry.

Seeing Payne in a daze, Sophia thought that his preference has also changed or he does not trust her cooking. However, she saw Payne smiling at her, it felt unfeeling at first, but the gratitude triggered her motherly instinct.

"Thank you." Combining both of her lives, she never eats something as luxurious as the food in front of her. It felt quite nice.

"Have you eaten? Do you mind eating with me?" Oh, she almost got caught up by the effort that wasn't even made for her.

Clark, Ava, Sophia, and Vayne spent an awkward yet pleasant late lunch.

When the afternoon came, Vayne did not expect the presence of uninvited but ber much welcomed guests.

"G-Good afternoon!"

The two guests shyly greeted the people inside the room.

"We heard that you woke up so.. We just wanted to visit and thank you..." The other guest said.

"Mother, Aunt, Grandfather, I want to speak with them."

Sophia did not want to leave first but was persuaded by Ava to let them have their privacy. Clark scanned the two and smiled at them kindly. Before he closed the door, he took a quick glance and was surprised for seeing vigilance and nostalgia in his grandson's eyes. It seems like he needs to run a thorough background check.

Payne scanned their current state. They look both fine but the previous event definitely left a trauma to the both of them.

"What did the doctors say? You won't die right?"


"What? I didn't say anything rude to him!"

Vayne didn't notice the small arc that formed in her lips. The voices of the girls were halted, they were awestruck by the person in front of them. They saw the boy smiling at them but at some point, the smile feels desolate. It was a contagious beautiful smile but also heart-rending.

Vayne remembered something. They were also as happy as them, she and Lily. Maybe her decision is what led them to their current predicament. Lily was a very bright and sunny person but because of her selfishness veiled in the pretense of selflessness, she drove Lily to insanity. Probably, the person who needs a beating is her.


Inside a room that was devoid of any color, an older man sat at his desk, the rustling of the papers and his writing echoes in the room. Another man that looks exactly the same as the older man is standing straight--both wearing an inexplicable expression.

"Father, I've received a notice that Payne has woken up. Mother, Aunt, and Grandfather are already there while the others will visit later. When should we go?"

The older man paused but continued immediately:"What is his condition?"

"It seems like Payne was diagnosed with amnesia."

The older man scoffs:"Amnesia? Are the doctors in that hospital that mediocre? They can't even distinguish when that child is tricking them?"

"Father, what if Payne really did become amnesiac? After all, what happened to the boot camp was really--"

"Enough. Payne woke up after his coma and he runs like a madman searching for two students, he knows their names and other information regarding them. Then after fighting some hooligans, gets hospitalized, he gets amnesia? Payne is a mischievous child, do not get tricked like them."

The younger man clenched his jaw and suppressed his feelings:"I will schedule a visit when there's free time." And left.

The older glanced at him before doing his tasks.

The younger man opened his phone and stare at the picture. It was a happy family picture of four.

The parents are lovingly hugging their children. The brother was holding his youngest sibling. All smiling like a harmonious family.

He said: "Payne, I'm sorry. You just need to wait a bit more and we will be a happy family again. What I'm doing is for you, for us, for our family. Do not detest brother, okay?"

Then he proceeded to kiss the picture while determination, hatred, and misery are brewing in his eyes.


[1] Crying sounds.

[2]The dragon's reverse scale had become a figurative expression of something you should not touch.