
Hollow Resurrection

A weird resection brought a girl's soul into a new body. What will happen when she starts to meet people that she used to know?

Mari_tem · Fantasie
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29 Chs


I was doing my routine and walked along the shore looking for bottles or something interesting in general. I saw a bottle and picked it up and put it in my basket. Today I had three bottles, by now I had walked around the whole island shore. It was nothing to for me to do now. I sighed heading home and reading the letters in the bottles. The first I picked up looked to be handmade, the glass of the bottle looked beautiful. I opened it and carefully took out the contents. There was a letter and a bracelet. I picked it up and it was beautiful. It had little bottles that had sand and a shell along with other charms. Then came out a necklace that has what looked like blue resin to make a under water seen in a little glass bottle. They where beautiful I loved the set. I put them in a Jewelry box to keep them safe and read a letter it said 'Thank you so much to whomever granted my wish. I hope that the jewelry set I sent with it will be to your liking. I can not thank you enough for helping my mother. If I every get to meet you It will truly be a blessing ~ sincerely Alfred Nishiyama' I smiled and put it back in the bottle setting it down on my shelf. I read the next one 'Thank you for granting my wish, I am happy now with my wife and child. I can't thank you enough for what you did for me. I put a picture of us in the bottle so you can see the people you helped. ~ sincerely Josephus beck' I again set the bottle on the shelf. I like keeping my wishes or letters to remember all the people I have helped there are also just some really pretty bottles. But now I have reached my last bottle, I open it and read it. 'Hay umiko its me Jackson, I am wishing to see you sometime soon my mother would like to meet you and talk to you about something. Hope to see you soon and I am sorry for how my brother acted. Bye!' I smiled and put the bottle on the shelf with the rest of them. I decided I'd go right now but before I do I organized my bottles before heading to mother and asking "hay mom can I go visit Jackson?" She looked at me "Isn't he the boy you slapped?" I shook my head "No that was Malik this is Jackson his older brother" She smiled "Oh the nice one. Okay you can go but why do you want to go is my question for you child" I smiled "His mother wanted to meet me" She shrugged "Okay, have fun and be safe" I hugged her and went to visit them. I stand in the ocean and close my eyes singing the enchant thinking about the beach on the other side of the ocean. I open them and I was there. I hear Jackson "Ah! Umiko you scared me!" I laughed "sorry, But hey I'm here" He got up and walked to me "Can you follow me. You just missed my mom she went back to the castle so no one would get suspicious." I nod and we walked to the castle, We walk through a door that lead to a kitchen. I looked around and saw some people relaxing. They looked at us and smiled "Hay aren't you the girl who slapped the young master?" I nod "Yes, I'm sorry if it upset you" They shook their head "Not at all, he deserved it. Ever since he's been around his father and that girl he has been horrible" I sigh "I'm sorry to hear that. He was kind when I first met him but he has changed" A maid who looked hesitant patted my back "Trust me we know the feeling" I smiled "Hopefully he'll change for the better" I saw the maid give a sigh of relief "Are you okay?" she rubbed the back of her head "Most of the young master's friends are rude and yell at us when we just bump into them much less touch them" I hugged her "I am not like that at all, So don't worry" The servants in the kitchen smiled and said bye as we walked through a hallway. We reached the ball room and he took me through a side door and into the throne room. We walked up a giant staircase, down a hall and around a corner before we stopped and she knocked on the door. A woman opened it "yes dear?" She looked at me "Is that umiko?" Jackson nodded and we walked in. The woman smiled shutting the door. "It is a pleasure to meet you. I am Alora their mother" I smile "Nice to meet you as well" She sat me down and spoke "Alright I wanted to meet you because your seemed like I kind girl." I nod "thank you, You seem very kind as well" We herd Malik yelling for Jackson, he got up and left so he wouldn't come in and see me here, After he left she continued. "I have a request for you, One I want you to help me plan a ball to one expose my husband for cheating and two kick him out" I laughed smiling "Alright sounds fun" The queen sat down and we talked, we chose to have a full moon ball. The theme would the ocean since we could see it from the castle. The queen said She would prepare a speech and would get some of the maids involved. Mainly the ones that cleaned the rooms so they could pack all of his things for him. The queen and me then began to just talk about random things. Me and her became friends as she said "You know what umiko I want to give you something, follow me" She got up and grabbed my hand before guiding me through the halls. We ended up outside and she walked with me to the woods. She then stopped at a site that had six small rock pillars with a insignia on top of them. "Whoa what is this?" She smiled "this is where we will create your gift, hold out your hand with your palm facing up" I did what she asked and she read my palm before going and climbing a tree pulling out a blue bag. She got down and started. I watched in awe as she did what appeared to be a spirit ritual. She told me what to do and I listened. By the end of it I she had made a bird, It looked like a phoenix in shape but its feathers instead of looking like fire resembled water. It flew to me and I held it. The queen smiled at me "Your bird will be a messenger for us so we can talk quick and easy" I smiled hugging her "thank you so much" She hugged me "Not a problem" She took out a pocket watch "Oh dear you must be hungry lets go get something to eat" I nod "okay but what about my bird?" She smiled "You can tell them to go home" I was confused "How will it know where I live?" patted my head "they are connected to you by your soul. so it knows everything you know" I lifted my arm and the bird flew to it as I was getting ready to send it off she stopped me "Wait what are you going to name them?" I smiled "I'll name them azure" I sent azure back home and the queen smiled "now lets go eat" I followed her into the castle and to what appeared to be a dinning room. I saw the maids and butlers bringing out dinner. We sat down as a maid came over "I see you met the queen huh kid?" I nod smiling The queen looked at her "She is so sweet" The maid nodded "Yeah we know it." I herd more foot steps and saw Jackson walk down along with Malik and a girl. She didn't look to pleasant "Hi Jackson" Jackson smiled "Hi umiko" He sat at the table "Why is she here!" The queen glared at Malik "She is your brother's friend and I actually find her nice so I invited her here" Malik grumbled as he sat down along with the girl. Malik sighed "Where's dad?" Jackson looked at him "Remember he had something important to go do" The queen spoke up "Enough talk lets eat" We all started to eat, granted I felt bad eating their food but it was so good. When I finished eating I just sat there in silence waiting to be excused from the table. Jackson looked at me "You didn't eat much umiko" the girl spoke "She probably didn't eat much because she didn't want to get fat" Jackson looked annoyed "Hay that's not-" I interrupted him saying "You should probably say that to yourself. I am just used to not eating much, also the food was vary filling so it didn't take much to fill my stomach" Jackson was trying not to laugh and so was the queen while Malik and the girl looked angry. She went to open her mouth "speak and I will not hesitate to shove a bread roll in your mouth to silence you" She quickly shut her mouth as I got up. "well I should be going before my mother gets worried" Malik smirked "Good don't come back" I looked at him "Sorry sunshine but i don't take orders from you" I said bye to the queen and Jackson who where laughing and went home. When I got there mother looked at me "Umiko do you know anything about this?" She had Azure in her hand. "Oh yeah that's my bird azure" She sighed "Great another pet of yours" I laughed "Anyways how was your day with the humans" I looked at her "they have names mom" She nodded "Right sorry, Jackson and his mother" I smiled "They are so nice I made friends with them & the servants" She smiled "That's great hun, did you eat?" I laughed and explained what happened at the dining table. She sighed and shook her head "what am I going to do with you" I hugged her yawning as she picked me up. "Tired little one?" I nodded "Mhm" She carried me and put me to bed. "Goodnight my child" I yawned "goodnight mom." As she left I drifted to sleep.