
Hollow Heart: Darkened Love

In the realm of emotion, they say love is blind, and for the once-sweet young master Alex Sterling, it proved to be a transformative force. What began as a promising tale of affection and dreams took an unforeseen turn, altering Alex into something unfathomable. The bitter sting of betrayal and shattered expectations Mold him into a figure shrouded in mystery and darkness. Love's blindfold, once a symbol of innocence, now veiled his eyes with shadows, steering him down a path that would redefine the very essence of his being.

abdulaziz_Saqar · Fantasie
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21 Chs

Facing the Council

In the hushed ambiance of his room, Alex meticulously adjusted his attire before the grand mirror. Nebula, sitting on the bed with an air of evident stress, approached him with a delicate touch. As she adjusted his collar, she tiptoed, leaving a gentle kiss on Alex's cheek. "My prayers are with you," she whispered, her words a soothing balm to the impending uncertainty.

With Nebula's kiss lingering on his cheek, Alex stepped out of his room and into the corridor. He was escorted to the trail chamber, where the Celestials awaited his arrival. The large doors, adorned with ancient drawings, swung open, revealing a space steeped in celestial history. The soldiers present took a respectful bow and withdrew, leaving Alex to face the council alone.

In the heart of the chamber, Nova, the leader of the Celestials, rose from his seat. Silver hair, almost white, framed his well-built figure. The emblem 445 adorned each council member, and Alex couldn't help but wonder if Ragna had been truthful about his past. Nova, with a commanding presence, greeted Alex and requested a respectful introduction.

"I am Alex Sterling, known in battle as Renegade," Alex declared as he met Nova's gaze. The council's eyes bore into him, curiosity and uncertainty etched on their faces. As Nova probed into the circumstances of Ragna's arrival, Alex recounted the tale of his heartbreak, the theft of his achievements, and the summoning of Ragna through a dark, negative energy.

When questioned about Ragna's claim of being his father, Alex revealed the mark on his back, drawing the attention of the perplexed council. Ragna, he continued, spoke of being a Celestian ruler, dethroned by the council, and his son's demise. The narrative took a cosmic turn, involving reincarnation in hell for Ragna and his own existence on Earth.

Intrigued, Nova probed further, seeking Ragna's motive. Alex, with unwavering conviction, spoke of Ragna's desire to dethrone the council and establish himself as sovereign. The second motive, more chilling, involved the extinction of humanity. Earth, deemed a source of greed and selfishness, was to perish as a necessary sacrifice for cosmic peace.

The weight of Alex's words lingered in the chamber, an unspoken tension hanging in the air. Nova, absorbing the gravity of the situation, acknowledged that the threat might be more imminent than anticipated. With a command, he dismissed the council members, granting Alex and himself a moment of privacy.

As the chamber doors closed, Alex and Nova faced each other, the cosmic tapestry of destiny weaving an uncertain future. "Show me your birthmark."

Nova's request hung in the air like a cosmic question mark, a palpable tension settling between father and son. Alex, reluctantly baring his back, revealed the birthmark that had been the linchpin of Ragna's claim. As the celestial leader scrutinized the mark, a visual testament to their kinship, Nova's stoic expression faltered. His eyes, usually bearing the weight of leadership, now locked onto the birthmark as if it held a tale untold, a secret script etched in cosmic ink.

"What Ragna informed you might not be the whole truth," Nova finally spoke, his voice a mixture of sorrow and revelation. The celestial leader, once an enigmatic figure, now stood vulnerable, his past unraveling in the presence of the son he never knew he had. "Ragna was my younger brother, and he often embarked on solo missions. During that time, I had a son." Nova's words carried the gravity of history, each syllable laden with memories that were both heavy and precious.

"In the early days of my son's life, he displayed immense power. Ragna, my younger brother, grew jealous. In one of his missions with his team, four members vanished without a trace. Only Ragna returned, wielding a newfound power that matched my son's. Suspicion led me to send a loyal friend to follow him, but my friend returned injured, revealing that Ragna had been in contact with Mammon."

As Nova unveiled the tragic sequence of events, the celestial court seemed to echo with the echoes of betrayal and familial loss. Ragna's descent into darkness and the ensuing battle that claimed Nova's wife and son painted a vivid tableau of cosmic tragedy.

Amidst the cosmic revelations, Alex, absorbing the weight of his newfound lineage, interjected with a revelation of his own – the realization that he was Nova's son. In that moment, familial ties transcended cosmic boundaries, weaving a tapestry of connection that defied the tumultuous history between Ragna and the celestial council.

"What did he do to you before he left?" Nova inquired, his concern etched on his face. The question lingered, a doorway to the untold chapters of Alex's celestial journey.

"He removed my mana," Alex responded, the admission carrying the weight of diminished celestial energy within him. The revelation echoed with implications, the consequences of a celestial power severed, leaving Alex grappling with the aftermath of Ragna's actions.

"That explains why your mana is limited," Nova mused, a deep sigh escaping him. The bond between father and son, now acknowledged, held within it the echoes of a fractured family, a history shaped by jealousy, ambition, and cosmic treachery. The celestial court, witness to the revelations, seemed to resonate with the unspoken complexities that defined the celestial realm.

In the hallowed chamber of the celestial council, Nova's revelation echoed like a cosmic hymn. He declared to the assembled members, "Alex Sterling is my son." The words carried a weight of familial acknowledgment, a connection transcending the celestial realm. The council, initially perplexed, absorbed the truth that intertwined their leader with the renegade celestial who stood before them.

With the revelation settling in, Alex seized the opportunity to share his suspicions about Ragna's potential allies in hell. "I suspect Ragna is in hell, alongside the seven demons: Lucifer, Beelzebub, Asmodeus, Mammon, Belphegor, Leviathan, and Satanachia. He might seek their aid in the impending war," Alex asserted, his gaze steady, and his words carrying the weight of cosmic foresight. "Considering Ragna's strength, he may surpass even them."

The celestial court, shrouded in an ethereal glow, bore witness to the unfolding saga of celestial lineage. Alex, now aware of his familial ties to Nova, the celestial leader, navigated the intricate dynamics of cosmic revelation. The air within the council chamber seemed charged, as if the threads of fate were weaving an intricate tapestry of destinies.

"Alex Sterling, son of Nova," the words resonated within the hallowed chamber, spoken by Nova himself. The gravity of those words reverberated through the celestial council, and eyes that once bore suspicion now held a curious acknowledgment.

The council members, each adorned with the emblem 445, representing their celestial order, gazed at Alex with a mix of contemplation and intrigue. The court, accustomed to matters of cosmic significance, found itself entangled in the intricacies of familial ties that transcended the celestial expanse.

Nova, standing tall at the forefront, addressed the council with a firm yet solemn tone. "Ragna's betrayal cut deep, not only in the fabric of our celestial order but within the bonds of family. The mark on Alex's back is undeniable proof of his lineage, a mark born from the cosmos and etched into the very essence of his being."

As Nova spoke, Alex felt the weight of his newfound identity settling upon him. The celestial court, once a realm of mystery and authority, now became the stage for a son to confront the shadows of his past and the cosmic legacy he inherited.

Nova continued, "Ragna's jealousy, fueled by ambition and dark alliances, led to a tragic rift within our family. His actions brought devastation, claiming the lives of my wife and son. Alex, you are the living testament of that legacy, and it is my duty as your father to guide you through the challenges that lie ahead."

The council members, their expressions ranging from sympathy to stern acknowledgment, nodded in unison. The intricate dance of cosmic politics took a backseat to the familial saga unfolding within the celestial court.

Alex, feeling a surge of emotions, acknowledged Nova's words with a respectful nod. "I may be your son, but I've also borne the weight of Ragna's influence. His actions, though stemming from jealousy, have shaped my journey and tested the limits of my celestial power."

The court, now attentive to Alex's perspective, awaited the narrative that would shed light on the experiences that molded him into the celestial being standing before them.

"In my time on Earth," Alex began, "I faced challenges that tested my resolve. Ragna's influence guided my actions, yet I forged my own path. From heartbreak to betrayal, each experience added layers to my celestial identity."

As Alex recounted his earthly journey, the council members listened intently. The celestial court, accustomed to battles of cosmic proportions, now grappled with the intricacies of human emotion woven into the cosmic narrative.

"I am here not only as Alex Sterling but as Renegade, a title earned through trials and tribulations. The mark on my back may tie me to Nova, but my journey has been a cosmic odyssey that extends beyond familial bonds."

The council, acknowledging the complexity of Alex's narrative, seemed poised to discern the unique convergence of celestial and earthly forces within him.

Nova, a father reconciling with the son he thought lost, placed a hand on Alex's shoulder. "Your journey is not just yours, Alex. It is a cosmic tapestry interwoven with the threads of celestial lineage. Together, we shall navigate the challenges that lie ahead. 

The celestial court, now a tableau of familial acknowledgment, prepared to address the looming threat of Ragna and the potential awakening of the seven demons in the depths of hell. The cosmic dance continued, but now, the steps were guided by the echoes of familial bonds that transcended the celestial realm.

The celestial court concluded, dismissing Alex with the assurance that his mana replenishment would commence the following day. As he left the chamber, Alex's mind was ablaze with thoughts of the cosmic chessboard and the impending clash that loomed on the horizon.

Returning to his room, Alex found Nebula waiting with eager anticipation. As he entered, her face lit up with joy, and without uttering a word, she leaped into his arms. Their lips met in an insatiable kiss, an exchange of emotions that transcended the celestial and the earthly. Alex, surrendering to the intensity of the moment, reciprocated the kiss with equal fervor. In that embrace, they found solace amidst the cosmic storms that swirled around them, a testament to the fragile beauty of love in the face of celestial upheaval.