
Hollow Resurrection

A weird resection brought a girl's soul into a new body. What will happen when she starts to meet people that she used to know?

Mari_tem · Fantasie
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29 Chs

Settling in

Soon I had finished cleaning and unpacking and went downstairs to see if they needed any help. I followed the smell of food and found the kitchen. "hello do you need any help cooking or setting the table?" They just looked at me and one said "You can set the table" I nodded and helped them set the table. Then they went to go call everyone to come eat. One of the girls asked me how unpacking was going for me and I said "It was okay, I'm already done" They looked at me "Wow that was quick" I smiled and we ate. After I finished I asked if I could be excused "You haven't eaten much" I smiled "I don't eat much" The lady nodded and allowed me to leave. I was about to go clean my plate but they said they would do it. Sorin decided to show me around the place, It was nice I liked the garden. Once we got back and some of the girls walked over "Soo are you two dating?" He looked confused "No" I spoke "What made you think that?" They laughed "Sorry that was the only conclusion for someone like you coming here. I mean look at your clothes!" I sighed "I dressed comfortably since it was a long ride here." Another spoke "So answer me this are you even a princess?" I nodded "Yes I am" I walked away before they had more questions. One of the instructors handed me a schedule and I thanked them before heading to my room. I sat down and read it. It was a lot, But one I noticed that I did not have was combat. This confused me so I went to ask about it. When I asked the guy just laughed "Sorry but we don't let weaklings join the combat class" I glared at him "I'm sorry but I am not weak." He looked down at me "Is that so? Prove it to me" I nodded "Okay I will" He put me through some tests. The fist was a weight lifting test. The second was how I fight and how confident I was with fighting. The third was a obstacle course. He tested me on everything he could think of. When he finally finished I looked at him "So do you have anything challenging or no?" He looked surprised "wait your not tired?" I shook my head "No" Laughed "No what kid your in" He took my paper and got me a new one. He gave it to me and I thanked him going to my room.