
Hollow Resurrection

A weird resection brought a girl's soul into a new body. What will happen when she starts to meet people that she used to know?

Mari_tem · Fantasie
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29 Chs

New horizon

I woke up excited I did a quick lap around the island I grabbed the bottle I found and rushed home. It was a letter 'Dear wish granter I hope to see you at the ball tonight. For me to recognize you please wear some of the jewelry I made for you. I sincerely hope you will be in attendance ~ Josephus beck' I smiled and put on my dress along with the necklace he gave me. I fixed my hair and went to wait for mother. When she came down she looked at me and smiled "aw, You look like a sea sprite" I laugh "thank you mother, You look pretty as well." She kneeled down to me and handed me a letter "Azure gave me this" I read the letter and it was from the queen, She said she wanted me there as soon as possible to go over the plan. I handed it to my mother. "I'll be heading out now can you please put this on my dresser?" She nodded and I left. When I got to the beach I saw Her waiting for me. I bowed "Greeting m'lady" She smiled "Aww darling you look beautiful" I smile "Thank you-" I looked up at her and was shocked "My lady why aren't you dressed yet!" She laughed "I wanted you to help me with the dress" I nodded and walked with her in the castle and to her room. She showed me some dresses but I didn't really like them. I sighed "these won't do at all, I'll just have to make you one." She showed me to the sewing room and I measured her before starting on a dress for her. Once I finished I had her try it on. When she came out she was astounded "It's perfect and you did it so quick!" I smile "I'm glad you like it" I saw the two princes walk in. "Your not wearing those suits to the ball right? They looked at me "Yeah we are why?" I shook my head "This ball is ocean themed why are you wearing white?!" I shook my head "come here both of you" They walked over and looked at their mom "Whoa mom you look beautiful" She smiled "Thank you Umiko made it for me" Malik looked at me "Really?" I nodded "Yes now stand sill I'm taking measurements" After I measured them both I made them suits and a broach. Malik's being a royal blue and Jackson's being a dark blue broach. The suits where a deep ocean blue." After I finished i handed it to them "Go change" They took it and went to change. I stood there proud of my work. When they came back I smiled "You both look great" The queen nodded in agreement. We went to meet up with the maids. We went over the plan and started putting it into action. We headed down to the ball room to greet everyone. When one man and his wife walked through the door he looked at my and gasped "it's..It's you! You're the one who made my life so much happier" He and his wife walked over and bowed "I'm Josephus beck It's a pleasure to meet you " The woman spoke "I am isabella Beck, You look so beautiful and young" I smiled "Well I'm umiko and I'm not really that old I am the same age as prince Malik" They looked shocked "That is truly amazing your so young, But thank you for all you have done." I shook my head "No it was my pleasure" They walked in smiling then Emily walked in. "Hello, You all look beautiful" I smiled "thank you" She stood by Jackson. Then another girl walked in and I saw Malik tense up "J-Jessica It's good to see you came" The girl walked in "Of course hun" She looked at me "What are you doing here?" I sighed "I am here with my friend" She scoffed and walked in "Come on babe" Malik just stood there looking down. She turned and looked at him "Um babe I said let's go!" I nudged him and nodded looking at her "Jessica I want to spend time with my family for once" She scoffed and left, Jackson congratulated him. I walked around looking at everyone's outfits. Once most of the quests arrived and the maids said everything was ready she walked up and began her announcement. "may I have everyone's attention!" Everyone looked at her. "Thank you, Now it has came to my attention there has been something going on behind my back" The king and a woman began to get nervous. Whispers were heard throughout the ballroom until the queen started talking again. "Now let me tell you what has happened for those who don't know, The king has been having a affair with Cassandra rossie." Gaps where heard and the queen continued "Now it would be disgraceful for me to keep him in the palace after all he has done. So I before I exile him and that woman I want them to come up before you all and tell why they did it. Before they could run the guards brought them up before us all. The air was so dense and the room was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. The king scoffed "I did it so I could be the one that was the head of the throne! I planned for me and her to rule! I even had her daughter friend that Ignorant boy so we could kill the two princes!" Everyone was disgusted and horrified about what he said. The queen glared at him and with her words she spoke "Guards take them away.. Far away if not I might execute them myself." The crowd spoke "We aren't oppose to that!" the queen smiled "Thank you all for being loyal to me, You all are truly amazing" Everyone cheered as the ex king and the two horrible women were taken away. Some men left with them as well as mother. Malik and Jackson looked horrified "They wanted to kill us.." Emily hugged jackson "It'll be okay hun" I looked at malik who was shaking and crying. I walked over and hugged him, He looked at me "wha-?" I sighed "Shush this means nothing.." He hugged me and cried, tried to calm him down then it hit me. He liked dancing, I went to the band and asked them to play to cheer up malik. They agreed and I went to him "Hay do you still like to dance?" He nodded "yeah why?" I sighed and reluctantly held my hand to him "I'm not a good dancer but I want to make a effort at cheering you up" He took my hand smiling "Thank you Umiko" We went to the dance floor and i spoke "Sorry if i step on your feet or trip I haven't danced in a while" He laughed a bit "i'll be okay" We started to dance after a while of me tripping and stepping on his foot i was actually getting good at it. I started to smile and he noticed "i'm glad I could make you smile" I flinched "Sorry I didn't realize" He shook his head "Its okay Umiko"After we danced mother came to get me. "Time to go home dear" I nodded and said bye to all of them before leaving. I told her what happened while we were there She smiled and patted my head as we got home "I'm glad you had fun but you head on to bed alright?" I nod and go to bed happy.