
Hollow Resurrection

A weird resection brought a girl's soul into a new body. What will happen when she starts to meet people that she used to know?

Mari_tem · Fantasie
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29 Chs

Drifting away

It was finally time I was going to see my old best friend again. I put on my dress and waited for mother then we left to go to the ball. Once we got to the land mother shrunk and looked more human. "Whoa mother you look beautiful" She laughed "thank you my child now let's get going" I nod, and we walk to the ball. Once we got there, I looked around for Malik. Mother watched me from afar as I walked around looking for Malik. I accidentally bumped into someone. "ah! I'm so sorry!" I looked at who I bumped into and he looked familiar "Oh no its okay" He looked at my necklace and looked shocked "How did you get that necklace?" I looked at him "Oh my friend Malik gave it to me" The boy smiled and held his hand out to me "it's nice to meet you" I shook his hand "thanks it's nice to meet you to I am Umiko" He let go of my hand as he said, "I am Jackson Malik's older brother" My heart skipped a beat "That's so cool! can you take me to him!?" Jackson laughed a bit "happy huh?" I nod but just as we were about to leave a girl stopped us "Sorry but who are you who?" I smile "I am Umiko I'm Malik's friend" She tilted her head "I didn't know he had a friend, sorry for the misunderstanding" I nod "It's no problem" We continue walking to Malik. I see him and he is surrounded by girls, so Jackson stops me. "wait here I'll get him for you" I nod, and he leaves. I watch as he walks over the girls, he was talking to following slightly as they watch. Jackson gets to me "So bro this is the girl who wanted to see you" I smile "it's great to see you again Malik" Malik tilted his head "Sorry but who are you" I felt sad he didn't recognize me, but I hid it "Jeez did I change that much it's me Umiko" He stayed silent before saying "Sorry I don't remember you" I felt hurt as I took the necklace off shoving it into his chest. "You wrote me a wish asking me to be here, but I guess you forgot that to" Tears wanted to run down my face, but I wouldn't let them. Jackson spoke "Actually Umiko I wrote that letter hoping he would remember you" Malik sighed "enough jokes who are you really? I know Umiko was imaginary and how did you get this necklace?" he glared at me and his voice was cold. This really pissed me off. I sang a bit of the song I would always sing, He didn't seem amused"Okay? What will singing accomplish?" slapped him 'First and best friend remember or did you hit your head to hard when you fell into such a giant ego?" gasps were heard around the room. I looked at Jackson. "You can call for me if you want, now I must be going before I get to mad" Jackson nodded and I went to Mother and left. She asked me what happened as I was visibly upset. I told her everything and she hugged me "I'm so sorry my dear. Would you like to go watch the stars to feel better?" I nod as we get home I change before heading out to my favorite spot. It was on a cliff that overlooked the ocean. There was a tall oak tree that sat there as well. I loved climbing the tree and watching the sun rise and set. It was my own special space where I could be me with no one watching me. I sat under the tree listening to the ocean waves crashing against the shore below. I felt soon fell asleep.