
Chapter 10


The whole ride I tried to talk to her but she ignored me. She left as soon as we left. When I was about to leave I saw Niyati and she asked me to give them a ride and I was happy to oblige but I was scared too. I know something is going on in her mind but I just don't know what.

I just hope everything goes well during the ride. She was shocked to see me in the driving seat. She opened her mouth to say something but closed it soon. I started the car and nobody said anything during the whole ride. I kept looking at her through the mirror. Looking at her face I realized someone has a lot of explanations to do.

We reached her apartment. Niyati asked me to come up with her eyes. I parked the car in the basement parking and took the elevator to her floor.

"Do you know him?" I heard her saying when I entered their apartment through the open door and closed it behind me.

I saw Niyati nodding. She sat across her calm. Without saying anything I sat next to Niyati. She sighed when she felt the couch dip due to my weight. She looked at me then at Khushi.

"I was the one who proposed this alliance to your parents so it's only natural that I know him." She said rubbing her temples.

I looked at Khushi and she seemed quite absorbed like she was in some deep thought.

"How long?" I didn't understand what her question meant but by the looks on Niyati's face, I knew she understood.

"Since I was 17. He was my neighbour and he is that genius I used to talk about." I looked at her when she addressed me as *genius*

She was again in her thoughts. After a few minutes, her expression changed from confused to realization.

"No way....he can't be that guy." Niyati just gave us a boring look and closed her eyes.

"He is that guy. If you don't have any more questions then I will just leave I am tired and I have a night shift today." She said and dozed off on the couch itself.

I didn't know what to do so I just got up to leave. She got up from her place as well and followed me to the door.

"She is a bit tired so I didn't ask her much but I know there's more than you guys show." She said and closed the door on my face without waiting for a reply.

Why do I feel like I am in some deep shit?

Hah! You are buddy, without a doubt. My brain mocked.

I left with these thoughts in my mind.


I was deeply engrossed in my files when I heard a knock and I allowed the person to enter without looking up.

I looked up when I felt the person sitting across from me.

"I sacrificed my sleep for you. I came here straight from the hospital so you better display your best behaviour because I am a bit pissed as it is."

I smiled at her comment it only meant that she is hungry so I called my assistant through the intercom and asked him to bring sandwiches and coffee and resumed my work while she rested her head on the table.

She opened her eyes when heard the door open, her eyes lit up when she saw her breakfast. She smiled after finishing her breakfast.

"Now tell me" I turned my whole attention to her.

"You do know a little better than I give you credit for..." She smirked and continued "I am here to talk about you guys. Aunty gave her some time to think but after that, she will have to get married no matter what. I want you to get close to her. We don't have much time left before the storm struck us. I am not sure about this thing but I think she is kinda inclined toward giving you a chance, I can't say for sure though. She needs some answers that I owe her, I can only tell her half of it. She can't know about it. Not yet. I hope you can understand and help me." I sighed.

I know exactly what she meant but I just can't agree with her on this, I know she makes sense. If we tell her now it will be too much for her to handle.

I hope it ends soon. I don't want to start our relationship with lies. It will only weaken the foundation of our relationship.

I rubbed my temples in frustration. I don't want to keep anything from her but I don't have an option as of now.

"I've arranged a lunch for us. I asked your assistant and he told me that you are free this afternoon so I planned. " She said with her eyes closed.

"You are tired?" It came out more like a question.

"Nothing I can't handle.... just a bunch of unbearable patient's family members. Happens with us. Nothing to worry about. They just managed to give me a good headache." She said with a smile and kept her head on the table and slept.

This girl can sleep anywhere. I just smiled and left the cabin for my last meeting of the day.


She got out of the passenger seat after I parked my car.

We soon spotted Khushi who was sitting at our usual table.

"Hey" I greeted her sitting across while Niyati sat beside her.

"So?" She asked looking at us.

"Let's order something before we start." I looked at her called the waiter.

Niyati ordered for us and looked at her.


"Why did you introduce him to my family?"

"Your parents would have found someone else anyway so I thought it's best to introduce someone I trust and he likes you." I started coughing at her sudden revelation and glared at her but she just ignored me and continued "He's liked you since day one but I never allowed him to approach you which I regret doing now. So thought it was my chance to rectify my mistake."

What the hell is wrong with her? She was not supposed to reveal that to her so soon. Khushi looked at me in surprise.

"And you used to like him as well. I won't act like a novel friend to let you guys figure out things slowly on your own. I am just practical because you guys don't have that much time to figure things out on your own. I feel with your pace it might take you guys forever to realize each other's feelings."

Did she use to like me? Really?! That's news to me.

"I wish to see you guys fall for each other." She finally finished.

"Why him?"

"It's simple because I can trust you with him and if he ever hurt you I can easily hunt him down and make him pay for hurting you." She felt quite satisfied with Niyati's answer.

"Okay, I am ready to give it a shot. I have to get married anyway." I choked on my spit.

It felt too good to believe like it was a dream. But it's not a dream.

It's true.