
Chapter Three

Lily's POV

I blinked my eyes open slowly, there is a blinding light, I close my eyes tightly and open it slowly, much better. I lay unmoving staring at the ceiling, I move my eyes to the left and right and gasp, as I slowly move my head, the man. "who the fuck are you? where's my best friend?" I ask sitting up. The man stares at me with a smile, "why the fuck are you smiling?" I asked furiously and looked around, "and where am I?" I asked. "Liliana, calm down" he said calmly, his voice was like a magnet, I calmed down instantly and leaned on the bed rest, my eyes dart around the large room, my hands move on the soft bed, the room is large and beautiful, with white and gold color theme, I was on the middle of a king size bed, my eyes dart to the open curtain, I could see the blue sky and hear birds singing, I breathed in and out. "let's walk together" he says giving me his hand, I look at it for a while before taking it, I hold it and slowly get up, I'm now on the floor, I wobble a little bit, but he stabilizes me. "careful" he says and I nod, we walk out of the room through some Hall and in the next second we are on deck.

"what? where are we? on a ship?" I was shocked as the cold morning breeze slapped my face, I stare at the magnificent view, and then look at the man, he looks familiar, I stare for a while, before finally remembering, I met him at club splat the previous morning.

"I wanna get out of this ship, you murdered my Friend" I said in anger. He grinned, "I'm so going to report you to the police" I yelled, as I turned heading back to my supposed room.

Antonio's POV

I watch her storm away and smile, "feisty, isn't she?" Ricci asked walking towards me in the other direction, he stared at her back until she was out of sight, "don't dream of it" I murmured. "of course not, she's my sister in-law after all" he said smiling, "has the body been disposed off?" I asked seriously. "it was cremated" Ricci replied, "I don't think Liliana will believe you, if you say her best friend intended to murder her, and you saved her" Ricci said to me, "of course I know that, I'll handle it" I say, "let me" Ricci said and walked away. I trust him, he always gets the job done.

Lily's POV

I paced around the room, when I noticed the door open, I stare and was shocked to see the Blondie, for some reason, I rush into his arms, "Blondie you are here too, these monsters murdered my best friend" I complain bitterly not crying though. "what monsters? sea monsters?" he asked jokingly. "shut up" I say letting him go, "there aren't any monsters here" he says, "murderers are monsters" I counter. "firstly, my name is Ricci, secondly, is one a monster if he saved a life by taking another?" he asked all serious. "what do you mean?" I asked worriedly.

"I'm the younger brother of the man you were with earlier, my big brother's no monster, he saved your goddamn life, from AD914" Ricci yelled, "what is up with you?" I asked touching his forehead, "have you been brainwashed?" I asked again, "I'm here talking about my bestie Becky, you freaking talking about AD bla bla bla" I say angrily, "oh my bad, we don't call agents by their civilian names, only by their serial name, well Becky wanted to murder you, my brother took the bullet and killed her" Ricci explained. I fell on the bed, groaning.

"what are you even saying? serial number? agent? why would Becky even want to kill me? and why would someone walk around with a gun?" I asked angrily. "well for our job, we have too" he said walking towards the bed side, he opens the drawer, and moves his hand on the side and in his hand was a gun, I almost jumped in fear, "what job?" I asked. He rolled his eyes, "Becky didn't want you having sex with my brother so she wanted to blow your head off" Ricci explained, "all this is nonsense, hold up...hold up a sec..." I said as I walked to the other side of the bed, and did what he did and in my hands was a gun, a freaking goddamn gun, I slowly raised it and aimed at his head.

"what are you even doing?" he asked unbothered, "if you call this man your brother, it means, you were part of the whole conspiracy" I said. "what conspiracy? arghh, you ungrateful bitch" Ricci cursed.


"that's enough!" I heard a cold voice say, I look towards the door and see the man, "brother she's gone nuts and crazy, can't believe I wasted my time, when I can be fuckin some whore right now" Ricci said and walked out, slamming the door shut behind him.


Ricci's got some serious attitude 😏

Feisty? hmmm? who knows 🤷