
Hollow Resurrection

A weird resection brought a girl's soul into a new body. What will happen when she starts to meet people that she used to know?

Mari_tem · Fantasie
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29 Chs


I opened the door and saw phanes at the door. He smiled at me, Something about his smile made me feel uneasy as he spoke "Hello darling, I was wondering if you would like to join me for a morning stroll" I was confused since he has never tried to talk to me before this. I usually walk with shinigami but today he was sleeping in so he would have more energy so I agree. "Sure let me get changed real quick" He nodded and I got changed. Before walking out I wrote a letter saying 'Hello sorry for my disappearance I went for a walk with Phanes if you need me' I placed it on my table just in case if shinigami did want to wake up early and walk. After that, I headed out and we walked along a trail that went through the garden and into the woods. It was a loop so we would just loop around. As we walked Phanes and me talked, It was mostly about things he was good at and what I was interested in. I asked him about shinigami and he said "Well my brother doesn't do much, He's actually pretty boring now that I think about it. Besides that, he also seemed angry all the time." He sighed "I don't think anyone has ever seen him smile" I raised a brow in confusion "Wait really?" He nodded "What have you seen him smile?" He said jokingly but I responded, "Actually I have, I convince him to let me see his full face." Phanes looked shocked "How?? I and mother have been trying forever to make him smile" I laughed a bit "It's just my charm I guess, My mother always says that my aura makes others more calm and relaxed." He nodded and got lost in thought while we walked back. Once we got there I saw shinigami rushing out, He looked a bit worried then he saw me and ran over. He put his hands on my shoulders, He looked at me carefully. His usual deadly calm eyes were full of worry and fear. I looked at him with concern "Shinigami what's wrong? Are you alright?" Phanes laughed "Wow brother I haven't seen you this worried for a mortal in a while, Not since HER" Shinigami just sighed "Umiko are we still friends?" I nodded "Of course we are, I promised you didn't I?" His eyes calmed down as he hugged me. I hugged him I thought you didn't like hugs" He let go "Yeah sorry just got happy that you didn't fall for him to" I was confused "What do you mean by fall for him?" Phanes spoke up "Oh brother you didn't tell her about your crush?!" I smiled "Aww you had a crush?" He nodded "Yeah it was the girl I told you about. After she hung out with phanes for a week the two were dating" I was shocked "Wow I didn't take him for a ladies' man since he is so self-centered" Shinigami laughed and phanes looked at me "What do you mean self-centered?? I looked at him "I took a read off you and you seemed to be very self-centered and kinda mean" Shinigami looked at phanes laughing "Damn guess you found the one you can't wrap around your finger." Phanes growled "Ugh why can't I just have her?! She looks like my girlfriend that YOU killed" I looked at phanes like he was stupid "excuse me I can make decisions for myself. Also, that is a messed up reason to like someone Phanes" He just sighed "Oh whatever. Know I'm not giving up on you" I sighed and walked away with Shinigami "So are you okay?" He put a hand on my head "Thank you" I nodded and he grabbed my hand talking to breakfast "Now time to eat" I smiled "Perfect timing" He nodded and we made our plates before sitting to eat.