
Hollow Resurrection

A weird resection brought a girl's soul into a new body. What will happen when she starts to meet people that she used to know?

Mari_tem · Fantasie
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29 Chs


I woke up, got dressed and got dressed before going for a walk since I woke up early. I left going to town, I played with some of the kids but noticed a man following us. I didn't like his face either. He gave off a bad vibe so I stayed close to the kids and close to the adults. After a while i didn't see him and I went off walking on my own to get the bottles. It was a rather quiet day so I decided to sing so it won't feel as alone.

I got up and got dressed I had woken up early and decided to send out a letter to umiko. I got the materials needed and wrote the wish before heading out to the beach behind the castle. I could have sworn I heard a faint song calling to me from across the ocean. I shook it off and sent out the letter.

When I got home I read and granted the wishes, when I got to the last one I saw that it was Malik. He said 'Hey umiko that you for helping me yesterday, I am going for a walk today if you want to join me' I decided to join since I have nothing better to do. I told mother I was leaving and she nodded allowing me. I went to the beach and saw him waiting for me. He looked at me smiling "i'm glad you came" I nodded and we started walking, We made small talk as we talked. He actually wasn't bad. I let myself relax a bit while walking with him. We ended up sitting by a river skipping rocks. I saw a fish and poked it, he laughed as i was disgusted by how slimy it was. We sat there just talking and having fun. It was really nice, he asked me if I was hungry and I nodded. As we were walking to town i tripped over a root landing on the ground, I hopped up and he looked at me worried "Oh my are you okay!?" I laughed "Aw your worried, but yeah I'm okay it just hurts a bit" He looked at it and sighed taking out a cloth and wrapped it around my bleeding knee before picking me up and crying me to town. We stopped by emily's house so she could treat it. She cleaned it and put a bandaid on it before we went and got something to eat. We had a good rest of the day. When I got home mom asked what happened and i explained it. She shook her head "your so clumsy" I smiled and went to my room to draw.