
Hold me in your dreams

Hunted by terrible memories from their past ,Elate and Lira tries running away from them . Those terrible memories follows them everywhere they go and refuses to let them go . They lost few People on the way ,their loved once and some enemies . Elate tries forgetting about the death of her mother that was caused by her Father's mistress ,as she struggle with forgiving her Father for cheating . Lira on the other hand wants to forget the man who once turned her life into a nightmare,but why is he suddenly obsessed if he hated her ? . Follow the journey of finding their purpose in life ,forgiving and loving . . " were you really going to leave without informing me ? " her eyes watched him at that moment,the rain was pouring. The man had an umbrella on while she was standing there without it . .' I was .....why must I tell you ? what are you to me ? your just someone I rescued because I was bored " The man rolled his eyes . If you were to listen closely you could hear the crack in his voice. " I ..I ..I don't find you entertaining anymore. " he told her with his cold eyes . That once upon time hold emotions for her . " I...I'm cold " . Please add to your library.

letgo232 · Fantasie
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50 Chs

Brwaking in

The signs were there all along .

" yes ,your stupid mother is dead ,dead she'll never come back , and you better apologize to her or else. " Jason went downstairs after saying his peace .

Elate saw Shelly's face full of mocking,she suddenly felt ridiculous. She used to feel like her dad was a hero ,but the older she got the more she saw that's not the case .

Elate didn't find the need to go downstairs for dinner she stayed locked in her room . At 10 pm she heard a knock in her window,she looked and found him.

" you..you came" as soon as she opened she was embraced by a warm hug . She stayed still ,her body was stiff as she didn't know what to do .

" I did " he breath on her neck ,her scent tempting him to do something.

Elate was reminded of that dream of her's that felt like reality .

Dusk asked her while hugging her " what did you need me for ? "

" I ..I want us to break into someone's house " .

Dusk didn't expect that at all .He laughed a little , his hot breath fanning her neck.

He took a step back and his deep voice traveled to her " what will you give me in return ? " he smiled mischievously at her .

She breath out " anything you want "

Dusk felt like taking her there and there " anything? you sure ? "

Elate came back to her senses " yes if it's not illegal " .

" it won't be illegal don't worry , " he watched her with hungry gaze .

" so whose house are we breaking into ? "

" that girl that meet with you today ,I need something in her house " .

" ooh let's go ".

Dusk swept her into his arms and jumper from her room .Elate closed her eyes thinking they'll crash .

" open them now princess."

Elate opened them only to find them outside her house .

" you didn't bring your car ? "

" it's too noisy " Dusk too her hand and they walked towards Mary's house. It was a little far 45 minutes walk to the house.

Dusk had to use his powers to sense Mary's room ,he hugged Elate as his eyes turned freighting black ,his fangs came out .His powers seemed to increase as days pass by .

He waited for them to go back to normal before taking her hand " let's go " .

Dusk turned to her and said " don't make a noise. "

Those words seemed to have double meaning to Elate ." I won't " .

Dusk smiled a little , they got into the house and walked along the corridor,they were some pictures of Mary, Mary's mom and her father. None of Lira at all.

Getting inside , Mary's room Elate was surprised on how Dusk knew the room.

They looked around only to meet nothing.

Mary was sleeping peacefully on her bed ,Dusk had to use his powers again to see the drive.

" what colour is it ? " he asked Elate who was yawning.

" Lira Said red ,"

" come here princess. " Dusk pulled Elate towards him before his eyes went black.

He looked around the room ,and saw the disk was in the drawer near Mary's bed .

He walked to Mary's bed with Elate in his arm. Elate didn't notice but they were invisible to human eye at that moment.

He took the drive ,they were 3 drives . He took all of them , before carrying Elate and jumped again.

Mary stirred in her sleep but didn't wake up .

Elate was so scared she clutched into Dusk like her life depends on it.