
Chapter 1

Alyssa Collins’s pov

I pretended to take a shower by turning on the water and standing there. My head was spinning as the warm water from the shower steamed up the bathroom. I reached for the phone, nervously wondering why Asdin Capell hadn't called yet. Sweat was pouring down my forehead.

Wayne Capell, heir to the Capell fortune, had been a vegetative in the past three years due to an unexpected accident and would be still so for the next hour and a half, but we would still be married.

This marriage was arranged by my amazing stepmother, Aubrey Collins. My sick father racked up massive medical bills, and my family was on the point of bankruptcy when Beatrice informed me I was our last chance.

I couldn't just sit and wait.

I tried to reach Asdin Capell via phone, however, I got no response.

"It's getting close to the wedding, Alyssa Collins, you need to get ready quickly.” Aubrey’s annoying voice rang out.

"Coming! "

I came out from the bathroom to see Aubrey holding a wedding gown.

I got into my wedding dress after having my hair and makeup done. With the wonderful makeup that highlighted my fair complexion, I felt as fragile as a red rose in full bloom yet to be withered.

"You will be the night's most beautiful sight. Good for you! I'm really thrilled for you. "

Aubrey’s phone rang, and she said, "Your mother-in-law phoned me, I had to check if she needs any assistance."

She said to the maid, "Take careful care of her." Afterward, she walked out of the room.

I finally got to let out a sigh of relief.

"I just remembered that my jewelry was still in the car." In an effort to seem as unruffled as possible, I raised my voice.

"Ma’am forbids you to leave."

The maid responded, "I'll go fetch it for you."

"Have you millions to spare if you accidentally smash this diamond?" Before Aubrey's servant could respond, I sprinted from the door to the stairs below. I was just wearing a t-shirt and jeans after ditching the cumbersome wedding dress, but the brisk air was making me shiver nevertheless.

My eyes flashed a glimmer of hope. Being in the presence of Asdin Capell's car was like being in a movie plot.

"Now that you've arrived, Asdin Capell, my prince, I would never ever set foot in this wretched metropolis again. We're going to pack up and go to the middle of nowhere and live out our days in peace and quiet. "

When I went to unlock the rear door, something stopped me.

My stepsister Arlene Collins's upbeat laughter carried to me through the glass.

An open window serves as a screen, allowing me to remain unseen for the time being.

"Perhaps my innocent sibling is still holding out hope that you will come see her. If you go calm her down a little, it could be for the best. In the event that she reconsiders her decision to be married, what shall we do? "

"Do you believe she still has any say in the case at this point?" In response, Asdin kissed Arlene Collins on the neck while holding her in his arms. She should not try to escape at this time. "

With a pleased grin on her face, Arlene Collins said, "If Alyssa Collins finds out you've been seeing her sister, she'll be angry."

"She will be heart wrecking if she knew how hard I fuck you every night, you're so tight, babe."

I felt like a beehive within my head. I almost lost my balance as I stepped back.

To prevent myself from crying, I balled up my hands.

Asdin cheated on me by saying he loved me but in reality, he just used me.

Some tears started to form in my eyes. Sadness silenced me completely.

My hands started to shake and my eyes became cold.

For the sake of my father, I put up with years of abuse from my stepmother and stepsister. As a result, I had pain. I tolerate enormous abuses to keep my family alive and well.

I would no longer tolerate being treated like a dummy by them.

I would take back all that was mine!

I stumbled back to the wedding room in a stupor.

Amnesiac, I made my way back to the wedding suite, When the maid finally spotted me, she let out a huge sigh of relief.

"I was so worried about you miss, have you got your necklace?"

I lowered my head and said, "Yes, oh, no, I guess the necklace doesn’t suit my wedding dress."

The wedding ceremony started not long after.

I was clothed in a wedding gown and carrying a bouquet of flowers as I made my way down the aisle to the sound of foreboding music.

I performed the ceremony and wore my own ring.

Those on the sidelines probably thought I was crazy, but I didn't give a hoot about what they thought.

I felt like a queen after becoming Mrs. Capell. …

That night, I was driven to Caradoc Capell's house.

It was located in the city's priciest district and reportedly cost about $900 million to construct.

Before I could take in the estate's layout, Mrs. Cooper dragged me to the master bedroom.

I stared at the man on the huge bed helplessly. I walked on over and looked at everything.

I took a close look at his face and how he was feeling.

Caradoc Capell had an aura of royal nobility and had large, deep features that stood out against his chiseled face.

Lying on bed for years had left him with a ghostly white skin, but his good looks were apparent.

Without his sickness, there would have been a million different ways for us to end up married.