
Hollow Resurrection

A weird resection brought a girl's soul into a new body. What will happen when she starts to meet people that she used to know?

Mari_tem · Fantasie
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29 Chs

The plan

I was still shocked about what had just happened. But at the same time Malik deserved it. Malik looked at me "Jackson what the hell was that about!" I sigh "You have been a jerk lately so I thought if I brought your old friend here You would be kinder but no! Your ego is more important than anyone else apparently!" Malik looked confused "But father said Umiko was fake" I sighed "No wonder she slapped you. Your dumb as hell, Put the pieces together Malik! How would she have gotten that necklace? You know the same necklace you gave Umiko!" I shake my head "You really hurt her feelings you know" I watched as his girlfriend Elise run over "OMG! Babe are you okay!? Who was she!?" I sighed "That was his childhood friend Umiko & he'll be fine Elise" Elise glared at me "Didn't ask you jacka-" I look at Malik "I found your problem" I point at Elise "She is the girl father picked for you. She is a brat. But mother was willing to meet Umiko. You should have just let her meet Umiko rather then push it off till we left and it was to late." I walked away leaving them two alone and went to mother who asked me what happened and why did I not stop the girl who slapped my little brother. I looked around before I answered. I saw father 'occupied' with another woman, so I sighed. "Well Jackson?" I looked up at her "Well mother that girl was Umiko. I asked her to be here so she could fix Malik's behavior but instead he hurt her feelings saying that she was just fake, so you know that necklace aunt Nora gave him?" Mother nodded "yes he said he gave it to someone he really cared about, why?" I rubbed the back of my head "Well She took it off and shoved it in his chest before slapping him and leaving" Mother shook her head "poor girl, she looked really kind to when she walked in. Her voice was beautiful and haunting like a siren's, I wish I could meet her myself, but your brother never let me" I smiled "There is a way you can meet her" Mother smiled "Oh? Do tell" I smiled walking with her to the throne. "Well mother follow me tomorrow with a bottle and paper along with a pin" She looked confused "Why?" I laughed a bit "Just trust me, okay?" She nodded "Very well" I hugged her "Thank you also don't let anyone follow you, okay? Father won't be happy" Mother raised an eyebrow. "Oh really? And what power does your father hold over me? I'm not the one with secrets besides I am the descendant of the royal bloodline." I looked shocked "What do you mean mother?" Mother made sure we were far enough away from everyone before saying "I know your father has been cheating I am just trying to find the right time to kick him out and expose him at the same time and what I meant was that I am blood descendant of the royal family. I just married your father. You and your brother on the other hand are truly apart of the royal family but your father isn't" I thought before saying "So if we get father out the picture, we can get rid of Elise to?" Mother nodded "Oh most certainly" We kept talking before deciding on a time to meet up tomorrow.