
Hollow Son: in an Erotic Survival RPG

I've rewritten this synopsis like five times now, but what can you do? Summaries just ain't my thing. I seriously suck at it, but this time I'm gonna keep it short and sweet. 'The Hollows' are people born without a core. You need a core to fight the Kingdom of Darkness. The Hollows are just regular folks who, instead of fighting the dark kingdom, just live their lives chillin' inside the empire. Daniel was born one of them. Even though his dad is one of the strongest Light Legionnaires in the empire and his big bro Arthur is following in their dad's footsteps, Daniel is basically the family disappointment. But everything flips when Daniel gets a text from an unknown number saying that if he clicks on a link, he'll awaken his core and also get to mate with hot chicks. He clicks, but surprise, surprise—he gets sucked into a survival RPG that's kinda erotic, where he could die. And he's not alone; he's there with girls and guys from his institute. And what's up with these weird condition and fetish!? Turns out, awakening a core and mating with chicks ain't as easy as it sounded. [A/N: *No NTR and Yaoi towards the MC (However, I can't say the same for secondary characters). *There will be quite slow-paced romance. Even though it's a harem, don't expect all the girls to fall for the MC within the first twenty chapters. Developing the romantic relationship between characters will take many chapters and books. However, don't expect the entire female cast to be in the main character's harem. A little spoiler, but there won't be as many girls in his harem as many might assume at the beginning. Some won't be in his harem due to death, some will date other characters, and there might be other reasons. *Overall, be prepared for any character's death. Although the setting might seem light and fun here, it's actually quite a realistic and dark story.]

Lord_GaGa · Fantasie
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29 Chs

Chapter 15: Racing the Twilight: Daniel's Endless Day.

Because Daniel's inventory was full, he was forced, as before, to place the items that appeared on the ground. If during the previous chest opening Daniel had gleamed with happiness inside, now he felt confused and bewildered. Four mysterious items were arrayed before him on the ground.

`Well... This is clearly not what I expected,` crossed Daniel's mind. He directed his gaze at the first item, focusing his attention, and a virtual panel instantly appeared before him.

Item: [Upgrade Crystal.]

Item Type: Equipment Enhancement.

Item Description: [The Upgrade Crystal can enhance and level up a player's equipment. There are three variations of the Upgrade Crystal: for equipment, weapons, and stats. Simply touch the equipment you wish to upgrade with the crystal.]

The crystal that Daniel held in his hands was the size of a small stone. Its mesmerizing green shade resembled an emerald, and both of its ends were sharply edged. A faint glow and a green radiance emanated from the crystal, as if it harbored some magical power within.

Without wasting time pondering, Daniel promptly took the crystal and touched his shoes with it, awaiting a magical transformation. System messages instantly popped up before him.

[You touched the "Geta" equipment.]

[Do you wish to upgrade "Geta"?]

[Yes. | No.]

"Yes," Daniel confirmed calmly. For a brief moment, he felt fear, as he suddenly realized that the upgrade, like crafting, might take some time. However, instead of that, his shoes flared up with bright light and shone. The light faded after a second.

The appearance of the shoes remained almost unchanged, except for some mysterious symbols. Daniel immediately began to examine the updated equipment using the system.

Item: [Geta +1.]

Item Type: Equipment (Footwear).

Durability: 100%.

Item Description: [Increases agility attribute by 10%. This footwear, crafted from rare materials and adorned with symbols of ancient spells, grants the wearer increased speed and agility. With every step, it infuses the wearer with the energy of the wind, allowing the player to move silently, enhancing their stealth. The perfect choice for explorers seeking unparalleled ease of movement.]

"This is good. Very good," Daniel said indifferently. "Although a 10% increase only boosts my agility by one point, silent movement is a very useful ability. I am satisfied." But there were still three items left in the chest. Moreover, it was getting darker and he needed to hurry. His gaze fell on the second item, which was familiar to Daniel – it was a map.

Item: [Revelation Map]

Item Type: Exploration Tool

Explored Area: 4%

Item Description: [The Revelation Map is a unique tool that displays only those areas where the player has already been. Made from special parchment and sealed with magical runes, this map automatically updates its data as the player progresses. The map not only indicates the path taken but also highlights key points of interest in the explored zones. The player can summon the map in either physical or system form, simply by saying, "Map."]

Daniel shook his head. There was simply no time to reflect on what was happening. So many useful items, and he didn't even have time to properly study them. He pulled the item "Gnawed Bone of the Mountain Macaque" from his inventory, immediately replacing it with the map. Unfortunately, at the moment, the map was more valuable to Daniel than the gnawed bone of the Mountain Macaque.

Moreover, the young man knew that sooner or later he would have to discard it. Daniel moved on to the third item - a small bottle with a potion.

Item: [Decrease Potion]

Item Type: Potion Item

Description: [This potion can reduce one of the player's senses by 50%. The effect occurs randomly. The effect of the potion is temporary.]

'Just what I needed! Please, let it be anything but the sense of heat and cold! Please, God, I know you're on my side.'

Daniel prayed silently. Without hesitation, he uncorked the bottle and drank all the potion in one gulp.

[You have consumed "Decrease Potion."]

[Sight is reduced by 50% for one hour.]

Daniel suddenly felt his vision become less sharp, and the world around him lost its clarity.

"What the f...?" escaped him, and he felt astonished.

It became more difficult to distinguish details in the distance, and he realized that his vision had noticeably worsened.

"System, are you serious right now?"

'Damn system! Scammed me again!? What sense of sight!? I don't even have it in my status, what, just what?! It decreased my sense of sight, just when everything around was getting dark! Just perfectly splendid! Great! Thank you, you damn scam system! And go to hell, God!'

Daniel turned his eyes to the fourth item, which, thanks to the potion, now appeared before him in blurry outlines. Although Daniel understood that it was a crafting material.

Item: [Leather]

Item Type: Material Item

Description: [Leather obtained from a rare and dangerous monster. It has high durability and flexibility, making it an ideal material for crafting high-quality equipment, items, and accessories.] This was a very useful item for Daniel, and he would have been incredibly happy if he had found it before, but now there was simply no room for it. His inventory was full, and he couldn't throw out everything else. Daniel was in a great hurry, so he quickly went to the item menu. He bought two pieces of stick, each costing fifty points. Then he went to the crafting menu and clicked on one of the icons.

[Homemade Bag.]

[Crafting Cost: 100 points.]

[Required Material: 1/1 leather, 2/2 stick piece.]

[Do you wish to craft "Homemade Bag"?]

[Yes. | No.]

"Yes," Daniel nodded. Now he had only enough points to craft a short sword. Another system message appeared before him.

Crafting time remaining: [1 hour 59 minutes 59 seconds.]

Daniel jumped up sharply. He sorted through the items he had acquired and unloaded his inventory. Of course, discarding the gnawed Mountain Macaque bone was sad, as it had helped him twice, but in the end, this item was trash and less valuable than the other items in his inventory.

Now a more serious problem lay before him. Due to the effect of a damned spell, his vision was reduced, and he could see almost nothing. With the onset of darkness, he had to somehow make his way to the Safe Zone with a bonfire.

The path lay through a vast field strewn with five-meter grass, and under such conditions, it became a real challenge for Daniel.

The field seemed completely still, only strange rustles and indefinite sounds broke the night's silence. Daniel, lonely and almost naked, felt every movement of the air on his skin.

He was wearing only shoes, making his senses even keener. He held three knives in his hands, listening intently to the surrounding silence, trying to move as quietly as possible. Despite the absence of visible signs of danger, he could not shake off the unsettling feeling that someone or something was watching him, lurking in the depths of the night.

The time remaining until the end of the craft or the Mountain Macaque's bone no longer occupied Daniel's thoughts. His attention was riveted to the night, to the five-meter grass, and to those sounds that seemed to him the terrifying roar of unknown creatures.

He stopped to listen, but the noises subsided, as if they knew of his presence. It was not the roar of monsters in a literal sense, but his imagination painted each sound in bloody tones, making him feel like prey again.

The Safe Zone with the bonfire ahead beckoned like a beacon in a storm, but getting to it through the darkness and secret horrors of the night was a task that required all his courage. He felt every gust of wind on his body, like cold fingers touching his skin, and in his ears rang a dreadful roar, like the call of those hidden from sight.

The knives in his hands were his only encouragement. They were part of him at that moment, sharp and reliable. He knew they were ready to defend him if needed.

He walked, feeling the night watching him, knowing that each step could be his last. The island had become his trial, and the night a trap, and in this trial, he was alone, battling his fears and the horrors that awaited him in the shadows.

After passing through dense thickets, Daniel came out into the open. Now he realized that the sounds and the sensation of gazes that had followed him in the grass were not the fruit of his imagination. The tropical forest around him came to life, and the sounds of monsters became more distinct. Apparently, the monsters became much more active at night than during the day. They were not just coming from afar; they seemed so close that they caused an icy terror in the depths of his soul.

Panic began to grip Daniel. He knew that danger was too close, and his vision, weakened by the potion, only amplified this feeling. But thanks to his footwear, which made his steps noiseless, he knew he could run.

In his head, there was nothing but the desire to reach the Safe Zone. He began to run, not even looking at the trees and obstacles in front of him. Better to collide with a tree trunk than to become prey in a horrifying tropical forest.

The roar of the monsters grew louder and threateningly close. He felt how they were following him, how their ominous eyes were fixed on him, how their claws scraped the ground, ready to seize him.

Daniel's heart pounded as if it wanted to break out of his chest, the knives in his hands were his only encouragement. He ran, without looking back, knowing that a glance could be his last.

The Safe Zone was still far away, but it was his only chance for salvation. His body was covered in sweat, and his soul was gripped by fear. The night had become his enemy. Every second was a battle for survival, every step a step closer to safety or death.

Daniel ran, getting closer and closer to the Safe Zone, when suddenly something cracked behind him. He heard steps, heavy but quiet, without a single growl or roar. Something was following him, relentlessly, invisible in the darkness.

Daniel's heart pounded in his chest, and in his head echoed the nagging question:

'What the hell is that?'

He dared not look back. But he knew that this "something" was getting closer. The steps grew louder, closer, but the breathing of the unknown monster was not heard at all. This "Thing" that was insidiously terrifying was now too close.

Daniel felt a cold gaze on his back, sensed the presence of something unknown. The steps quickened, ringing in his ears.

The fire of the Safe Zone glimmered through the trees. But the steps were already here, close, he felt how the sound of the steps was enchanting him, penetrating his very heart, soul, body.

Daniel's legs moved automatically, but suddenly something cold and wet touched his shoulder. Chills ran through Daniel's body. He felt as if death itself had touched him.

He burst forward, feeling his soul freeze in terror. He was so close! He made a final dash and, exhausted, fell by the fire.

The steps suddenly ceased, silence ensued.

He stared into the forest gloom, realizing that this "thing" was there, lying in wait for him. The silent monster, lurking in the darkness, was horrifying precisely because of its muteness. It had not made a sound, had not betrayed its presence, except for those dreadful steps. And that's what made it so terrifying.

Daniel got up, tightly holding his knives. If not for his condition, he would definitely be trembling now. Daniel looked around the Safe Zone and suddenly noticed the wounded Seraphina lying on the ground.

Instantly, all thoughts of the horror experienced sharply evaporated and were now occupied with Seraphina lying before him. To be honest, because of everything he had been through, Daniel had completely forgotten about her. He was surprised that the girl had somehow managed to reach the Safe Zone, which was quite a distance from the place where he and Seraphina had last seen each other.

"You're alive, right?" Daniel whispered, listening to her barely perceptible raspy breathing. Pressing his ear to her bare chest, he heard the slow and weak pulse of her heart.

The girl was clearly on the brink of life and death, and her severe wounds and cuts all over her body were proof of that. Her body was stained with blood.

"I can assume her health is barely above one, and her bleeding might even exceed twenty percent," Daniel shook his head.

He didn't particularly want to do this, but unfortunately, he had no choice; if he didn't help her, she would die.

`Ah, of course, you're pitiful and all that... But how I hate to spend my only bandage on you. Damn.`

Daniel summoned the bandage, and it materialized in his hand. Taking a deep breath, he slightly lifted the girl, accidentally grabbing and squeezing her chest.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to. My vision is failing me right now," Daniel explained to Seraphina with a calm expression, who couldn't hear him and was unconscious.

Touching her smooth, cold skin, he felt the dried blood and wounds that covered most of her body. But he also found it hard to ignore how pleasant it was to touch her skin. After all, Daniel had never had a girlfriend, so this was his first experience touching a woman's skin (excluding his mother and childhood).

But now his main task was to bandage the girl's wound, a severe wound on her side, a sinister mark left by an unknown and clearly dangerous monster.

The bandage was used and immediately dissolved, disappearing in Daniel's hands.

Seraphina was enveloped in a soft golden glow. All the wounds on her body began to slowly heal, and the one on her side shrunk to a small abrasion. Even with poor vision, Daniel could still understand that the girl did not look as dire as before. Finally, he could exhale with relief and collapse to the ground near the fire.

Without any hesitation, he quickly grabbed three knives and gave his system approval to turn them into a short sword. The three knives instantly vanished from his hands, and a message appeared before him:

Crafting time remaining: [3 hours 59 minutes 59 seconds.]

A pacified and slightly calmed Daniel, feeling his energy drop to three units, could finally close his eyes. He needed to recover his energy.

"It was... a long day," Daniel thought before falling asleep.

Honestly, this is yet another chapter that I thought would turn out much duller than I initially envisioned, but it ended up being arguably the best chapter in this novel. Of course, I'm sure there will be those who didn't like it and who will disagree with me. But that's my personal opinion. If there's something you didn't like, please write a comment about it. Though every time I say this, no one writes comments. So don't write comments and just chill, guys.

How are you all doing, anyway? The new episode of Mushoku Tensei is out, what did you think of it? To me, it was slightly dull, but overall, this anime's quality is much higher than many isekai.

Alright, I've said everything I wanted to say. Thank you all for your attention! Good luck, and bye-bye!

Lord_GaGacreators' thoughts