
Hollow in a Magic World

A serial killer who has been sentenced to death somehow ends up in a magic world as a hollow. Read the dark tales of a man who doesn't consider humans as anything more than food to make himself stronger.

Eaglestriker_22 · Anime und Comics
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51 Chs

Bigger Prey

My jaws closed around yet another demon, this one resembling a beetle, as a soothing sensation relieved my hunger. I had become accustomed to the feeling by this point with how many demons I had consumed. I found that, contrary to Silverfoot's memories, there was an overflow of demons. 

In a way, Silverfoot was an outcast by his own design, choosing not to interact with many demons and only hearing things through rumors. Therefore, he didn't know that demons were crawling through almost every rock and hole in the ground like roaches. I was more likely to encounter a demon than I was a fiend at this point. 

So, I went literally uncontested as I consumed demon after demon within an hour. I was keeping track of how many I was at and the time, just to see the odds of finding a useful ability. After the beetle demon, who possessed a Hardening Skin ability which could be useful to me, there were only 3 out of the 150. Which made the odds around two percent. 

Of course, this is only because I just noticed that I should hunt a certain type of demon. I've noticed recently, mostly because I was just hunting them with no concern, that a demon's base ability wasn't as random as they thought it to be. It always dealt with their outward appearance. For example, the rat-like demon had the Enhanced Smell ability. 

Using this as a new method, I passed up many demons, only consuming the ones I felt were necessary. After half an hour, I came across an interesting find. In front of me, was a massive cave with multiple demons huddled around the mouth of it. Curious, I observed from a distance, as to was going to happen. 

The demons, who moments before were loudly chattering amongst themselves, quieted as there was movement at the mouth of the cave. A demon exits, standing tall, radiating mana. She had a slender frame with black wings extending out her back and crow's feet. On her head she had a crown of feathers with two horns extending backwards. She would look down the bridge of her nose at demons who groveled at her feet. A demon shivering in fear crawls towards her, placing something at her feet. She looks at it for a second before her face contorts to that of disgust.

"Is this all you dare offer me?" She asks in rage. All demons around her cower in fear, while the one at her feet all but prostrates on the ground as the subject of her attention.

"It's all I could manage. An Archdemon came and took the rest from me, I could only hide this one from him." He explains. With him lower on the ground, I could clearly see the object he was offering to her, a mana crystal. Only demons of a certain evolution could absorb the harsh mana radiating off this world. More often than not, the planet would take the excess mana and form crystals in groups at a random location. They were delicacies to demons and Archdemons, but useless to Demon Lords and Kings. 

"You are useless to me then. Begone." Her wings unfurl, scattering feathers towards him that skewer him to the ground. Seeing the death of the other demon, they distance themselves from her and the body, staying low to the ground. Looking at the rest of the pathetic demons, she addresses them. 

"Those that bring me mana crystals will be rewarded. Those who fail will end up like him. Now go." On her words, the demons scamper off in various directions. I shake my head at the scene I just witnessed. She was clearly an Archdemon, who was bullying the demons to do her work for her. I had no idea what she was expecting from them as they were next to useless when they encountered an Archdemon. Plus, how did she know that they wouldn't just run off with the mana crystals. Nevertheless, I've seen all that I needed to. 

She just causally revealed what her ability was, with the feathers, and although she had way more mana than what I've encountered so far, she didn't seem too overwhelming. The most I'd have trouble with is if she took to the skies, but I had a plan to keep her from doing that.

Sensing the mana off her, I could tell that she was deep in her cave, so I stride up to the mouth of it in confidence. I notice that some demons stuck around, but I ignore them, I have bigger prey on my mind. 

Upon entering her cave, I notice that she still has not noticed my presence, which works out for me. Creeping, I stalk my way further inside to find it opens up to a cavern where she resides on a rock with a small pool next to it. A single flame illuminates the small cavern as I notice her dipping her feathers in the water, cleaning herself. 

Remaining as quiet as possible, I silently approach her. When I get close enough, I strike out. Unfortunately, her instincts make her jump up, making my attack miss and strike the rock where she once was. Distancing herself from me, she shrieks,

"How dare you enter my cave." Then she looks at me. "Oh, you're stronger than the lot out there. Tell you what, you are forgiven should you offer me sufficient mana."

I ignore her words and don't bother responding, she was going to be dead soon, no point in wasting words. I focus on her movements, not taking anything for granted, as she may be faster or stronger than what I've expected her to be. 

Seeing that I wasn't budging at her offer, she snarls, flapping her wings towards me, sending a flurry of jagged feathers at me. Using my own speed to my advantage, I dodge to the left, rolling on the ground as they pass where I once was. While on the ground, I pick up several rocks while checking to see if I was blocking the exit of the cavern. 

Not understanding the situation she was in, she misunderstands my crouching as me being injured and begins to taunt. 

"Should have accepted my forgiveness. Don't worry, I'll put your mana to good use." She rises, as her wings begin to flap behind her to send more feathers my way. Using my ability, Enhanced Strength that I got from a demon, I toss a rock her way.

Her head cocks back as it connects, dropping her to the ground in surprise. One of her horns flies off, which she slowly goes to touch. I launch two more rocks at her, which she uses her wings to shield. No longer having vision on me, I charge at her. Hearing my footsteps, she unfurls her wings in time to see me inches from her. 

Using one of my claws, I aim for her throat, which she manages to step back from. In return, she brings down her own claw towards my mask. Using the Hardened Skin, my right claw comes up and stops her attack without damage. Looking me in shock, she goes to distance herself from me and escape. Using her wings, she jumps back and collides with the end of the cavern.

Pressing my advantage, I once again aim for her throat. Sensing her end, she brings both of her claws up to protect herself. Her claw stops my own just from her throat. Smiling at her victory, she raises her wings around me, preparing to pelt me with feathers. My mana surges as I use my last useful ability and my claws extend longer, piercing her throat. Her eyes grow wide as she begins choking on her own blood. Grabbing her, my jaw unhinges as I bring her closer to consume her. 

Her resistance grows weaker as she slowly begins to lose her life. Assisting her death, I tear off her wings, which hinder me from consuming her. Taking my time to enjoy my hard-earned victory, I consume her slowly. Seconds after my jaws close around her crow's feet, her mana orb dissolves into my void, adding her strength to my own.

I had assumed, even hoped, that by eating her that I would evolve, but as I stood and waited, I was disappointed to find I remained the same. Checking myself, I did find it easier to let mana flow through parts of my body as I had more of it. Of course, it made sense that evolution wouldn't be easy. If only there was some way, I could know what to work for.

Exiting the cave, I contemplated my options. I had originally thought that once my mana reached a certain threshold that I would evolve, but I was beginning to think otherwise. Maybe it's if I have enough abilities within a certain timeframe. Either way, I knew I was going back to demon hunting, mostly because of the ability I got from my first Archdemon. It was flight, which I planned on utilizing all twenty-four hours. Looking at the black skies, I take off, laughing manically as I do so.