
Hogwarts: The Unscientific Wizard

Andy Collins insists Hogwarts is a cursed school. A centenarian lives in solitude, an elderly cat lady's marriage has broken off, a middle-aged man with a hook nose is heartbroken in love, a half-giant lives in a cramped hut and a glass beauty has a daily hangover. Andy Collins lists them all, and it seems that every single professor at Hogwarts is on the list of bachelors! The entire Faculty! Andy Collins had no great ambitions and just wanted to study 'Magical Magic' in peace. To have a happy life as a Professor at the school after graduation, Andy Collins decided to break the curse and spend seven years of school life solving the personal problems of the professors as a part-time gig. First, let's start with a blind date. PS: Mc only watched 1st Harry Potter Film. === Author: soda bottle cap === *Disclaimer* Other than translation, everything belong to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below, just found the CN novel and translate it here to increase my vocabulary, English and to earn some coffee change. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/Crazy_Cat. This is where I read it- https://www.69shu.pro/book/52880.htm You can support original author in Chinese site.

Crazy_DarkSide_Cat · Bücher und Literatur
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Chapter 134 The magic amusement park idea


What a scream, Andy covered his ears and gave Hermione a somewhat helpless look, "Hermione, keep it down, I'm going deaf!"

"Andy, it's going to crash!!!" Hermione exclaimed, pointing forward.

When the Knight Bus started, Hermione finally realized exactly what Andy meant by 'be careful'.

The driver of the Knight Bus was an older male wizard, and a short-sighted one at that, wearing a pair of glasses with thick lenses on his face.

Forget about the driver being short-sighted, he didn't even seem to be particularly skilled at steering control.

On top of that, he didn't follow the rules of the road.

The driver drove into sidewalks, street lights, rubbish cans, mailboxes, and the like, although he couldn't hit anything - those things jumped out of the way whenever the bus drove through. When the bus drove past, they jumped back to their original positions.

Not only that, the driver likes to drive against the traffic.

At this time, the Knight bus is going at very high speed on the highway in the opposite direction, heading towards two trucks, the gap between the two vehicles is only two or three meters.

It looked like the three vehicles were about to collide...

But all the people on the bus were calm except for Hermione.

There were even a few passengers who were sleeping on the bus.

As the three vehicles approached, the Knight Bus suddenly became extremely slender and passed through the two to three-meter gap between the two trucks.


Hermione calmed her violently beating heart and patted her chest with an exaggerated expression, "This is outrageous."

Andy laughed, "It's okay, I've seen way more outrageous scenes."

"I never want to ride on this bus again!"

Hermione said indignantly, "This bus should be seized by the traffic police for violating the traffic rules so badly."

Andy shrugged, having nothing to say to that.

The power of the Muggle world was indeed stronger than the wizarding world, especially in modern times, the wizarding world would soon be powerless to fight against the Muggle world.

To be reasonable, if an adult wizard and a heavily armed special forces soldier fought head-on, it was hard to say who would lose and who would win.

But when the wizarding world was hidden, the muggles were powerless to do anything against wizards.

As far as Andy knew, at the height of Voldemort's power, there were hundreds, if not thousands of attacks unleashed on the muggle world.

Those Death Eaters took pleasure in torturing Muggles, killing many of them for it, and even destroying quite a few buildings and facilities.

These were all unsolved cases in the muggle world.

Even today, there are still countless cases of dark wizards attacking muggles.

That was why Andy had always believed that the Muggle Protection Act would only be needed to protect Muggles if the wizarding world was hidden. But once the wizarding world was exposed to the eyes of the muggles, he believed that the Wizard Protection Act would be needed to protect the wizards.

Soon, Hermione's house arrived.

Watching Hermione huffing and puffing as she stepped out of the bus, Andy said in amusement, "See you later and don't forget to write to me. See you at school."

"See you at school, bye!" Hermione waved.

Isabel was a little upset, "Hermione, remember to write me too!"

"Bye, Issa." Hermione laughed.

The Knight Bus started up again, and by the time Andy and Isabel arrived home, it was already after five in the evening.

"Let's go!"

Andy greeted, taking Isabel's hand and walking off the bus.

"Muggles are so lucky."

Isabel beamed, "If only I could go to the amusement park every day."

Andy said, "That's nothing. Issa, if you study magic well, when you grow up, you can build a magic amusement park that belongs to you."

Isabel's eyes lit up, "Andy, you're older than me, you can build a magic amusement park first, then let me try to see if it's fun."

Andy cupped his chin, what a good idea!

Ever since Andy came to this world, his only aspiration has been to learn magic and gain power and immortality through it.   

But what was needed to do an experiment?

Money! Money! Money! 

If a magic amusement park could be built, it could generate gold galleons to fund the magic experiments. At the same time, a magic lab can be built underneath the amusement park, using the amusement park as a cover.

Two birds with one stone!

"Issa, remember to give me a few photos when they are washed."

Andy said, "I'll see if I can pull in a few partners."

The first partners Andy thought of were the twins George and Fred.

They could make magic items and there was no shortage of brilliant ideas, and most importantly, they would be graduating soon.

With a partnership with the twins, Andy would soon be able to open the amusement park.

Moreover, their father, Arthur Weasley, is still working in the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office.

With that connection, Andy could just get muggle entertainment equipment and remodel it for magic use.

Only ... there is a very practical problem on the table right now.

No money!

Forget about the Weasley family, the entire family lives on a budget. Except for the two graduated elder sons, the family of seven lives on Mr. Weasley's meagre salary.

Moreover, the Weasley family is very upright, never engaging in crooked practices, so there is no grey income in their family.

Living was tight.

As for Andy's family ...

They're okay.

The family has a little bit of savings left behind by their ancestors, and Kyle, in addition to his salary, also embezzles a little bit of money from the Ministry of Magic from time to time - the Department of International Magical Co-operation is in charge of international trade and all kinds of international activities, so there are a lot of opportunities for embezzlement.

Helen can also be called a potion master in the black market, she usually sells magic potions to subsidize a little for the family.

But to start a magic amusement park ... it could not be done even if the Collins family was emptied out.

If he wanted to pull off something like this, he would have to drag those rich and powerful pureblood families into it.

For example, Malfoy!


Andy skimmed his lips.

The relationship between Lucius Malfoy and Arthur Weasley was like the relationship between Harry and Draco Malfoy, whenever they met they would just mock each other.

Getting them to work together was obviously unrealistic.

'Forget it, let's study it with the twins first!'


Andy suddenly thought of Harry's parents, who seemed to have left him a sizable fortune.

If Harry was pulled in as well, it might not be impossible to build a magic amusement park.

The Saviour's name still has a good use in this British soil.

"Who do you want to partner with?" Isabel asked.

"How about George and Fred, plus Harry Potter?"

Andy said smugly, "George and Fred have the ideas and skills, and Harry has the money. Isn't that perfect?"

Isabel was silent for a moment before tilting her head and looking at Andy with a confused look on her face, "What about you? What do you have?"

Andy: "..."

This one really hits the nail on the head.

Andy has no money, and no skills, although he can come up with ideas, but in general ... it's the same with or without Andy.

"I have strength!"

Andy didn't want to lose his honour in front of his sister, "In a few years, I'll be the number one strongest person in the magic world. Can punch Dumbledore and kick Voldemort."

"Who dares to not give me respect?"


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