
Hold My Hand, Don't Let Me Go

This is the story of Samantha Zhou, an antagonist that everyone hates. She became so blindly in love with her childhood sweetheart, Jonathan that when he found another girl to love, she did everything to ruin their relationship, and because of her careless actions, it costs her to lose everything. Like all villains, Samantha got a bad ending. But at the end of her life, Samantha woke up to the time where she just got married to Jonathan. The time where she can still change the bad future ahead of her. Would she be able to live out the miserable ending? Or would her heart who still loves Jonathan cloud her judgment once again? __________________________________________ "Why can't you just run away with me? I'll treat you so much better than your husband and I would never choose another woman over you." "You know I can't..." "You can, Samantha. Just let me." "I'm sorry"

starandsugar · Urban
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3 Chs

I took my final step

"Samantha, why have you became like this?" Jonathan said with his arms wrapped around Yasmin's waist while his eyes are looking at me with contempt and disgust.

Everyone inside the party stared at me like a circus clown. Their lips twisted in a sinful curve, mocking the used to be queen, who finally fell from her pedestal.

Oh, how the table has turned. The woman who was loved and envied has now become the joke of the town. Everyone's eyes are glued to me. However, despite everything all I can still see is him, all I can think about is Jonathan.

He hates me... I know he does... and I deserve it. I do.

I love him so much that I did all the things I thought I could never do just to have him back. I lost to my jealousy and envy.

I couldn't stand seeing him with another that isn't me, and because of my selfish whims, even my family got affected. My father got imprisoned, my brother died and I'm about to lose my mother. I don't know what to do anymore. I lost everything I had just because I wanted to have him back and even though I'm already at my lowest, I hate myself for still longing for him after all that happened.

Maybe... Maybe he'll still pity me, even just a bit. Maybe if I beg, he would reach out his hand. Just maybe, he'll have the heart to help me.

Without thinking much about anything. I went down on both my knees, I heard everyone gasped in surprise but my ears became deaf to whatever they may say. I have to do this... Jonathan is my final salvation.

With tears falling down my cheeks and my whole body trembling in the cold, I spoke.

"Nathan, please... This is the last thing I'll ever ask of you, please... please save my mother. After this, I promise I would never appear in front of you ever again. You can hate me all you want, but my mother... please help her live..." I beg, with my head down and my eyes blur from the continuous tears that I could no longer control.

The murmurs of everyone got louder and it took a while before Jonathan said anything. My heart was beating so fast while I waited for his response.

"I'll help you." He said, that made me so happy. Immediately, I raised my head to show my gratefulness, however, his face that is the cruelest they've ever been greeted me. I froze on the spot and unknowingly engraved his face to my mind.

"However, I want you completely out of my life. Whether you leave this city or you go to a place far away, I don't care. I just don't want to see your face ever again." Jonathan coldly said. Then, without even waiting for my reply, he left with Yasmin in his arms.

Soon, other guests also lost interest and went inside the establishment where Jonathan and Yasmin's engagement party is going to be held.

When everyone is already gone, I stood up and left.

I walked for an hour until I got to Zhou Enterprise's old building. The place that used to be bustling with people is now as quiet as a town filled with ghosts. I went inside and climb the stairs until I got to the rooftop. I went to the edge and stared at the scenery beneath me. As I was doing so, I heard my phone rang.

It was from the hospital where my mother was admitted, I answered the call immediately.

"Ms. Samantha Zhou, Congratulations! your mother's hospital fee has been settled and we are now preparing to perform the surgery on her. We are calling you to ask for your approval to perform the operation on her." the doctor on the other side of the phone said. I release a breath of relief as tears immediately fell from my eyes.

"Yes, please do whatever it takes to save my mother," I replied, he told me some more information before the call ended.

I felt like a huge thorn has been removed from my throat. At least before I leave, I made one thing right.

Then, I stood at the edge of the highest floor of the Zhou Enterprise. There's no more fear in my eyes. I just feel tired, weak, and completely done.

If someone asks me what I regret doing the most in this life, I can only think of one thing...

I close my eyes and recalls Jonathan's cruel face when he sent me away. My last wish would probably be to at least see that warm smile that he used to show whenever he sees me. However, that wish is impossible now. This is the end.

I smiled one last time and took my final step.